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Season 2 Episode 13: Requiem for a Scarlet Speedster

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Real Hero
Mar 20, 2008
Reaction score
HELLOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Outrageous Summer! Lets start with the brand new spankin Brave & Bold episode that Australians got their delicious early taste on! Now this stuff seems to be Post-Starro Siege.


Batman & the Outsiders! Introducing Geo-Force and Halo! Also Katana has a NEW SEXY costume! Nomore lolita innocent schoolgirl costume, now she's a god damn BADASS samurai, oh yeah!!!! Also Katana, Black Lightning and Metamorpho are pretty PRO right now. So yeah they've earned some good character progression and are much better crime fighters. :) Black Lightning aswell has a newer design and looks older. :)

Allright enough about Outsiders being badass, they basicly save a damsel in distress from this Snake Cult that we're about to resurrect some Snake god for the age of chaos! Not much else to say except the Outsiders rocked!

Allright the Flash fans are in for a big treat. The rogues, Zoom, Barry, Wally the Kid Flash, Garrick the "Geezer Flash" and whatnot! Even the cover of Barry + Garrick racing againts each other makes an appearance here.

This episode starts off with coping with death. The rogues miss Barry and so do the Flashes. Barry has been presumed dead for about two years since Zoom & Barry we're trapped in a space continuum, which Barry saved the other flashes from, but oh noes whats this! Barry's ghosts?! He's not dead! He's in the 25th century which is ruled by Zoom!

So Batman & the Flashes go to the future, which is ruled by Zoom as i just typed, hehe. :p I don't really wanna spoil that much anymore, but consider this an episode where Batman is a guest-star and the Flashes are the stars really. Barry vs. Zoom was incredibly stunning combat feast that reminded me of Mortal Kombat, that much i can say!

Really a strong opener for Batman summer, can't wait for Siege of Starro to actually happen!
A question:

Is the Zoom used here the Silver Age, mad-scientist Professor Zoom, or the Modern Age, deranged friend-turned-foe Hunter Zolomon/Zoom?
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Answer right here Gamer:
Silver Age one. He's shown to be quite the genius scientist.
Awesome episode!
Interesting episode. I always was curious about there being multiple Flashes (I'm not much of a DC scholar), so this episode was cool to see. I like how Flash's Rouges missed him.

What's wrong with you, Cartoon Network in America? Why do you keep this show from us and force us to pursue it online?
Loved every bit of it! I mean we saw a good amount of who's who in the Flashs universe!
Hello All: I haven't seen the episode yet. Does it deal with Barry Allen's death? Best regards, Madelow.
I don't know how Barry Allen died in the comics. But in this episode, [BLACKOUT]Barry Allen is believed to have died fighting Professor Zoom while all the flashes were running in a time warp of sorts. But it turns out that Flash and Zoom just end up in the future were Zoom becomes ruler.
You might want to try searching for the episode on youtube. :cwink:
This episode was fantastic. I loved every nod, Homage and tribute to The Speedster family from the comic mythology . We got three different generation of Flashes (Jay, Barry & Wally) vs. Zoom. No doubt about it this episode Batman was the guest star in this episode and I wouldn't have it any other way .

I also enjoyed the teaser with the Outsiders vs. Cobra

I can't wait to see more new episodes as well as the two-parter featuring Starro .
Screencaps, please!!!
I don't know how Barry Allen died in the comics. But in this episode, [BLACKOUT]Barry Allen is believed to have died fighting Professor Zoom while all the flashes were running in a time warp of sorts. But it turns out that Flash and Zoom just end up in the future were Zoom becomes ruler.
You might want to try searching for the episode on youtube. :cwink:

In the comics, Barry dies saving the multiverse from the antimonitor in the "Crisis on Infinite Earths".
Great episode and great to finally see Barry Allen. I didnt get one thing though
In the ep is Kid Flash Wally West?
Is that how it was in the comics?
Great episode and great to finally see Barry Allen. I didnt get one thing though
In the ep is Kid Flash Wally West?
Is that how it was in the comics?

Not sure why this is spoiler. But Yes, Wally is kid flash. And Wally was kid flash in the comics until after Barry "died."
After reading Flash: Rebirth, I gained a deeper appreciation for this epi :)
Great Episode and i love who does the voice for Professor Zoom.. great tribute!
Finally got off my butt (and over this show's miserable scheduling :argh:) and got all up to speed; pun intended. :o

This episode just further reinforced my thoughts on how great it'd be to have a Flash series.

Loved how the Rogues were all doe-eyed in missing Barry. :funny:

Outsiders were wicked in the teaser.
I don't know how Barry Allen died in the comics. But in this episode, [BLACKOUT]Barry Allen is believed to have died fighting Professor Zoom while all the flashes were running in a time warp of sorts. But it turns out that Flash and Zoom just end up in the future were Zoom becomes ruler.
You might want to try searching for the episode on youtube. :cwink:

it is i saw it there
Just saw the episode. I loved it. We really need some sort of Flash animated movie/series or live action movie going on.
This was one of my favorite Batman episodes. The only problems were:
1) Why was Batman in it? I mean, yes this is a Batman show and he is awesome but this could have been the first episode of a Flash TV series.
2) I didn't really like that Barry lived. If I had my way, Barry would have died getting them back to the present. Wally looks up at the Flash statue and put's on the Flash costume to become Flash III.
Now, waiting for Superman.
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