I enjoyed Hulk:UD.
Did anyone read the thing, I think it was on IGN, about who the game is played on wii?
You use the wiimote and nunchuk to swing, basiclly, they become spider-mans hands while your jumping. Apparantly the amount of control is amazing, We've all had the occasional problem on past spider-man games, where we swing in the wrong direction and such, but in this, you can aim up, down, left right, with both your hands. tight corners have become the funnest part apparantly.
You can choose when you want to be in the Black suit too, unlike the ps3 and Xbox360 games.
The reason for it is they want to gie us a sence of "with great power, comes great responsability"
You have more power in the black suit, but if you use it too much the city begins to become worn and run down, and more gangs are around, so you need to know when and how to use it best.
I cannot wait for this game, it sounds like it'll be a blast.
The ps3 and Xvox ones look the same as past spider-man games, only nicer, and with better in door enviroments... oh, and you can play as night surfer, but can't step of the bored... wow, great that.