Stephen Chow's CJ7

Aug 30, 2004
Reaction score
Bwahahahaha :up:
Can't wait for this, I love Stephen Chow :D


From Wiki...

Plot and production information
  • As with the title CJ7, the earlier working titles, Yangtze River VII and Long River 7, referred to the Chinese manned space program. The mission of Shenzhou 6 was completed in 2006 and the real Shenzhou 7 is set to launch in September 2008. [2]
  • The film will have a budget of $20 million US, and will be heavy on CG effects.[3]
  • Chow plays a man who lives in a partly demolished house. He takes in a homeless boy (who is actually played by a girl, Xu Jiao). Whether the semi-demolished house and the homeless boy are on Earth, or on the alien planet is not clear. As Chow's character can't afford to buy a toy for the child, he finds a makeshift toy in the garbage and brings it back to his "son". The "toy" is actually a powerful alien device and the aliens are desperate to get it back.[4] Some rumours state that it is a "pet" rather than a "toy".[5]
  • The reason Chow's character can't afford to buy the child a toy is because he is fired without pay from his part-time job as a construction worker. His boss is a contractor played by Lam Chi Chung.[6]
  • Chow plays an astronaut who crashes his spacecraft on another planet. He befriends an android translator (played by Kitty Zhang) who can communicate with aliens.[7]
  • Scenes include Chow's character being taken to hospital after seemingly plunging to his death; the adopted child crying, whilst Kitty Zhang's android character plays teacher; a birthday party for the child.[8]
Trailer: Here!


More stills.
Looks hilarious.
Ahahah, that looks awesome, though that little plot description you got there is more confusing then helpful. :confused:
Ahahah, that looks awesome, though that little plot description you got there is more confusing then helpful. :confused:

Stephen Chow and Lam Chi Chung are in it, that's all I need to know :up:
This looks great. I really loves Chow's work. :up:
from the trailer, the movie looks awesome. :ikyn

블라스;13348136 said:
  • Chow plays a man who lives in a partly demolished house. He takes in a homeless boy (who is actually played by a girl, Xu Jiao). Whether the semi-demolished house and the homeless boy are on Earth, or on the alien planet is not clear. As Chow's character can't afford to buy a toy for the child, he finds a makeshift toy in the garbage and brings it back to his "son". The "toy" is actually a powerful alien device and the aliens are desperate to get it back.[4] Some rumours state that it is a "pet" rather than a "toy".[5]
Hopefully, she doesn't get to have identity problems when she gets older.
Not new, but still great. :)
Well, it's new to me lol.


When I saw the thumbnail, I thought it was Bale for a second :batman:
Man, this looks like it's going to be one fun ass movie.
I wish this was a wide release. Ain't playing at my theater this weekend, but there's a good chance it will play next week.
i love stephen chow, but i have no desire to see this.

maybe i'll netflix it when it hits dvd.
Wow, those clips are awesome.
holy cow, watching the trailer i had no idea that was a girl.
I'll be seeing it. Big fan of Asian cinema. :up:

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