Slade / Deathstroke Rant


Mar 13, 2006
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Ok. So he kicks the **** outta a team of heros in Identity crisis, and is supposed to be able to use 90% of his brain to pretty much **** some **** up.

Yet he gets owned by Nightwing when he's really pissed and is wants to "join" Slade when he's 'all mobbed up'. I mean seriously, why can't he just stay at the same power level. I can understand if he's not really caring because he knows he can take NIghtwing, but they've gotten into a few bouts in the Nightwing series so far, and he never really has that much of an advantage...
SouLeSS said:
Ok. So he kicks the **** outta a team of heros in Identity crisis, and is supposed to be able to use 90% of his brain to pretty much **** some **** up.

Yet he gets owned by Nightwing when he's really pissed and is wants to "join" Slade when he's 'all mobbed up'. I mean seriously, why can't he just stay at the same power level. I can understand if he's not really caring because he knows he can take NIghtwing, but they've gotten into a few bouts in the Nightwing series so far, and he never really has that much of an advantage...

I do not get the end of that sentence I bolded...the part after "and".
Slade gets owned by Nightwing while Nightwing is very pissed and is talking to Slade about "joining" him during the 'all mobbed out' arc.
Characters don't perform consistently in comic books. What can you do? Batman will successfully take on a stadium full of bad guys in one comic, and then have trouble with two random criminals in another.
The bat family has to look like the most powerful beings in the DCU. It's a rule DC has. Whenever Batman or Nightwing fight someone who all common sense dictates would wipe the floor with them, they win because "they're just that skilled."
The Question said:
The bat family has to look like the most powerful beings in the DCU. It's a rule DC has. Whenever Batman or Nightwing fight someone who all common sense dictates would wipe the floor with them, they win because "they're just that skilled."

that about sums it up
The Question said:
The bat family has to look like the most powerful beings in the DCU. It's a rule DC has. Whenever Batman or Nightwing fight someone who all common sense dictates would wipe the floor with them, they win because "they're just that skilled."

Lol. The Question going on again about Batman and appearently the Bat family too being written like Gods. :p

Aside from that...anyone have scans or the issue number and series that the guy who started this thread about Nightwing beating Deathstroke with some ease?
Start at 111. I can't remember the exact one, and I can't really go shuffle through them, as they're all pinned to my wall, but thats where the story arc starts.
I don't read Nightwing, but I think I know how you feel. Its infuriating when a character first or at one point comes off as overpowerful and then we find that character being owned by in a situation that completelys contradicts their status.
SouLeSS said:
Start at 111. I can't remember the exact one, and I can't really go shuffle through them, as they're all pinned to my wall, but thats where the story arc starts.

Dude you pin your comics to your wall?:eek:
And did you guys see how Batman. Nightwing, and Robin owned Slade in IC #7? That was awesome. Don't screw with Batman.
JesusOfNazarath said:
Dude you pin your comics to your wall?:eek:

I bag and board them, and pin certain things to the wall. I have a wall that holds the 119 current issues of Nightwing's ongoing, with one more spot for the 120th.

It's not like it's ruining them or anything, and it's keeping them in better condition than most peoples cause they have no way of being bent or damaged really.
SouLeSS said:
I bag and board them, and pin certain things to the wall. I have a wall that holds the 119 current issues of Nightwing's ongoing, with one more spot for the 120th.

It's not like it's ruining them or anything, and it's keeping them in better condition than most peoples cause they have no way of being bent or damaged really.

Well most people don't because the light fades them over time.
Lucky for me there is little light in that room.

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