Supergirl STILL a spoiled brat.


Guru for Geeks
Apr 17, 2003
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It's a bad sign where the stereotypical Hothead Karen Star is the one holding back the current Supergirl.

It's depressing that in a situation where they have "secret identities" she insists on getting a tattoo that identifies her.

That she believes that the way Back to her home town is through a shrunken city whose time has passed. If Superman and others can shrink and grow to interact with others in the city,.. and people living there can leave and grow,..... why hasn't Superman moved the city to Mars and restored it?

All that's changed about this character is that she's grown some hips.

I'm still waiting to like this character like I liked Linda Danvers by the end of her run.
Yeah. I have no problem with bringing back Superman's cousin, but if they're going to ddo it, don't disregard that Matrix/Linda Danvers ever existed, and don't make Kara suck ass as she does now.
She seems very different from any Supergirl I know.

Maybe they should let Mark Waid write her. Before he wrote Wally most people hated his guts.

Plus Waid is writing her well in the Legion title.
Did we really need Kara again? Didn't we already have Kara again, anyway?
Here's the thing.

I HATED and still hate the Matrix/Supergirl Hybrid. It's a stupid idea that they made to try to appease their own need for a 'Supergirl'.

But when compared to this one I'll take the Matrix anyday.

I also think it's stupid to try to say that Matrix never existed. Fine, face your mistakes but by brushing them under the carpet they're doing nothing but make it worse.

I need to work for DC in the continuity and consistance department.
And really, even if you didn't like the idea of Matrix, they had some pretty good stories because of her.
instead of making a new thread i'll just ask in here.
has anyone got Supergirl #6?
i tried to pick it up twice now and the guys at my comic shop keep saying it's not out yet :(
warren_sparta27 said:
instead of making a new thread i'll just ask in here.
has anyone got Supergirl #6?
i tried to pick it up twice now and the guys at my comic shop keep saying it's not out yet :(

Its out at least where I live.
Maybe it's me, but by the way she talks and acts, the current Supergirl reminds me of Kim Possible...
warren_sparta27 said:
dammit :mad:
is it good so far?
It's decent. It's hard to truly tell because this is the first OYL issue and there are several unknown elements. Seems like it could be an interesting story though. It's certainly a different role for Power Girl.

I know I'm in the minority, but I like this Kara. I believe her maturatation will come eventually. I know it's been awhile since the Supergirl From Krypton arc, but the character is still young. The writers will settle her into a more evolved identity with time. I thought I saw hints of that at the end of the last arc. She can't have this much angst forever...right?
I don't know. I think they're going for a learning experience here. I mean, you can't just suddenly start writing a character as little miss sunshine when she's already been presented as...well....a b***h. You gotta show how she changes. And I can see that by the time they get out of Kandor, looking at the way things are going in that tiny little fascist paradise, she's gonna be less of a *****e. I mean, I gotta figure this stuff takes place before LOS, and she seems like a decent person in that book, so the question is, how did she go from b***h to goody goody jail bait? I guess we'll find out as the arc progresses.
Hard to believe the one in LOSH is even the same Supergirl.

Believe it or not I actually toyed with the idea in my head that 'Supergirl' in LOSH is actually Andromeda.

I'm desperate. :(

I hate the Supergirl in Supergirl and the one in LOSH just mocks me as to how sweet and kind she is when compared to the 'Supergirl' we've known so far.
I'm just sayin. I don't think we should judge until the end of the arc. Then we can b***h and moan if theres no change.
kool, looks like i'll like it then, i like the current character
picking the issue up on thursday, cheers :)

anyone know how long the Supergirl LOSH run is planned for?
I've got to say that the only version of Supergirl that I ever really liked is the one by Timm and Dini.

Those two gentlemen seem to be on more often than not.

BTW, I didn't really mind Matrix... I didn't love the character but I thought Byrne and co did some interesting things with her and Luthor in the beginning.
I think you all have mommy issues

I think she's a typical teenage girl.
Yeah, I don't really see what all the fuss is about.
wow, anubis agrees with me, i an die a happy man. :D

all the ppl that hated her when she first appeard and still hate her but still buy her books so you can fiddle your faddle will grow up to be violent sexaholics and/or rapest :p
'Fiddle your faddle" Nice innuendo.
Exactly why does everyone hate the new supergirl? More importantly am I supposed to read something in between Supergirl 5 and 6?
Anubis said:
I don't know. I think they're going for a learning experience here. I mean, you can't just suddenly start writing a character as little miss sunshine when she's already been presented as...well....a b***h. You gotta show how she changes. And I can see that by the time they get out of Kandor, looking at the way things are going in that tiny little fascist paradise, she's gonna be less of a *****e. I mean, I gotta figure this stuff takes place before LOS, and she seems like a decent person in that book, so the question is, how did she go from b***h to goody goody jail bait? I guess we'll find out as the arc progresses.

Completely agree... just look at Conner Kent whom everyone loved and adored, he started out as a big jerk but he learned and matured. I was reading comics when Superboy first appeared and I remember lots of people hating him.
Kara is a teenage with a pretty dark side who's had very little good parental guidance.

So anyone think when she finally does find what she thinks is the way home, it's going to actually send her 1,000 years in the future?
zanos said:
Exactly why does everyone hate the new supergirl? More importantly am I supposed to read something in between Supergirl 5 and 6?

There's a missing year in between those two issues, but we don't know what went on during that year.

I'd recommend that you read Supergirl and the Legion of Superheroes, though.
Lackey said:
Completely agree... just look at Conner Kent whom everyone loved and adored, he started out as a big jerk but he learned and matured. I was reading comics when Superboy first appeared and I remember lots of people hating him.
Kara is a teenage with a pretty dark side who's had very little good parental guidance.

So anyone think when she finally does find what she thinks is the way home, it's going to actually send her 1,000 years in the future?
Biggest diff?

Conner didn't spend the first five issues BEATING ON HEROES.
Well, in case you didn't notice, a lot of those fights she got in were the other heros trying to beat on her. PG attacked her. Wonder Girl attacked, her. The Outsiders just had a few training sessions with her. Didn't read the last couple, I heard she took on the JLA, wasn' that because of the Black Kryptonite or something? Beating on other heros? No more than anybody else really.

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