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The official MCU stupid questions thread

I think it was confirmed in either TWS or Civil War that they kept Bucky on ice for most of the time in between WWII and present day, only waking him up for missions.
He came out to kill a lot! He would look way older than he did! :argh:
you also got to figure, eventhrough Cap spent 70-80 years on ice (literally) , he's still already 100+ years old, so when he added another 80-90 years to that...

Bucky was put in suspended animation, being properly preserved for the most part, where Cap's healing/anti-aging factor was working over time to keep him alive all those years under the ice
He came out to kill a lot! He would look way older than he did! :argh:

Based on what?

Even if he ran 2 missions a year (and nothing indicates he ran *that* many) at an average of 7 days each (which seems long based on what we've seen), that'd still be less than 3 years total outside suspended animation between 1945 and 2014.
Was rewatching Infinity War last night and the Thanos vs Iron Man scene got me thinking is the reason Tony can block the power stone simply because his shield and suit are not a living thing?
Real questions man! :argh:
Like.......are Drax, Gamora and the Hulk related because they are all green or how TF does the Chitauri all "cut off" when IronMan blew up that space ship? :huh:
I never did understand this, as the Chtaruri seemed sentient, and not robots, but more carbon based life forms much alike our good selves.

That said, there must've been some form of link keeping them alive; maybe it was just their outward appearance that seemed humanoid, and they were actually robotic or something underneath?

I have multiple questions about Cap going back in time to return the Infinity Stones at the end of Endgame, but my biggest one is did he inject Jane with the Aether again?
What a monster he was.

What would have happened if future Cap accidentally killed past Cap during their fight? Would a universe ending time paradox have occurred? Or would Future Cap have immediately vanished and the rest of the Avengers would have forgotten that they brought him along for the mission?
I know @KRYPTON INC. has expanded on this already, but to go on further...

I never did understand why they needed to return the stones anyway... At the end of Endgame, we've already got a bunch of different timelines, ones that either happened, or were changed.
  • Loki surviving (thus creating another timeline)
  • Thanos leaving his timeline (thus there's a timeline where he just vanished and didn't go on to collect the stones and assault Earth).
  • There's a timeline where Steve fought himself (but that's gotta' be a different one again else he'd have already remembered doing just that).
  • There's a timeline when Asguardian soldiers would've had to explain to Odin that a rabbit was caught running around Asgard and disappeared.
  • Then there's Steve deciding to remain in the past to marry Penny, when she already had a different life with someone else, so Steve either erased her old life, or is responsible for yet another alternate one.
It then begs the question of whether they actually returned to the timeline from where they left - I'm assuming they did (must be something to do with the pym particles and quantum universes) but through Endgame we actually visited a bunch of alternate realities that are all just as real as our main one, so what difference was there between returning the stones and not doing?

If Cap and Bucky both have the super soldier formula in their veins(just different brands basically)and Bucky hasn't aged in 100 years, then shouldn't Cap look almost the same? I didn't get that aging part.
Maybe Bucky's strand enabled longer life?
I never did understand this, as the Chtaruri seemed sentient, and not robots, but more carbon based life forms much alike our good selves.

That said, there must've been some form of link keeping them alive; maybe it was just their outward appearance that seemed humanoid, and they were actually robotic or something underneath?

What a monster he was.

I know @KRYPTON INC. has expanded on this already, but to go on further...

I never did understand why they needed to return the stones anyway... At the end of Endgame, we've already got a bunch of different timelines, ones that either happened, or were changed.
  • Loki surviving (thus creating another timeline)
  • Thanos leaving his timeline (thus there's a timeline where he just vanished and didn't go on to collect the stones and assault Earth).
  • There's a timeline where Steve fought himself (but that's gotta' be a different one again else he'd have already remembered doing just that).
  • There's a timeline when Asguardian soldiers would've had to explain to Odin that a rabbit was caught running around Asgard and disappeared.
  • Then there's Steve deciding to remain in the past to marry Penny, when she already had a different life with someone else, so Steve either erased her old life, or is responsible for yet another alternate one.
It then begs the question of whether they actually returned to the timeline from where they left - I'm assuming they did (must be something to do with the pym particles and quantum universes) but through Endgame we actually visited a bunch of alternate realities that are all just as real as our main one, so what difference was there between returning the stones and not doing?

Maybe Bucky's strand enabled longer life?

The movie isn't really consistent (seemingly because the writers and the directors had contradictory ideas about what was happening).

For the record though, you toss a lot of things out there that really don't need any explanation at all. There's no evidence whatsoever that there *wasn't* a time when a bunch of Asgardian soldiers had a run-in with a 'rabbit', there's no evidence at all that Peggy's husband wasn't always Steve (we never saw his face, so it could have just been Steve using a different name), and while Loki escaping (and Cap fighting 'Loki') seems unlikely, it actually could have always happened that way. There's a big time jump between the battle and Thor returning to Asgard, so if Loki were recaptured fast enough (possibly through more time travel), that whole series of events could still be part of the original timeline (possibly Steve didn't realize at first because he had always thought it was 'Loki').

The fundamental explanation for Thanos in the film is that the alternate universe was created by removing the power stone, but the power stone was then returned at the end of the movie meaning that alternate universe never existed in the first place (except that Thanos and his army still came from there), so when Thanos was killed there was no universe there left to miss him.

That, however, is where the film contradicts itself, because if the ancient one's spiel about alternate universes being caused by removing infinity stones is true, then you have to accept that everything which happened before a stone was removed was always part of the timeline - no big deal in some cases, as seen above, but in others - say, Thanos seeing all of Nebula's memories - a huge problem. Yet, if you accept that all time travel creates alternate universes regardless of the stones, this explains all the possible issues but simultaneously makes the entire Ancient one/return the stones plotline non-sensical and pointless.

Or you can just handwave a fanon explanation like, say, removing the tesseract from the 70s reverberated forward into the rest of the timeline so that all the other time periods were already being affected by the removal of a stone (ie, everything that happened in New Jersey was part of the original timeline, but nothing else was. And when Cap went back to Peggy, that was also the original timeline).
From photos posted from the Loki series, we know the Time Variance Authority is a thing. And my thinking is that group is responsible for pruning alternative time branches and earning lots of No Prizes by keeping continuity intact.

Maybe that group helped Cap put the Aether into Jane? And gave him a firm talking to regarding his doing any super heroing as Peggy's behind the scenes spouse?

And I don't think Thanos and his time traveling army, or the unlucky 50%, were killed when The Mad Titan and Tony got snappy. I think the snaps removed them from the time line, which is why they could be brought back. My guess is Thanos and his crew were snapped back to 2014 with a duplicate Gamora and a living Nebula and no knowledge of their adventures in 2023..
There's no evidence whatsoever that there *wasn't* a time when a bunch of Asgardian soldiers had a run-in with a 'rabbit', there's no evidence at all that Peggy's husband wasn't always Steve (we never saw his face, so it could have just been Steve using a different name), and while Loki escaping (and Cap fighting 'Loki') seems unlikely, it actually could have always happened that way.
I'll give you the Rabbit run and the Peggy situation (as granted, she could have always lived that life with Steve, unknown to anyone else), yet I'm not buying the Cap vs Cap scene.

Had that always of been a thing, he'd remember, and the whole elevator scene wouldn't have happened. The briefcase and those hydra agents wouldn't have let Rogers walk away with it because he was still upstairs with the Avengers.

The fundamental explanation for Thanos in the film is that the alternate universe was created by removing the power stone, but the power stone was then returned at the end of the movie meaning that alternate universe never existed in the first place (except that Thanos and his army still came from there), so when Thanos was killed there was no universe there left to miss him.
Why wouldn't there be though? From the second Thanos became aware of the alternative future, or even before hand, there's going to be ripples in the timeline, lives would undoubtedly have been taken or spared that weren't before.

Yet, if you accept that all time travel creates alternate universes regardless of the stones, this explains all the possible issues but simultaneously makes the entire Ancient one/return the stones plotline non-sensical and pointless.
I can only conclude at this point that the ancient one doesn't quite know as much as she thinks she does, and (to quote a Borg Queen) she's thinking in such three dimensional terms.

From photos posted from the Loki series, we know the Time Variance Authority is a thing. And my thinking is that group is responsible for pruning alternative time branches and earning lots of No Prizes by keeping continuity intact.
Are these guys a comic group or a group created for the Loki show?

And I don't think Thanos and his time traveling army, or the unlucky 50%, were killed when The Mad Titan and Tony got snappy. I think the snaps removed them from the time line, which is why they could be brought back. My guess is Thanos and his crew were snapped back to 2014 with a duplicate Gamora and a living Nebula and no knowledge of their adventures in 2023..
An interesting ... concept, but I'm pretty sure that's not how the gauntlet works.[/QUOTE]
From photos posted from the Loki series, we know the Time Variance Authority is a thing. And my thinking is that group is responsible for pruning alternative time branches and earning lots of No Prizes by keeping continuity intact.

Maybe that group helped Cap put the Aether into Jane? And gave him a firm talking to regarding his doing any super heroing as Peggy's behind the scenes spouse?

And I don't think Thanos and his time traveling army, or the unlucky 50%, were killed when The Mad Titan and Tony got snappy. I think the snaps removed them from the time line, which is why they could be brought back. My guess is Thanos and his crew were snapped back to 2014 with a duplicate Gamora and a living Nebula and no knowledge of their adventures in 2023..
I hope you are right because I don't want Thanos or the Black Order dead.........just defeated but waiting to return one day. But I really don't think that's how Marvel sees it.
Are these guys a comic group or a group created for the Loki show?

Comic book group.

An interesting ... concept, but I'm pretty sure that's not how the gauntlet works.

They never really explained what the snap does, so I'm going with "remove stuff from the time stream" until we get a better explanation.

I hope you are right because I don't want Thanos or the Black Order dead.........just defeated but waiting to return one day. But I really don't think that's how Marvel sees it.

The Black Order were still killed in Wakanda and Thor still separated Thanos from his head. So even if the 2014 crew were returned to their time, they still are dead in the current MCU.
Comic book group.

They never really explained what the snap does, so I'm going with "remove stuff from the time stream" until we get a better explanation.

The Black Order were still killed in Wakanda and Thor still separated Thanos from his head. So even if the 2014 crew were returned to their time, they still are dead in the current MCU.
I'm pretty sure I'm safe in saying we're not going to see Thanos or the Black Order in the MCU again.

The whole infinity saga has been wrapped up alongside Stark, Rogers and I think Banner too. Whilst I'm sure we'll see Banner/Hulk again it'll be his endgame vibe which, if we're all being honest, we don't really care that much about.

There'd be no purpose bringing Thanos back into the fold at a later date, especially without the likes of the heroes mentioned above, and if they did that they'd be hitting pause or rewind on the MCU's future which would further undermine the sacrifices made in Endgame.
I'm pretty sure I'm safe in saying we're not going to see Thanos or the Black Order in the MCU again.

The whole infinity saga has been wrapped up alongside Stark, Rogers and I think Banner too. Whilst I'm sure we'll see Banner/Hulk again it'll be his endgame vibe which, if we're all being honest, we don't really care that much about.

There'd be no purpose bringing Thanos back into the fold at a later date, especially without the likes of the heroes mentioned above, and if they did that they'd be hitting pause or rewind on the MCU's future which would further undermine the sacrifices made in Endgame.
Twenty years from now, you don't want Thanos back?!
Based on what?

Even if he ran 2 missions a year (and nothing indicates he ran *that* many) at an average of 7 days each (which seems long based on what we've seen), that'd still be less than 3 years total outside suspended animation between 1945 and 2014.

Don't bother him with logic. This is the only person in the universe who thinks LBJ isn't one of the top 10 hoopsters of all time.
Twenty years from now, you don't want Thanos back?!
In twenty years time I'm not expecting the MCU to be the MCU we know today. Either have either been rebooted, or it'll have faded.

I could of course be mistaken, but there's such a thing as too much of a good thing, and I think the MCU will run out of originality within the next twenty years.
So if Thanos' snap caused catastrophe all over Earth...wouldn't the Hulk snap bringing everyone back have done the same thing?

What about people who were in planes and aerial vehicles? Cars, etc?
Probably, yeah. Chaos. I'm sure the MCU writers will never be able to address the full logistical effect of "What if The Snap really happened" on the population of earth. Best case scenario, Hulk would have been able to bring everyone back to the nearest safest location, but there would still be problems. It would have been nice if the Avengers could make some kind of announcement beforehand, like "Listen up everyone around the world: In 30 minutes we are undoing the Snap; get to a safe spot and brace yourselves." But they...uh...didn't. So...yeah.
I could have sworn that the Russos/Markus and McFeely/all four said either in an AMA, radio interview or commentary that when Hulk snapped, his thought process was "bring back everyone Thanos killed safely" (meaning if they were in a plane when they were snapped they'd be safe on the ground when they came back) but then we see people blipping back into existence in the same spot where they died in Spider-Man: Far From Home.
I could have sworn that the Russos/Markus and McFeely/all four said either in an AMA, radio interview or commentary that when Hulk snapped, his thought process was "bring back everyone Thanos killed safely" (meaning if they were in a plane when they were snapped they'd be safe on the ground when they came back) but then we see people blipping back into existence in the same spot where they died in Spider-Man: Far From Home.

Homecoming screwed up the MCU timeline, so I wouldn't look to the Spidey films for any "desnappening" explanations.

In the comics the gems/stones are at least semi -sentient, so I assume the MCU versions provide excellent service while anticipating the gauntlet bearer's wishes.
I could have sworn that the Russos/Markus and McFeely/all four said either in an AMA, radio interview or commentary that when Hulk snapped, his thought process was "bring back everyone Thanos killed safely" (meaning if they were in a plane when they were snapped they'd be safe on the ground when they came back) but then we see people blipping back into existence in the same spot where they died in Spider-Man: Far From Home.
I mean, the kids who de-dusted on the basketball court were technically "safe". The whole thing really gets across the existential dread of living in a superhero universe, how reality can be completely upended for a while, and then it's time to go back to school.

I find it fascinating how the Avengers took care of business once they had the stones. Even if they've decided that restoring everyone without changing the past is the option with the fewest question marks, they still make this unilateral decision that will affect all of existence without so much as a formal announcement. You can certainly argue that any open debate or polling will just slow things down, but still...

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