V for Vendetta DVD.

I haven't seen it in theaters, but I am going to rent it and if I like it I'll give it a buy.
slipknotrocks said:
I liked this film, but its not worth buying.

My friend said the same thing.

So how do you guys like the artwork? I like both versions.
Darth Elektra said:
My friend said the same thing.

So how do you guys like the artwork? I like both versions.

Yeah, both are very nice. One is the best poster, and the othre a new piece of work. Very good.
Good lord they think a lot of themselves if they think i am spending that much money on one DVD.
DarthSkywalker said:
Good lord they think a lot of themselves if they think i am spending that much money on one DVD.

That's not the price. That is how much it's worth, but when stores get the DVD, they put their own price on it.
War Party said:
That's not the price. That is how much it's worth, but when stores get the DVD, they put their own price on it.

The prices reduce by about 5-10 dollars, i know that. That is still way to much.
It's probably going to be $20 at Target for the special edition. Well, that's what it usually is where I live.
I like the Special Edition much better. I'm probably gonna wait a couple of months before buying it though.
On a related note, i hear one of the Wachowski Brothers is a Transvestite living with a Dominatrix. That's the reason he doesn't do interviews....
Why does the two-disc set cover art always suck compared to the single disc sets? :mad:
awesome covers!...the top one would have been better in dark greenish colors
I'm not buying it.
It was good, but i am not watching it again.
Gamma Ray said:
Why does the two-disc set cover art always suck compared to the single disc sets? :mad:

I second that.

Just like Batman Begins 2-Disc set.
I bought it, but it's ugly compared to the Single Disc set.
The Constantine 2 Disc-set, also.
Gamma Ray said:
Why does the two-disc set cover art always suck compared to the single disc sets? :mad:

I think the two-disc is better, myself, but whatever strokes your boat.
Two-disc cover art is way better imho... Somehow seeing Natalie Portman's huge head on there just, bleh. I rather see V given a larger image... plus, the art style is far more beautiful with that war ad sort of design to it like the posters had.

I cannot wait... I'm shocked so many people don't want to see it again, I think it is one of the best movies I've ever seen.
I loved this movie. I can't wait to see it again.

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