Two-Face killed them?


Iron Captain
Jun 10, 2006
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I never understood this part of the film: Was it a retcon on the Waynes' death, or was it saying that Harvey Dent pardoned Jack Napier from going to prison which in turn led to the Waynes' death at his hands?


...what the f**k are you talking about? Two Face only killed Dick's parents. Bruce says specifically that he hunted down and killed the man who killed his parents (the Joker...which is innacurate, because the Joker actually accidentally killed himself).
Maybe I heard it wrong? It was during one of the funeral parlor flashbacks I think. Maybe I'll rent it to see if I can find it.
You heard it wrong.

Bruce: A monster comes out of the night. 2 shots. I killed them.

Alfred: What did you say?

Bruce: Two Face. He killed that boys parents.

Alfred: No. You said "I". I killed them.

It may not be word for word, but this was basically how it went. The murder of D!ck$ family was bringing out more of the night of his parents wake, so it was forcing him to deal with his own repressed memories.
WOW! People come on here having no clue what theyre talking about.
It's just Bruce pointing out the parallells between what happened to him and Dick.
You know it's funny. As I child, I thought that Two Face did Bruce's parents. I always thougt it was confusing with the first movie. But I had to see it as I was older; this time paying attention to the dialogue and not just waiting for fight scenes.:woot:
I never liked the homage to 89 where he flashes back to the scene of his parents death and they tried to emulate it , they should have just used footage from 89.
...what the f**k are you talking about? Two Face only killed Dick's parents. Bruce says specifically that he hunted down and killed the man who killed his parents (the Joker...which is innacurate, because the Joker actually accidentally killed himself).

It wasn't totally an accident. Batman did shoot a grapple around his leg and attach it to a gargoyle. Now, weather or not Bats knew the gargoyle would fall off the building and pull Joker to his death is up for grabs, but Bats definitely holds some blame.
I've long thought Batman had an idea of what would happen. Joker grabs the ladder and yells "Sometimes I just kill myself!" and Batman immediately starts reaching for his grappling gun. Bats watches Joker ascend a little, then fires in order to tie him to the statue. Even as a child, that struck me as too much to be coincidence.
Batman didn't even try to save Joker. He waited until Joker fell before he pulled himself and Vicki up.
I never liked the homage to 89 where he flashes back to the scene of his parents death and they tried to emulate it , they should have just used footage from 89.

Then people would notice the different child actors I believe.

I've long thought Batman had an idea of what would happen. Joker grabs the ladder and yells "Sometimes I just kill myself!" and Batman immediately starts reaching for his grappling gun. Bats watches Joker ascend a little, then fires in order to tie him to the statue. Even as a child, that struck me as too much to be coincidence.

Oh come on, that Gargoyle totally shouldnt have fallen that easily. I'm sure if you went to any cathedral, and tried with all your might to push one of the gargoyles over, there's no way you could do it. That church must have been in extreme disrepair for it to have came off just under Jokers weight. I always figured he was just gonna hang him up there, but then the gargoyle fell.

And how could he have saved him? Grabbed the gargoyle? That would have just killed him and Viki too.
It's the placement of Joker's last line that does it for me. Take that out and I'm of the same opinion as you are; the whole thing is just happenstance. As it stands, it just strikes me too pointed of a sequence. Joker spouts off, Batman looks like he just got an idea and Joker ends falling to his death because he can't support the added weight. It comes across as more than a throwaway line.
I think we'll have to agree to disagree here...there's no way the gargoyle should have came off before the ladder snapped. Also, the Joker was a god damn idiot for not letting go of the ladder and just you know, getting caught.

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