Sex in Superhero Movies


Jul 14, 2002
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This thread ( got me thinking of sex in superhero movies. We can assume all we want, but it's fair to say that the only two superheroes who have officially gotten laid are Superman and Batman.

First there was Superman and Lois Lane having sex at the Fortress in Superman II. Then there was Bruce Wayne and Vicki Vale getting it on in Tim Burton's Batman.

If I am missing anyone let me know.

Peter and Chocolate Cake KNOW he tapped that ass....:o
DareDevil did it.

But also, didn't.

and by extension Elektra did it.... and also didn't.

Blade kind of semi-officially did, but the scene was cut, and The Punisher we know did because... Well, he had kid(s)
If we're doing comic movies...

King Leonidas (300)
Everybody in Sin City
Tom Stall (History of Violence)
Rogue gave Bobby a bj after the credits rolled.
If we're adhering to strictly superheroes, then I guess the only ones have been mentioned. I guess, though, it'd be fair to assume Scott and Jean were bumpin uglies since they were sharing a room. With her telekinesis, I bet she could do some pretty neat tricks.
If we're adhering to strictly superheroes, then I guess the only ones have been mentioned. I guess, though, it'd be fair to assume Scott and Jean were bumpin uglies since they were sharing a room. With her telekinesis, I bet she could do some pretty neat tricks.

Yeah, but there's a ton of heroes who we can easily assume.... did it, but very few who we actually know... did it.

did I mention.... doing it?
Jim Carrey has never had sex that he didn't have to pay for.

True story.
There were rumors that Storm was going to turn some wind on Wolverine in X3, but those never materialized.
Well, given how they acted upon learning of Professor X's death, I think it's safe to say that they'd at least warmed up to each other a lot more than they were the first two films. But whatever romantic undertones or overtones there may been in the initial script treatments, were not in the final product.
Iron Man...we have that still of him in bed with the two girls, so I think it's fairly obvious he's had twice as much sex in that one scene as both Batman and Superman.

I think it was heavily implied that Frank Castle had sex with his wife on the beach during that family reunion.
Mr. Incredible gave his stretchy wife some loving.
Mr Fantastic stretched to give his fiance some loving.
The sex scene in Daredevil was one of the worst ones I've ever seen.

Spider-man and Mary Jane should've gotten naughty instead of their prudish relationship.
Spider-man and Mary Jane should've gotten naughty instead of their prudish relationship.

I don't blame him. MJ went from some-what hot in the first movie to looking like crap in the sequels. Talk about turn off. :o
The sex scene in Daredevil was one of the worst ones I've ever seen.

Yeah, and it's not like Matt Murdock would know since he's blind. Poor chump got the mercy... Err... Sexual favor.

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