Robots may kill us all

....Why is the word "may" in the thread title....? :huh:
We need John Connor :csad:
And we don't know for sure that someone like John Connor may save us.
We need John Connor :csad:

Please, he's fictional.

As far as I can tell, humanity must place its collective trust in a powerful triumvirate composed of Michael Bay, Will Smith and Godzilla.
Please, he's fictional.

As far as I can tell, humanity must place its collective trust in a powerful triumvirate composed of Michael Bay, Will Smith and Godzilla.

I reject any leadership or venture under Michael Bay. :o:down
I reject any leadership or venture under Michael Bay. :o:down

Ha! And thus you have revealed your true nature as a robot traitor! Everyone, seize the skinjob! :cmad:
Ha! And thus you have revealed your true nature as a robot traitor! Everyone, seize the skinjob! :cmad:

Not at all, it's just that I find Michael Bay unforgivable for his Bayformers stupidity of a film. Plus I believe Kane numbers would approve of a robot uprising.:o
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Not at all, it's just that I find Michael Bay unforgivable for his Bayformers stupidity of a film. Plus I believe Kane numbers would approve of a robot uprising.:o

That's exactly why Michael Bay is the perfect man to lead us against the robots: he's already singlehandedly destroyed The Transformers.
I guess, but then he'll use lame dialogue, and stupid special effects. I suppose the only solution is for him to lead the fight & once victory is assured, he should be promptly shot. :o
Nah they won't kill us. They'll make us play music for them and answer their inane questions Siri style.
I will scorch the sky before I allow that to happen... ;)
More likely they'll outlive us.

Why fight us when they can just wait us out?
Don't worry we will all be safe if we unplug our toasters!
Lonely scientists will build a sexy robo-prostitute army. When they finally go crazy they will force us all to perform snu-snu until we die from crushed pelvis's. I guess if that's our fate I'll have to accept it...../taps foot....well, where's the army scientists!?!
I, for one welcome our new robot overlords.
Not at all, it's just that I find Michael Bay unforgivable for his Bayformers stupidity of a film. Plus I believe Kane numbers would approve of a robot uprising.:o

Michael Bay 2016
robots eh? hmmph, they'll have to get in line...behind the crab people.

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