I don't understand all the fans who don't seem to understand that movies as a whole are about making money and not art. So if they think it will sell it will be done. (remakes and sequels and such)
Yes, on the whole, movies are expected to make a profit, but they are also about the art, the art of making a good movie, a good product, so you can make more profit.
But, there are also movies made that are *not* expected to make a profit, that explore themes that will not catch on with the public in a big way at all, but are deemed important as works of art to be made, so they can be seen by people.
Some of these films are subsidised by government sponsored arts councils, and are given grants.
The David Cronenberg film 'Spider' was one such film, subsidised by arts council grants, and acted in by major actors who worked for basic scale wage, as they knew it would not make money, but felt it was important to make a film dealing with such subject matter.
I also don't understand politics at all.
Why not? Politics is just about people, this forum is swarming with politics, cliques, power battles for territory, people challenging the rules...all that changes are the names of the participants and parties, it is all about power, the rules that went before, as opposed to the rules they want implimented, and people trying to get the message out in tersm of what they believe is happening, and what should be done about it, as opposed to the picture their opponents try desperately to paint, so they can weild power.