Security on Apple Macbook pro


Medianoche de Sol
Mar 13, 2006
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Got myself a solid state hard drive macbook. Is the security good on the mountain lion OS? If not, what kind of security programs should I purchase.
Intego. If you really, really want better security, get Intego. Otherwise, free options exist.
I've been through the Apple forums and it mentioned that Intego destabilizes Apple OS to the point where you have to reformat your OS.

Most of them recommend just make sure you have the latest OS updates, and they mention Sophos and ClamXav, the first option being Sophos.

Heard anything good or bad about these others?
You could contact Intego so that you don't end up to the point of re-formatting. It is a pain to do that, but sometimes I get to the point of wanting to re-format. I sometimes enjoy re-formating.

Intego, a company solely focused on Apple products, it should work, you know? But contact them anyway.

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