the 90% who actually understood the movie (or paid attention) and therefore know that he was not a terrible villain do.
Well, I may not be a mathematic, uber-cerebral genius, but I think I understood the movie pretty clear, since I don't think there's supposed to be a problem with its understanding, since it's a very shallow, one-sided, and superficial film. And Aldrich Killian is indeed a terrible villain. Personification-wise, motivation-wise, attitude-wise. He's a superficially written cardboard figure with no profoundness and no complexity. I would say that he's definitely Schumacher's Batman level of bad.
of course he is terrible, if you have no idea about his motivations or are constantly getting it wrong.
I think the fact that his motivation is so trivial and depthless is what makes people think that he is terrible. The whole "drama" behind his origin lies in the fact that Tony Stark dumped him on a party. Seriously, that is motivation? This guy is supposed to be a genius yet he couldn't figure out which choice Tony Stark would make? If some rich playboy/womanizer would have a choice to either get laid with a pretty women or go on a rooftop to some nerdy weirdo, I think you don't have to be a genius to understand what he would prefer. Again, the set up for his character is superbly childish and poor. It doesn't justify his attitude at all. He behaves like a five year old child with mental dysfunctions. But, to give him a credit, pretty much all MCU movie villains are mediocre and forgettable, so he's not alone on that.
of course he's not the Mandarin to you, if you're not able to see how *#$%#§&ing similar they are
Wasn't the Mandarin purely an Asian-looking man who was born in China, who had ten power rings that could shoot lazers, and whose origin was about him being oppressed and disparaged by the government of his homeland? I don't remember part of his origin when he's angry at Tony Stark because he was dumped by him on a Christmas party.
Yep, they're definitely similar.