The Official Avatar thread - post requests here only

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[insert witty title]
Sep 2, 2002
Reaction score
This is a thread for those who want an avatar but don't have the ability to make it. You can post a request in here and one of the other members will take the time to make it for you.

But first, here are some rules for requesting:

1. Do not request avatars for use on other sites.

2. You need a minimum of 300 posts to have an avatar. Please do not request until you meet this requirement.
· 300-999 posts & have been a member for 1 month= avatar size of 50x50​
· 1,000-1,999 posts & have been a member for 3 months= avatar size of 75x75​
· 2,000+ posts & have been a member for 6 months = avatar size of 100x100​

3. Include the materials (images, videos) with your request. Don't make the avatar makers hunt them down for you.

4. There are only a handful of generous avatar makers who volunteer their free time to take these requests. Do not overwhelm them by posting the same request over and over again in a short amount of time. They will get to you in due time and posting 50 times will not speeden up the request.

New rule!!

5. Do NOT make more than 1 request per week.

There you go. It's not that complicated. Get to it.
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For the record Vidoes are not really helpful, neither is picutres...try and remember that...;)
Good idea starting the thread over, stating the rules. I'll try and do some requests again, haven't done any avvy's in a while.

And don't forget to send in avvy's for the site guys :up:
I will take requests for some simple ones. Look at mine to see my skill. keep Watching it.
Avatar Request thread Begins
I'll start, could someone make a 75x75 one of this pic but focus on the head?


Cheers. :D
Mr. Thing said:
I'll start, could someone make a 75x75 one of this pic but focus on the head?


Cheers. :D
Pleases? :(
Here ya go,it had only been up a few hours

Mr. Thing said:
Sorry, I got impatient. :o

But thanks for that Hunter!

Your welcome,ther isnt many of us doing them these days so requests will take longer
hunter rider said:
Your welcome,ther isnt many of us doing them these days so requests will take longer

Yeah. I credited you by the way.
could someone do me this avatar for me plz

[fades in]

From Monkey Island


[Zoom on batman]

To Gotham

You need 300 posts for an avatar. Read the post at the top of the page.
its for when i get it and besides i may use it for another forum
TankerX said:
but could someone make it?

Read the 1st post,no avvy's until the poster has 300 posts and no avvy's for other forums:up:
um I am hoping to reach 300 posts by the end of the week so could I send this thing in advance?
astroid-man said:
um I am hoping to reach 300 posts by the end of the week so could I send this thing in advance?

yeah you only need 9 more posts that would be fine
ok well they arnt seperate. I saved them all in one spot so it wouldnt take up much room on my cp. I want it in order from left right, (column two) left right (coloumn three) left right ect. thanks
First do the top pic, then zoom around the second one, then cut to big, bold red letters:

Build my gallows high, baby.


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