More news on DC animated projects
Just One More Fight
By Blair Marnell
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Welcome back to another edition of ATR.
First off, I want to thank everyone who wrote in last week about my hard drive problems. The issue is still ongoing, but I appreciate your input.
Now then, down to business
Our Worlds At War
By now, Im sure most of you caught this little nugget over at Worlds Finest:
At the moment, I'm writing a direct-to-video animated adaptation of Darwyn Cooke's New Frontier epic. It will be feature length, rated PG-13 and Bruce [Timm] will be Executive Producer. So far, it's been nothing but fun... a chance for me to revisit my youth and the Starro era.
This information originally came from an interview with Stan Berkowitz. Within a day or so, the above quote was pulled. But the genie was already out of the bottle and its appeared on several news sites
So, why bring it up now?
For starters, Warner Brothers is said to be on the warpath over this, as this information wasnt supposed to be announced for several months. The New Frontier animated feature is said to be in such an early stage that it hasnt even been decided if theyll be using the Timm style guides or basing the character designs on Cookes original art.
And theres more
While Timm is executive producing the New Frontier, he is also rumored to be working on TWO additional direct-to-DVD animated features. One is said to be a Justice League film, which may be the long rumored story that bridges the gap between Justice League and Justice League Unlimited. The other is said to be another Superman animated feature. After the Brainiac Attacks travesty, Timm will supposedly be more actively involved with the next one. We can only hope
Anyway, the word is that Warner Brothers is going to be cranking out several DC based direct-to-DVD animated films over the next couple of years, possibly as many as 3 or 4 a year. Theres talk of another one based on The Batman and if Teen Titans: Trouble in Tokyo performs well in the fall, then more Titans movies might also be in the works. Additionally, Im told that the Justice League animated feature may be ready for release as soon as 2007.
One last thing, the first season of Justice League Unlimited and the second season of Batman Beyond are rumored to have a December 2006 release date