Sequels Should every nation have a 'Captain America'?


Krakoan native
Oct 31, 2006
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I think it would be great if a sequel dealt with every nation wanting a Captain America. It would be a great way to introduce Captain Britain while also giving the Captain America movies a more epic scope.

It would be cool to see something of a superheroes arms race or if they want to stay away from making nations look like the bad guy then it's a great way to make everyone included.

What do you think?
Captain Britain would be cool to see, and would make sense contextually (third nuclear power/ third/fourth supersoldier power), and if there was a Captain France, it could be funny to see the "Do you think this "A" stands for France?!"
But we can have Captain Britain or Union Jack though...
Captain Vatican City

Captain Principality of Sealand

And maybe for countries that only exist in Marvel. Captain Wakanda and Captain Latveria.
I wouldn't mind established ones being mentioned or making an appearance, but as it is I only know of Captain Britain and the Guardian, both of whom have great designs.

You start making some for each country and most are going to look like crap.
Hey, we already had a "Mr. India" in the 80's. The titular protagonist, a young Anil Kapoor. :funny:

I think it would be fascinating to see not just the European Union and captain Britain turn up, but everyone. What a great send off for cap if we saw how he inspired captain South Korea, captain wakanda etc
Captain Canada would work but isn't there a Captain Canada already? Captain Canuck and he isn't Marvel but if Stan Lee all of a sudden created a Captain Canada for the MCU then great

However, Captain Britain is the only choice
I think it would be great if a sequel dealt with every nation wanting a Captain America. It would be a great way to introduce Captain Britain while also giving the Captain America movies a more epic scope.

It would be cool to see something of a superheroes arms race or if they want to stay away from making nations look like the bad guy then it's a great way to make everyone included.

What do you think?

Make every nation American again? :o
No there should only be one Captain of America and that is Captain America
However, none are as popular as Steve Rogers/Cap

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