Should Comic Creators Plan Early?


The Inspector!
Oct 20, 2004
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My question here today is this...should comic creator plan early? What I am getting at is this. In the movies they change things to fit their need. If Stan Lee had made Spider-Man like Sony did would fan boys complain. If Logan was 6'1 and had black leather and no mask would comic fan *****. This is where I'm getting at making comics geared towards how movies redue them. Should future creators do this so Hollywood would not have to change them?
No I dont think a creator should gear his creation towards movie making. You never know what a screenwriter or director would want to change. We as fans have to realize that no movie is gonna be a direct translation and look at the movies as such. It doesnt bother me that Movie Spidey has organic webbing or Batman is in a black suit because i know that on Wed the comics will be/should be as they were before the movies.
roach said:
No I dont think a creator should gear his creation towards movie making. You never know what a screenwriter or director would want to change. We as fans have to realize that no movie is gonna be a direct translation and look at the movies as such. It doesnt bother me that Movie Spidey has organic webbing or Batman is in a black suit because i know that on Wed the comics will be/should be as they were before the movies.

But shouldn't the creator fight the changes to his creation?
BlackHardKnight said:
But shouldn't the creator fight the changes to his creation?

if he is against the changes yes. However when you sell the rights to a movie studio to make the movie you are giving them the rights to make what ever changes they want to the characters. So as much as we want to complain about the organic webbing/Dr. Doom being a CEO/Hulk origin changes.....the studio has the legal right to make the changes. It still doesnt change what I read on Wed.
So fanboys should not complain about changes to their heroes.

Like Howard The Duck and so on.
As a general rule, a creator should gear the character to what they want the character to be. It may never get made into a movie & if it does, who knows what changes might get made. And the way you feel now is not necessarily how you might feel 20-30 years from now. Right now if any changes were made to my (as yet unpublished) character's costume or origin I'd be dead-set against it, largely b/c it's my work-it's my baby & I don't want some hollywood *****ebag who doesn't share my passion f***ing it up. But if the changes were reasonable I might be more receptive.

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