Superman Returns SR's "Upside Down Rain Kiss" Moment ?

Hunter Rider

Staff member
Oct 24, 2004
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Despite these movies being action based and heavy on SFX it sometimes is the Romantic moment that becomes the most iconic
One of the best examples of this is Spider-man's famous upside Dow Rain kiss in the alley


When viewing the trailer i felt this scene could become iconic for SR and IMO is a very sweet moment that goes seemingly for the subtle gesture rather than mushy sentiment
hunter rider said:
Despite these movies being action based and heavy on SFX it sometimes is the Romantic moment that becomes the most iconic
One of the best examples of this is Spider-man's famous upside Dow Rain kiss in the alley


When viewing the trailer i felt this scene could become iconic for SR and IMO is a very sweet moment that goes seemingly for the subtle gesture rather than mushy sentiment

I coudln't agree more. I think that scene will be CLASSIC! The moment of her stepping onto his shoes is also just a touching, intimate gesture that says so much and is so detailed.
hunter rider said:
Despite these movies being action based and heavy on SFX it sometimes is the Romantic moment that becomes the most iconic
One of the best examples of this is Spider-man's famous upside Dow Rain kiss in the alley


When viewing the trailer i felt this scene could become iconic for SR and IMO is a very sweet moment that goes seemingly for the subtle gesture rather than mushy sentiment

I just hope Lois doesnt start reciting a poem...:D
green said:
I just hope Lois doesnt start reciting a poem...:D

I fervently share your hope. I have to mute every time that poem starts.
Is this before or after she says she doesn't need a savior? :)
I always found it odd that Lois could keep her high heels on while flying with Superman.
I have a feeling Bosworth will be giving us a fresher look at Lois Lane than we've seen :up:
I like that scene because it seems like they are dancing in the air instead of flying.
Definately a great moment. Thats a nice touch when she kicks her shoes off and steps up on his boots.

The sequence is confusing, shes yelling at him one minute and flying around with him the next. It can't be two different scenes.
The upside spiderman kiss was sooooo lame. Kirsten Dunst takes me out of both spidey films. :(
i don't think superman will get a kiss tho...just deep emotions...
hunter rider said:
Despite these movies being action based and heavy on SFX it sometimes is the Romantic moment that becomes the most iconic
One of the best examples of this is Spider-man's famous upside Dow Rain kiss in the alley


When viewing the trailer i felt this scene could become iconic for SR and IMO is a very sweet moment that goes seemingly for the subtle gesture rather than mushy sentiment

Oh i defiently number 20 has more footage of the scene...
grabmygladys said:
The upside spiderman kiss was sooooo lame. Kirsten Dunst takes me out of both spidey films. :(

that kiss made movie history it wasnt lame
Showtime029 said:
The sequence is confusing, shes yelling at him one minute and flying around with him the next. It can't be two different scenes.

He probably takes her flying and then they land back on the roof. She probably tells him something like, "You think that if you take me flying again, that makes you leaving for all those years OK?" and then she gives him the savior line. Then, there's that teaser shot of Supes taking off, and then the trailer shot of him flying into space with the pained look on his face.

Then, maybe Supes floats around in space (that final shot from the teaser) and has some flashbacks. Then, he opens his eyes and flies into the earth again.
^All together possible, I like that thought process.
hunter rider said:

I really can't wait to see this as long as their no "Can you read my mind" BS. I think this is going to be a very beautiful scene between to lovers .:supes: :up: :up:
Well i am guessing that they learned there lesson with Batman Begins
Wong Fei-Hung said:
He probably takes her flying and then they land back on the roof. She probably tells him something like, "You think that if you take me flying again, that makes you leaving for all those years OK?" and then she gives him the savior line. Then, there's that teaser shot of Supes taking off, and then the trailer shot of him flying into space with the pained look on his face.

Then, maybe Supes floats around in space (that final shot from the teaser) and has some flashbacks. Then, he opens his eyes and flies into the earth again.
dude this is what happens in the movie :up::)
well at least i think that it does. than he listens in space.
Glad to see it wasn't just me that thought this:up:

I like the fact it uses such cool shot choices,the close ups of the hands and feet connecting before the spectacular and graceful wide shot of them floating to the classic half close up of them staring into each others eyes:O

As someone aid like an aerial dance:)
meh, I just want to see stuff blow up but yeah that is pretty nice.
hunter rider said:
Glad to see it wasn't just me that thought this:up:

I like the fact it uses such cool shot choices,the close ups of the hands and feet connecting before the spectacular and graceful wide shot of them floating to the classic half close up of them staring into each others eyes:O

As someone aid like an aerial dance:)

That should be a very classy scene and a beautiful moment. That is one sequence I am definately looking forward to, that doesn't involve action.
Good thread Hunter - yeah, this scene looks classic.....
It's my favourite part of the trailer. I love the accompanying soundtrack to it as well. Really great stuff.:up:

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