Shouldn't Zod have manhandled Supes?

I'm still left with the feeling that the difference in fighting skill was not portrayed properly. Put a life long trained fighter in any style up against a regular person who's built like supes and I'm willing to bet that the regular guy will get trashed. In fact, I highly doubt the untrained opponent would even get a hit on the skilled fighter.

Zod was skilled Supes wasn't. Who was he going to fight on earth to train against??? It purposely showed him having to choose to NOT fight.
But this also open up another question. Jor-El easily handled Zod in the beginning of the film. Is there any explanation for that?
I think it was a very balanced battle.

Superman had more exposure to our sun, and more time to acclimatise to his powers. He also had huge determination and sheer will to succeed.

The Kryptonians had less exposure to our sun and much less time to get used to their powers, but outnumbered Superman and had formal military training and years of experience.

Ultimately, it left Zod and Superman on an almost equal footing ................... which is why Zod had to die. He could never be controlled or contained, and any injuries would heal quickly. Superman had to take him down.
Yeah, I think we saw that once Zod began to get a handle on his powers. Pretty much the moment when Zod said he was a soldier, and knew how to adapt, was the moment where we knew he would be an unstoppable mother****er.

To me, it seemed like the idea for there being closer to equal footing was even though Zod had the training and years of combat...he wasn't comfortable enough with his newfound powers to be as good as he could be. Superman was comfortable with his powers, since he's had years to learn to control and use them. So, it worked for me. Superman taking advantage of Zod trying to learn while on the job made the fight scenes being as even as they were.
If you guys can't see the fact that Zod WANTED to die and LET Superman kill him you really do need to watch the movie many more times and pay closer attention
Seriously guys? This answer is extremely obvious!
Kal-el has been on earth for 33 years soaking up the rays of our yellow sun and developing his powers. Zod was not nearly as strong as him and only began to develop his full power near the end of their fight, as evidenced by the scene where he breaks off his armor and discovers his ability to fly. Even if Zod is the better FIGHTER, Kal-el has been on earth much longer and thus would be stronger with more developed powers. This is Superman 101
I just got the urge to look up responses to this question. Due to the impending release of Justice League, I've been watching the three preceding movies numerous times.
So I'll add that Clark's strength, speed, stamina, and durability had to be greater in order to counter the discrepancy in fighting ability between him and the militarily trained Kryptonians he was up against.
Zod was pretty much whipping up on Superman mostly until the end of the fight when the sleeper was hold was applied.

You're joking right? You have to be joking. Zod got the crap kicked out of him through most of the film. He only slightly put up a fight in the last fight sequence between him and Superman. I mean Zod had to be rescued because Superman was kicking the crap out of him.

Truth is Superman should be more powerful and have much better control over his powers. However Zod should been able to make up for the lack of experience with his new powers because of his military background and combat training.

Zod felt weak in the movie. He puffed up and seem big and bad but couldn't really deliver. Which is sad because Zod in comic books is a Bad ass. Hell Faora put up a much better fight then Zod did. The fight in Smallville between Superman and Faora should have been how the fight with Zod and Superman went down.

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