The 3 villians

Harry needs to be a goblin in this film, not 4. Nice info but I disagree with some of it
Yeah, this was posted a long while back (when the articles first were posted). But the new peeps and the peeps who didn't see it can see it now. They're good articles.
I wouldn't be suprised if harry is the cliffhanger for this movie, like he oficaily changes into the GG at the end..... I really think they should keep Harry around for a few more films, have him be like the constent threat in these films, thats one problem I have with all these types of movies, is that they kill off the bad guy, I think it would be really cool to see Harry change at the end, then have him always plotting against peter, kinda like a lex luther, have him directly behind the creations of some superheros, like maybe he hires Shocker, or the Rhino, or maybe he helps create Electro or is even behind the technology that creates the lizard......... just my 2 cents
Franco says he is done after 3, which = Harry is done
cmill216 said:
Franco says he is done after 3, which = Harry is done

where did he say that, there's an interview that's like 3 months old over at darkhorizons and he says that he only signed on for three, he never said he wasn't comming back if they made a forth
There was an interview with Franco a while back. I'll have to dig it up. I remember posting it on the forums a month or so ago.
JokerNick said:
I wouldn't be suprised if harry is the cliffhanger for this movie, like he oficaily changes into the GG at the end..... I really think they should keep Harry around for a few more films, have him be like the constent threat in these films, thats one problem I have with all these types of movies, is that they kill off the bad guy, I think it would be really cool to see Harry change at the end, then have him always plotting against peter, kinda like a lex luther, have him directly behind the creations of some superheros, like maybe he hires Shocker, or the Rhino, or maybe he helps create Electro or is even behind the technology that creates the lizard......... just my 2 cents

^ I freakin love this idea. I think that would be sweet to have harry just like always be lurking around, making spidey always watch out for him and be a constant threat like you said. If they used him in this fashion there is tons of stuff you could do with him
-Z- said:
^ I freakin love this idea. I think that would be sweet to have harry just like always be lurking around, making spidey always watch out for him and be a constant threat like you said. If they used him in this fashion there is tons of stuff you could do with him

that's what this series is missing, I was a fan of the animated series, and the King Pin was kinda the Lex Luther type villan, his brains, motivation, manipulation of people and over all power (not just physical) is what made him a force to recon with........ having villans like GG1, doc Ock, sandman and venom are cool, but they are really just physical enemies, atleast they were in the movies (i know doc ock did that thing with the reactor, but he was more phyisical then anything, train fight, ect.... they could have really explored his character more imo), Spiderman needs a nemesis that uses his brains for then braun, and they need to keep him around, not just kill them off.........
If I'm not mistaken, none of the major players are signed past part 3. That includes Raimi, Maguire, Dunst, and Franco. In fact, I think it was one of the major players at Sony that said she would like to wrap up the Spiderman story as a trilogy, and possibly have a different creative team and cast for any more. I remember seeing that statement in an interview not that long ago, but I can't find it now. Can anyone confirm this?
Yeah I thought the major people were done after 3 but most people on the forums seem to have some sort of knowledge about everyone wanting to do 6. I understand Sony wanting to but I always thought the main people were out after 3.
The main people signed on for three films, I think it would be a huge mistake to change the cast and creative team, has sony ever seen Batman Forever or Batman and Robin...................
Dang, 3 villans? Spider-Man is gonna be feeling some pain, that's for sure. How long will this movie be if they do have three villans?

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