Iron Man 2 Robert Downey Jr. Talks Iron Man 2

Hunter Rider

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Oct 24, 2004
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Source: Entertainment Tonight
April 3, 2009

Entertainment Tonight talked to Robert Downey Jr. about Iron Man 2, which begins filming on Monday. Here's an excerpt from the interview:

"The film is almost entirely about character, and yet we still have twice as much action as we did last time, so it's going to be nuts," Robert tells our own Thea Andrews of the super sequel, set to start filming Monday. "Essentially 'Iron Man 2' is about looking behind the armor, or the armature, of a superhero. It's one thing to say you're Iron Man, it's another thing to be fully ready to do that."

As for co-star Scarlett Johansson, who plays the femme fatale Black Widow in the sequel, Robert says, "We've been rehearsing and she's in insane shape. She's getting lean and mean."

Iron Man 2, opening May 7, 2010, co-stars Gwyneth Paltrow, Don Cheadle, Jon Favreau, Mickey Rourke, Sam Rockwell and Samuel L. Jackson.
Not sure what to make of RDJ's comments on the film. Doesn't sound much different from the first.

Excited about ScarJo getting in shape. Hopefully she does physically transform, similar to how her hubby did with Blade Trinity.
He also confirmed that Cheadle will be donning the War Machine armor
He also confirmed that Cheadle will be donning the War Machine armor
cool :up:

edit: HR, could you please not use a dark color in your news threads? for us dynamite users :o :O
While this sounds like what we hear all the time in regard to these movies, I actually believe RDJ and Favreau when they say stuff like this, loving the fact that character comes first, and that there is a ****load of action too :cwink:.
I am sure there will be more too it... like a missle crisis or something... but you wonder if it will take Iron Man AND War Machine to take down whatever character Rourke is playing. I am sure WM won't appear until the end... or they won't appear together until the end anyway.
While this sounds like what we hear all the time in regard to these movies, I actually believe RDJ and Favreau when they say stuff like this, loving the fact that character comes first, and that there is a ****load of action too :cwink:.

But of course. That's what delivering on the previous movie gets you, credibility. Same with Nolan & Bale talking on the Batman movies. Now contrast this with stuff Rothman says about Wolverine.:whatever::cwink:
Hell yeas...

Don't really need a War Machine tho...BUT- thas cool, glad to hear anything about this one.:word:

As for co-star Scarlett Johansson, who plays the femme fatale Black Widow in the sequel, Robert says, "We've been rehearsing and she's in insane shape. She's getting lean and mean"
Me like the sound of this :up: :woot:
Good to hear RDJ mention the film is almost entirely about character yet has twice the action.

As long as it's a good balance I'll be happy.
I'm glad to hear the film will be about character. The last film was so likable mainly because the characters (particularly Tony) were so interesting. I have so much faith in the talent involved in this film and Marvel studios in general.
I just want to say Happy Birthday to Robert Downey Jr.

I think he turns 43 today.
Agreed. Happy b-day RDJ! You da man!
Hell yeas...

Don't really need a War Machine tho...BUT- thas cool, glad to hear anything about this one.:word:


Obviously you don't know how pivotal war machine has been to the IM mythos if you say we don't need a war machine, start reading bub
Obviously you don't know how.........zzzzzzzzzz

O.K. maybe you just don't know, so I'll tell you.

My Iron Man kung-fu is strong-I'm Dwayne Wade with it. 20 Years in aight
I got 15 years of 616 issues before James Rhodes farted in the suit, so when I say I don't need a War Machine- I mean the 'IM mythos' is long and vast enough to make movies where he NEVER shows up and I'd be eazy greazzy with that.

I love Rhodes and even happier that pain in the ass T. Howard is gone and I got Cheadle. Rhodes WAS Iron Man for a spell while Tony was fallin down drunk, and I remember when the suit was effing with Rhodey's mind mkay. WM didn't even show up til the '90's.

I'm so Iron Man the only animater version I'll sit through is the one from the '60's. So bub I have been reading.
Yeah, I can do without War Machine, hell is he even in this film?

But happy b-day to Robert! Even though it was yesterday. You're the man!

My God, I know alot of people who were born on the 4th. Three of my friends were born on the 4th, my cousin was, Ledger was now RBJ was, holy ****.
Nice to hear. It's not going to be easy though balancing this while at the same time introducing new characters, having more action, setting up the sequel(s) and planting more seeds for the Avengers movie.
Yesterday I attended the international press day for “The Soloist” as a reporter for our partner website Omelete. Since Robert is extremely busy filming “Iron Man 2”, he was only doing limited press. Thankfully, I was one of the lucky ones that got to participate in a roundtable interview. In the coming days I’ll be posting the full transcript, but with demand for “Iron Man 2” news as high as any film going right now, I figured you might want to know what Robert said right now.

The first bit of news is about this year’s Comic-Con. At the end of the interview I asked Robert is he was already thinking about Comic-Con. He said, “Goddamn right I am.”

I followed up with are you and Jon planning anything cool? He said, “Yes, what do you think?”

As most of you probably remember, it was Comic-Con two years ago that director Jon Favreau premiered a few minutes of footage to the beyond enthusiastic Hall H crowd. That was the first time anyone had seen Iron Man in action and afterwards, buzz spread like wildfire across cyberspace. Jon has always said that it was Comic-Con that helped make “Iron Man” the huge worldwide success. Since this will be the only Comic-Con before “Iron Man 2” hits theaters, I’d imagine we’ll be getting the first teaser trailer or at least a scene from the upcoming sequel. Either way, it’s awesome news and another reason to go to Comic-Con this year.

Now about the movie itself….

Remember when filming began and word leaked that Gary Shandling was in the film and no one was really sure what part he played? Robert told us about the first day of filming and how Gary plays a Senator:

Robert: Day one I’m doing a Senate hearing where the government is saying the Iron Man tech needs to be turned over to the Senator and the Senator is Gary Shandling. And we had this fantastic day that was somehow this controlled chaos of a Senate hearing where I keep interrupting them and dah dah dah.

Another bit that Robert told us was how he is taking “Iron Man 2” more seriously than any movie he has ever done:

Robert: And I’ve never been in a sequel and it’s very daunting because I feel the expectation of the millions of people who watched it and enjoyed it and told me that it was a little different than your usual genre picture and that they expected us to not screw it up. So I actually have taken “Iron Man 2” probably more seriously than any movie I’ve ever done, which is appropriately ridiculous for Hollywood.

On Jon Favreau posting Twitter updates from the set:

Jon is my brother and he is the keeper of the “Iron Man” flame and whatever he wants to do, within reason, to keep his anxieties at bay is absolutely fine with me.

On the way the suit has been improved from the first film:

Everything has been improved. Everything is ergonomic and the story is incredibly risky and artistic for a big genre movie.

In which way risky?

The set pieces have to do with things that aren’t your typical like bad guy conflict. The relationships are very complex and hilarious. The motivations Tony has and why he turns around and does things has completely to do with his own internal processes and it really is, I think, as much as we tried to in the first one really see behind the façade of this kind of storytelling. We really, I think, leaving ourselves open to…we’re kind of trying to tell a story about how a dysfunctional family saves life on Earth as we know it.

For this film you have Mickey Rourke, Sam Rockwell. You have an insane cast.

It’s huge.

Could you talk about working with Mickey?

I could if we shot together. I’ve seen his stuff and it is literally remarkable. Literally remarkable. He’s so good. And he’s formidable and he’s very much reminding me of that kind of charming, confident guy that we know. Sam Rockwell, on the first day of shooting I was like “if this guy thinks he’s going to be funnier and cooler than me (laughter) and it was a photo-finish. Scarlett Johansson, amazing. Don Cheadle is just rocking it.

On how does his career feel nowadays with the “Iron Man 2” shooting and “The Soloist” coming out…

And “Sherlock” in the can. Don’t even get me started on “Sherlock Holmes”. I might have a double-franchise by three days after Christmas.

The final bit of news is about “Sherlock Holmes” and the possible running time.

Someone asked Robert a question about how he prepares for his roles and does he consume himself. He gave a pretty long answer and he also might have told us the running time for “Sherlock Holmes”. Here is the quote. Judge for yourself:

Robert: And then I went and did “Sherlock Holmes” which was technically really difficult and period, but I am kicking ass for 2-1/2 hours and all this stuff I’ve been learning for five years suddenly I’m like co-choreographing with these veteran stunt guys and bad-asses. And I’m in there having this just meat eating, man slaughtering competition with these guys and then at the same time playing a very reserved Brit and that to me was a massive education.

So it’s possible that “Sherlock Holmes” is 2-1/2 hours, but it’s also possible that it isn’t….so take this one with a grain of salt.

Great news. As always, thanks Chewy for the find.

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