The CARTOON Hero contest, Round 1 Voting.

please take me out of the running, as i requested in the other thread.
please take me out of the running, as i requested in the other thread.
If you drop out then you can never ever rejoin, not for round 2 or anything, you know that, right?
round 1 = 3 weeks.
12 rounds * 3 weeks = 36 weeks = my lips wrapped around a gun barrel.

i threw some stuff I did for this thing up in my thread so you can see what I WOULD have done in early rounds had I hung in there, but I just couldn't do it.

good luck all. I will FOR SURE keep an eye on this and vote and comment (although I'm pretty sure the current voting method will continually fail to eliminate a single person)...

for the record, phig got my vote in round one, but everyone did an amazing job!
I think that's his point.
On the other thread it seemed like he only meant that he was out of round 1, and in for round 2. Oh, and next round there's no slow pace. You get one and a half weeks, all those without entries get nagging PMS.
for the very last time, just for clarity:

im out for the whole deal... i get that i cant post in later rounds...

having said that, im very excited to see what everyone comes up with! good luck everyone!
for the very last time, just for clarity:

im out for the whole deal... i get that i cant post in later rounds...

having said that, im very excited to see what everyone comes up with! good luck everyone!
Meh, well okay.... *Ponders over cancelling contest*
ps: and rethink voting

Perhaps the same type of poll, except instead of voting for a "winner" you vote for who you want to eliminate. since it's a anonymous poll, people should be able to judge without personal feelings getting in the way.

the only problem being that there's a lot of fantastic work in this contest. so it'll be hard to decide.
for the record, i meant to vote for phig's

no offence, kad
they're all solid

i like ampersand's because of the caption though, lol
and the winning sketch is to quote the subject himelf CAPTAIN MARVEL...JUNIOR
by chuckymack
I´m with Syncos. We´re not looking for a winner. It´s sad to say it, but we are looking for a loser here. And it´s not a problem. We all know that we can be out whenever, and we should be able to accept it. What if we get four guys with only one vote? Choosing a loser is not so nice, but it´s better in the long term.

Perhaps the same type of poll, except instead of voting for a "winner" you vote for who you want to eliminate. since it's a anonymous poll, people should be able to judge without personal feelings getting in the way.

the only problem being that there's a lot of fantastic work in this contest. so it'll be hard to decide.
I'll have to agree with Syncos and Uriondo. It's more appropriate to choose a loser in this situation. It's only a matter of time until I'm eliminated, anyway! :p
SPIDERMAN177 is disqualified for voting for himself.
I didn´t know that we couldn´t, so I´me disqualified too.

This was a great idea, but the voting system should have been different and the tempo quicker. A pity ´cause I had my next two entries almost done...

Good luck to the rest of you, guys...

SPIDERMAN177 is disqualified for voting for himself.
What!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I didnt get the memo that we coudnt!!!!! AH!!!!!!!!!!!!

This is tragic how could this be there was no rule about this.
What!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I didnt get the memo that we coudnt!!!!! AH!!!!!!!!!!!!

This is tragic how could this be there was no rule about this.

Read the fine print, it's at the bottom of the first post in brackets.

Sorry bud.

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