SuperKizer's Art Thread



Welp, I have some new pieces to show off. Only three at the moment all of which are just sketches. I'm just now getting back into drawing after looking at some amazing pieces on both this site at another site. I spend most of my time selling video games as a GameStop store manager and when I'm usually not at work I'm with my wife and daughter (who actually are away for a couple of days, thus this post. )

Anywho, enough babbling! Here's my, ahem, art. :)

click here for larger version


click here for larger version

The Supes pic isn't finished yet as I'm hoping to actually ink and color it. The Last Samurai pic is actually complete because it was just a couple of portrait sketches I wanted to do to show off emotion.

I spend some time working on websites as I like to design stuff but I really wanted to start drawing again. Let me know what ya'll think!

Supes' right shoulder is too low, but otherwise nice drawing.

I have an inate dislike of Tom Cruise, so...but the pics are nicely done.
Bill said:
Supes' right shoulder is too low, but otherwise nice drawing.

I have an inate dislike of Tom Cruise, so...but the pics are nicely done.


Just getting used to it all again. I'm not an avid Cruise fan but the Last Samurai was just an awesome movie. :)
Alrighty, here's another quick sketch. It's all I had time to do tonight. I actually have a three panel idea for this and this is actually the last panel of the set. So let me know what you think!
click here to see larger image!
The other two panels are going to be fun to do as well as finishing this one up background and all. Take care!
Okay so I took my latest sketch, cleaned it, inked it and colored it. I'm not great at it but here it is, let me know what you think!
Here's a sketch for my next panel. It's a three part shot with the third panel being the one above this post. Lemme know what you think so far!
Okay so I am almost done with the Clark piece but here's a splash page I did real quick. Let me know what ya think!

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