The only woman confirmed thus far is Pepper Potts, and Favreau mentioned there may be a slight possibility for a love interest in the film. I wouldn't mind if it ended up being actually her. With the direction Favreau is taking the film, I can see the who relationship building quite well between the two. Especially since she began being his secretary, and they both secretly fell in love. But Stark always remained distant and cold, and that's when the tables turned when she met his chauffeur, Happy Hogan.
Bethany Cabe is another I'd like to see. She was originally hired to be Stark's bodyguard. Even though she had her feelings for him, she always ran between both sides of him, meaning Iron Man. Soon after she realized that both Stark himself and Iron Man were never at the same place, when the other appeared. Then put two and two together and figured out that they were the same person. That fact that she helped him through his alcoholism, could make her a better candidate for a sequel. Considering it's been said that his alcohol problem would be dealt with then. Unless she's in the first, and then brought back.
I really like the idea of Whitney Frost/Madame Masque. The only difference between their relationship, was that Tony was the one in love with Frost. While a lot of people believed that Madame Masque was actually the longtime lover of Iron Man. Leaving a bit of an identity crisis, with neither knowing who he or she really was. However, the love between them ended when Iron Man caused the death of Frost's father.