The TNA/Impact Wrestling PPV Prediction Thread


Dealin' W/ Demons
Jun 14, 2006
Reaction score
This will be the prediction league for those who watch TNA. I was thinking to combine it with the other thread but, Anno pointed out that not everyone watches TNA. So, here we go! Rules and points system are listed below and these standings will be kept separate from the WWE standings.

1. Anyone can take part, whether you participated in previous seasons, or previous rounds of this season, or not.
2. Leave your predictions of who you think will win each match as replies to this post.
3. You do not have to predict how the match will be won (e.g.: pinfall/submission/DQ etc.) although you can add it if you wish.
4. You can predict the match will finish in a draw/ no contest if you wish. NB: If the match is cancelled it will be considered a no contest. (Matches where a wrestler forfeits still count though.)
5. Replies must be posted prior to the start of the event.
6. Matches added after I post the starting thread for each PPV do not count for the predictions league - matches that take place on Heat, dark matches, etc. do not count either. Exceptions may be made if I miss something out of the original post.
7. Play fair - no editing of predictions after/during the PPV.
8. Points system is below.
9. Our decision is final.

Point System:
1 pt for every correct prediction
+2pts if it is a title match
+2pts if it is the main event (defined for the sake of argument as the final match to take place on the card)
+3pts if the match contains more than 4 people (e.g.: 6-man tag matches, Royal Rumble etc.)
+5pts if you correctly predict the result of every match on the card
Here is the final card for No Surrender! Picks must be in no later than 7:30 PM!!

World Heavyweight Champion Austin Aries challenges anyone from Aces & Eights

Bound For Glory Series Semifinal: Jeff Hardy vs. Samoa Joe

Bound For Glory Series Semifinal: Bully Ray vs. James Storm

The Bound For Glory Series Final: Winner of Jeff Hardy/Samoa Joe vs. Winner of Bully Ray/James Storm

Tag Team Championships Christopher Daniels & Kazarian vs. AJ Styles & Kurt Angle

Magnus vs. Rob Van Dam

X Division Champion Zema Ion vs. Sonjay Dutt

Knockouts Champion Miss Tessmacher vs. Tara
Last edited:
Miss Tess
Copied from the original Wrestling thread

Aries fights "Arm Breaker"
- I have a feeling this will end with the same thing we see on Impact every week with no reveal. It's just remains silly to me that no one rips of these guy's masks when they fight. This probably ends in a huge brawl, but TNA needs to have Aries unmask the guy so we can actually get some characters to be invested in. - Not an official match so no winner

James Storm vs. Bully Ray - I see Bully going over here. I think he'll end up in the finals and win the series to take on Aries at BFG, where he'll be revealed as one of the leaders of Aces & 8's and screw Aries out of his title with the help of the group. Winner: Bully Ray

Joe vs. Hardy - This is the toughest pick for me, but I think Hardy loses so Joe gets his heat back. Of course I think Joe loses to Bully in the finals due to Magnus' interference, but I can see Magnus costing him here as well to have a Hardy vs. Bully final. Winner: Joe

AJ/Angle vs. Kaz/Daniels - I hope Angle and AJ win to cap off this feud and give Angle a title, since he reportedly is upset about his position in the company right now, but I have this uneasy feeling Kaz and Daniels retain in this never ending feud so they can have a trilogy at BFG, where AJ and Angle will finally win for good and move on. Winner: Kaz/Daniels

Miss Assmacher vs. Tara - Assmacher wins and cements her spot as the new champ over her teachers. Match ends in a respectful hug. Assmacher then moves on and feuds with Mickie, who they've had acting as a heel on house shows and hinted at on TV. Winner: Assmacher

Zema Ion vs. Sonjay Dutt - With Dutt you know it's going to be fun no matter what. That also means you know he is going to lose. Ion is being set up witha long run while they wait for Jesse Sorenson to return. Winner: Ion

RVD vs. Magnus - RVD loses here. Magnus appears to finally be getting his singles push I think we will see him win so he earns some heat and credibility. That should lead to a Magnus vs Joe match at BFG. Winner: Magnus

BFG Series Final Winner: Bully Ray
Miss Tess
The BFG Final would be Joe vs. Bully in your picks. Who would you pick for the BFG Series Winner?
3 1/2 hours to get picks in!
World Heavyweight Champion Austin Aries challenges anyone from Aces & Eights

Bound For Glory Series Semifinal: Jeff Hardy vs. Samoa Joe

Bound For Glory Series Semifinal: Bully Ray vs. James Storm

The Bound For Glory Series Final: Winner of Jeff Hardy/Samoa Joe vs. Winner of Bully Ray/James Storm

Tag Team Championships Christopher Daniels & Kazarian vs. AJ Styles & Kurt Angle

Magnus vs. Rob Van Dam

X Division Champion Zema Ion vs. Sonjay Dutt

Knockouts Champion Miss Tessmacher vs. Tara
This is my first time to join one of these :)

Austin Aries
Jeff Hardy
Bully Ray
Bully Ray (finals)
AJ Styles & Kurt Angle
Rob Van Dam
Zema Ion
Miss Tessmacher
Well, we didn't get the turnout I was hoping for. Maybe we'll have more involved with the next PPV. Here are the standings after No Surrender!

  1. Superark - 11
  2. Hotwire - 10
  3. Baby Webhead - 9
  4. Dr. Evil - 7
  5. Hunter Rider - 7

Also, can a mod please sticky this thread?
Well, we didn't get the turnout I was hoping for. Maybe we'll have more involved with the next PPV. Here are the standings after No Surrender!

  1. Superark - 11
  2. Hotwire - 10
  3. Baby Webhead - 9
  4. Dr. Evil - 7
  5. Hunter Rider - 7

Also, can a mod please sticky this thread?

Hey, it's taken awhile just for a lot of the posters to start watching Impact. PPV's will take a bit
I'm joining next PPV,I'm kinda late on watching this week's IMPACT.

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