Taco Bell customers outraged after one day delay of Cool Ranch Doritos taco

People still eat at Taco Bell? :barf:
You can tell where this country is going when people are "outraged" by the lack of a specialty taco.
In that amount of time they probably had 2 more stupid fat children while waiting to shove their face with garbage.
Ehh I like the regular Doritos so I dont care about this new taco
although the Original Dorito Loco Taco is perfect if you have the munchies :hrt:
(Taco Bueno is still wayyyy better)
You were probably just anticipating it too much to keep your dates right. Totally understandable

Really? I just had it today and it was okay.
Bah!! If I want some good tacos, I'll go to an authentic Mexican restaurant & buy the real thing.
Anyone who really cares about the release of a new Taco Bell menu item could have easily been pacified by being told they were stoned when they saw the original release date.
The Taco Bell I had isn't sitting well at all, and I ate it a month ago.
My god, I really did burst out laughing when I read the thread title. This s**t is sad. Just sad.

You can tell where this country is going when people are "outraged" by the lack of a specialty taco.

Yesss, this.
One of the facebook comments on Taco Bell's page being "I've never been more angry in my life.", seals the deal for me. Straight hilarity.
No Tacos:



I'm fat and I really don't care for Taco Bell.

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