Hello fellow Fan boys and Fan girls. I want you to ask yourselves one question. Why do you like Superhero comics? Is it the flashy costumes? The Cool Superpowers and awesome action? The Badass characters? Or are you drawn to Superheroes because of something deeper, something more meaningful and substantial
For me this is an easy answer. I am drawn to the sheer unwavering amiable and idealistic heroism of these characters.
I am an idealist. I strive to be a better person. To be selfless and kind to my fellow man and a huge part of why I am desperate for self improvement is because of Superheroes.
They inspire me to see the good in myself and others. To strive for something better. To simply be the best that I could possibly be. Is this not what these stories and characters should do for all of us?
Should, would, could. You know The Comic Book Guy from the Simpsons? He's a major *******. He's patronizing and sarcastic and just plain mean spirited. Ironically I have actually met people like him in real life.
I have been to many comic books stores filled with these types of Fan boys and Fan girls. Cynical and overly judgmental and just angry. I am left wondering why? I mean should not the Superheroes we read about motivate us to be better?
I was at a message board for a new Spider-Man video game
called Web of Shadows and several of the people there were asking if in the game Spider-Man could hit or kill civilians.
This irked me greatly.
I mean what the HELL!! Is wrong with these people? This is a Superhero game, not a Super ******* game. Spider-Man is a Super "hero" a decent and upstanding person. He is selfless, amiable and idealistic even in the face of Adversity.
What really bothers me is that so many Superhero/comic book fan boys can be so mean spirited, rude and just plain nasty. I mean you would think that some of the qualities of the Superheroes they read about would rub off on them.
If I had a nickel for every time I've been to a forum that has anything to do with Superheroes and read some truly appalling and inexcusable things. Things about raping someone's children or the ever popular skull f&@ing I would be rich.
I have read some really, really nasty and reprehensible stuff from people who are supposed to be Superhero fans.
I just don't get it. Do we really live in such a mean spirited and cynical world where the Superheroes that should inspire us to be better people don't and instead we just become meaner and nastier to each other and ask for things like killing or hitting innocent civilians in a Superhero game?
I don't know about you guys, but I never want to see a world where spider-man hurls an innocent person off a building. I strive to be a better person. To be kind to my fellow man and selfless. Yea it may sound corny, but I'm an idealist so sue me.
For me this is an easy answer. I am drawn to the sheer unwavering amiable and idealistic heroism of these characters.
I am an idealist. I strive to be a better person. To be selfless and kind to my fellow man and a huge part of why I am desperate for self improvement is because of Superheroes.
They inspire me to see the good in myself and others. To strive for something better. To simply be the best that I could possibly be. Is this not what these stories and characters should do for all of us?
Should, would, could. You know The Comic Book Guy from the Simpsons? He's a major *******. He's patronizing and sarcastic and just plain mean spirited. Ironically I have actually met people like him in real life.
I have been to many comic books stores filled with these types of Fan boys and Fan girls. Cynical and overly judgmental and just angry. I am left wondering why? I mean should not the Superheroes we read about motivate us to be better?
I was at a message board for a new Spider-Man video game
called Web of Shadows and several of the people there were asking if in the game Spider-Man could hit or kill civilians.
This irked me greatly.
I mean what the HELL!! Is wrong with these people? This is a Superhero game, not a Super ******* game. Spider-Man is a Super "hero" a decent and upstanding person. He is selfless, amiable and idealistic even in the face of Adversity.
What really bothers me is that so many Superhero/comic book fan boys can be so mean spirited, rude and just plain nasty. I mean you would think that some of the qualities of the Superheroes they read about would rub off on them.
If I had a nickel for every time I've been to a forum that has anything to do with Superheroes and read some truly appalling and inexcusable things. Things about raping someone's children or the ever popular skull f&@ing I would be rich.
I have read some really, really nasty and reprehensible stuff from people who are supposed to be Superhero fans.
I just don't get it. Do we really live in such a mean spirited and cynical world where the Superheroes that should inspire us to be better people don't and instead we just become meaner and nastier to each other and ask for things like killing or hitting innocent civilians in a Superhero game?
I don't know about you guys, but I never want to see a world where spider-man hurls an innocent person off a building. I strive to be a better person. To be kind to my fellow man and selfless. Yea it may sound corny, but I'm an idealist so sue me.