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The Thread For Great Comic Book Quotes.

Wesley Dodds

He Who Lurks ...
Aug 11, 2008
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Okay, so over the years comic books have given us some great quotes this is a thread to put your favourites, the ones that YOU like the most.

I'll start us off with a few simple ones:

"Nothing ever ends."
- Doctor Manhattan

"If I'm going to have a past, I prefer it to be multiple choice!"
- The Joker

"In brightest day, in balckest night, no evil shall escape my sight, let those who worship evils might beware my power-- Green Lantern's light"
-Green Lantern

"I'm Batman"
"I did it thirty-five minutes ago."
-Spider Jerusalem.

"Deep down, Clark is essentially a good person...deep down, I'm not"
- Batman
"Do good to others and every man can be a superman."
"You're going to tell me everything you know, sooner or later. If it's later... I won't mind."
"What power would Hell have if those here imprisoned were not able to dream of Heaven?"- Morpheus; Sandman

"No. Not even in the face of Armageddon. Never compromise."- Rorschach; Watchmen

"Your fault you bastard! The world changed, but you wouldn't. So they chose me. They chose the man who would kill over the man who wouldn't. And now they're dead." Magog to Superman; Kingdom Come

For pure badassness:
Power Girl- "Was that necessary?"
Black Adam- "Absolutely."
Some Doom Patrol Quotes:

"They look at you and are revulsed. They call you freaks and they think your handicaps are all there is to who you are! We can prove them wrong. We can turn their scorn to grudging admiration. Join with me my friends. Together we can make a difference. "

"I couldn't think of one clever way to stop this guy, so I just trusted to mindless violence." - Robot Man
"As Phoenix, Jean Grey could have lived as a god but she chose to die...as a human"

"They dare to laugh at my *****?"-The Joker

"Charles Xavier always wanted us to build bridges between man and mutant. But we can fly and swim and leap! We will have no need of bridges"-Magneto

"My god carries a hammer"- Maria Hill

"The only verdict is vengeance; a vendetta, held as a votive, not in vain, for the value and veracity of such shall one day vindicate the vigilant and the virtuous" - V
"There are worse things than dying, friend. With this little ring I can take you apart molecule by molecule and then put you back together again. And maybe I put you back together right and maybe I don't. But you'll be alive and conscious for every second of it."

- Hal Jordan
Some favorites that stick out for me (Forgive me if I mess up any of them):

"(When the formerly- disguised Skrull he just stabbed in the chest asked with his dying breath how he was able to recognize him) It's the goggles, they're old school. (Driving a second blade into the Skrull's head) Nothing beats old school."
3-D Man, 'Avengers: The Initiative.' (The badassery of that quote is off the charts!)

"(re: Nightcrawler) He was the student whom I taught the least, yet who taught me the most."
Professor X

"(When told by his father that he's becoming a dumb jock cliche) And you're a nerd who hits like a girl. Isn't that a little cliche?"
Chase Stein, 'Runaways.'

"Poison Ivy may have a green thumb, but all she shows the rest of the world is her middle finger!"
The Joker, 'Joker's Asylum: Poison Ivy.'

"I said, EXCUSE ME! You should listen when a vessel of God is passing His judgment on you!"
The Quaker, 'Freshmen' (This is also one of my favorite general scenes in comics).

"(First words upon meeting the President) Mr. President, I have to pee."
Deadpool, 'Cable and Deadpool.'
I may add more as I think of them.
"You may be fast, but I've been doing this for years. So, as the kids say: Bring it on."-Doctor Octopus.

"You've got no leverage. My arms are unbreakable. And their power source is virtually limitless. You'll not be winning this one."-Doctor Octopus, just prior to beating the Hulk nearly to death with his admantium tentacles.

"Over and over you preach that the humans are not like us. Well you're right, Megatron. They're not. They have no programming to guide them, no Prime Directive to follow. Their actions are theirs, and theirs alone. You think that makes them weak. That they stand for nothing. I think it makes them strong. They have a battle you and I can never truly know. A battle to choose. You think I'm blind to the evil choices they've made? I'm not a fool, I see them. But unlike you, that's not all I see. I see the few that sacrifice...sacrifice of themselves...to carve out a prime directive of their own, no matter what the cost. It is for the sacrifices of those few that I fight even then those I once trusted abandon my side. So save your rambling Megatron and pray that your next blast kills me because if it doesn't I promise I'll tear you to pieces."-Optimus Prime

"The future is fluid. It can be changed. And with all the power in my soul I swear I shall not become...that."-Doctor Doom, after destroying a cyborg future counterpart.

"I'm Guy Gardner. Guy Gardner! If ya don't like it, walk away from it. But I'm sick and tired of everybody standin' around waitin' for me to apologize for it!!"-Guy Gardner

"Ollie, the only people who have to worry about Big Brother are the people who are doing something wrong."-Green Lantern Hal Jordan

"It's not the same as killing the dead ones, Daddy."-Carl Grimes
"It wasn't easy, dragging 220 pounds of sociopath to the top of Gotham Towers, the highest spot in the city. The scream alone is worth it."-Batman
"Ollie, the only people who have to worry about Big Brother are the people who are doing something wrong."-Green Lantern Hal Jordan

I hated this quote when I read it.
"I've walked across the surface of the sun, seen events so tiny and so fast that they hardly can be said to have occurred at all. But you, Adrian...are just a man. And the world's smartest man poses no greater threat to me than does its smartest termite"

-Doctor Manhattan

(Adore that line!)
"There are seven working defenses from this position. Three of them disarm with minimal contact. Three of them kill. The other...hurts."-Batman

"Impossible! Nobody can move that fast!
"Nobody else!"
"Sooner or later I'll get you and..."
"All you're going to get is frustrated and eventually trashed!"
"No! It's not fair!"
"But if we were fighting in a broom closet, that'd be fair right? With a little room to operate nobody can lay a glove on me. Not the X-Men, not the Absorbing Man, and not you. How do you think I've survived all this time? You ought to be proud, cuddles. You aspired to be a bully and man you're a classic. You talk big and bad when you've got the upper hand but when things get tough the whining little wimp-ette comes spilling out!"-Spider-Man and Titania
"Ollie, the only people who have to worry about Big Brother are the people who are doing something wrong."-Green Lantern Hal Jordan

I hated this quote when I read it.

I loved it. It's undeniably true and profound and terrifying at the same time.
How can we forget these classics:
"With great power, comes great responsibility."-Spider-Man
"This looks like a job for Superman!"-Superman
"I'm the best there is at what I do. But what I do best isn't very nice."-Wolverine
Judge Fear : "Gaze into the face of Fear"
Judge Dredd : "Gaze into the fist of Dredd!"
"Superman? You'll never be Superman. Because you don't know what it means to be Superman. It's not about what planet you're from, or what powers you have, or what symbol you wear on your chest. It's about what you do. It's about action."
-Superman to Superboy Prime

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