Spoilers in Titles

Dew k. Mosi

Hype Award Winner
Mar 22, 2001
Reaction score
Avoid putting spoilers in thread titles, thank you. They are visible to those who don't wish to be spoiled even when not in the Spoiler Forum.
hey....nice thread idea...wonder who ya got it from... :rolleyes:

Nice Idea, I remember Spider-X's thread about this. Thanks for making a Sticky.
Spider-X said:
hey....nice thread idea...wonder who ya got it from... :rolleyes:

A person who overstepped his bounds and riled up the trolls by not simply reporting the problem in the first place
Dew k. Mosi said:
A person who overstepped his bounds and riled up the trolls by not simply reporting the problem in the first place

if telling people to stop being insensitive and inconsiderate is overstepping bounds...then yes, that sounds about right :D
Spider-X said:
if telling people to stop being insensitive and inconsiderate is overstepping bounds...then yes, that sounds about right :D
It's not your job to police the boards, and your doing so turned a simple problem into a flamefest.
Hey majik, naybe you should edit your post, where you mention what the thread title was about ;)
Majik1387 said:
Could a mod please change the
Psylocke death
thred title because it's getting really annoying that people coming in who just saw this sticky complain. If a mod can be nice enough thank you. Btw, I'm not the thread starter, I'm just an annoyed poster.
Thanks for the tags, cock-monkey.:mad:
Mods...please do something about new posters creating new threads. There are a ton of redundant and pointless threads taking up the board. Please lock or delete them. Thanks.
if they don't want to see spoilers then why would they be in a spoiler thread part of the x-men section, just wonderin'
DemonicAngel said:
if they don't want to see spoilers then why would they be in a spoiler thread part of the x-men section, just wonderin'

Some people want spoilers to a certain extent without being basically given the movie in its entirety.
DemonicAngel said:
if they don't want to see spoilers then why would they be in a spoiler thread part of the x-men section, just wonderin'
Not to mention the whole thing came about because you CAN see the thread titles in the sub-forum. While going to the non-spoiler forum you can see the last used thread in all the categories which means that if there is a spoiler in the title EVERYONE can see it and not JUST the people in the spoiler section.:)

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