Things you wouldn't realize unless someone told you


Jun 9, 2003
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How would you know the world was round? :confused:

Or would you know what "hole" to put it in unless someone told you???
I would know the world is round because when you look at the horizon, it stops. ships going out over the ocean disappear over the horizon, idicating a curve in the surface.
yeah it would look different if it tended towards infinity. of cause i'd have to have been taught what things tending towards infinity looked like to know that.
Ronny Shade said:
I would know the world is round because when you look at the horizon, it stops. ships going out over the ocean disappear over the horizon, idicating a curve in the surface.
Ok smart guy, how would you know what the sun and stars are made of? Or why objects fall to the ground? :mad:
Your fly is undone.

Your shirt needs to be tucked in in the back.

You can see the size tag on you shirt from behind.
anyway we know a few people figured it out, so it's possible that in the same situation one of us could have.
blind_fury said:
Ok smart guy, how would you know what the sun and stars are made of? Or why objects fall to the ground? :mad:
No, I wouldn't know any of that
other than what you can pick up from your natural senses, there is nothing you would know unless told.

infact you wouldn't even know how to be told because you wouldn't be able to communicate verbally.
Danalys said:
anyway we know a few people figured it out, so it's possible that in the same situation one of us could have.
You act like these discoveries were easy. lol.
well we still don't know why objects fall to the ground really. gravity is just a name that describes the process. explinations are things like warped space time. still not known for sure tho.
blind_fury said:
You act like these discoveries were easy. lol.

either that or i think there are capable inquisitive people here.
Danalys said:
either that or i think there are capable inquisitive people here.
You have to imagine what it was like BEFORE the discoveries were made.

Thousands of years went by and many people existed before most of the knowledge we take for granted was discovered.
blind_fury said:
You have to imagine what it was like BEFORE the discoveries were made.

Thousands of years went by and many people existed before most of the knowledge we take for granted was discovered.

It might've been more difficult if the discoveries were made much later,but nothing that's ever been said hasn't been said before.
i just was really . really simple observations can lead to great thoughts at times. for einstein it was something like a ball being thrown up and down on train as it was moving.

all it needs is for the person that sees to be gifted.
Danalys said:
i just was really . really simple observations can lead to great thoughts at times. for einstein it was something like a ball being thrown up and down on train as it was moving.

all it needs is for the person that sees to be gifted.
well this thread is for somewhat normal people, NOT BRANIACS!

*throws rocks at Danalys*
Abaddon said:
It might've been more difficult if the discoveries were made much later,but nothing that's ever been said hasn't been said before.
There was always a first however. The first time someone realized moonlight came from the sun. The first time someone realized why the sky is blue.
blind_fury said:
There was always a first however. The first time someone realized moonlight came from the sun. The first time someone realized why the sky is blue.

The first time the information was documented and recorded maybe.:o
blind_fury said:
well this thread is for somewhat normal people, NOT BRANIACS!

*throws rocks at Danalys*

you better stop that before i build some kind of rock deflector

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