Visual proof of the illuminati;)


Jun 15, 2005
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Their son, the 43rd president of the USA, George W. Bush is related to every European monarch on and off the throne and has kinship' (kingship) with every member of Britain's royal family. He is a 13th cousin of Britain's Queen Mother, who died in 2002 at the age of 101, and her daughter, Queen Elizabeth. Bush is a 13th cousin, once removed, of the heir to the throne Prince Charles, and has a direct descent from Henry III and from Henry VIII's sister, Mary Tudor, who was also the wife of Louis XI of France. Bush is further descended from Charles II of England.

Even Bill Clinton and Bob Dole, who opposed' each other at the 1996 Presidential election, are distant cousins. They can trace their ancestry to England's King Henry III, who reigned from 1216 to 1272 during the years of Templar pre-eminence, and US Presidents, William Henry and Benjamin Harrison. This information comes from the publication, Burkes Peerage, which traces the lineage of royal and aristocratic families. Clinton has far more royal blood than Dole and is directly descended from the same bloodline as the House of Windsor, every Scottish monarch, and King Robert I of France

So if you still think that anyone can be President wake the ***** up:)
If I'm not mistaken, the gene pool is so small that pretty much ANY Caucasian can be traced back to some sort of european royalty.
black cobra you do realise that anyone can be related to anyone else in the earth by a chain of 5 people or less and the majority of people in England are more closely related to the monarchy than bush so have all the conspiricies you like but i just see this as paranoia
:whatever: :whatever:
And my thirteenth cousin is William Shatner , and my great uncle x 17 was William the Conqueror.
:whatever: :whatever:
black cobra you do realise that anyone can be related to anyone else in the earth by a chain of 5 people or less and the majority of people in England are more closely related to the monarchy than bush so have all the conspiricies you like but i just see this as paranoia

When it comes to picking the winner in the American presidential race, Britain’s leading chroniclers of royal ancestors say they’ve never been wrong — not once in almost 200 years.

Based on facts gleaned from the old scrolls and dusty archives of Burke’s Peerage — researchers of royal bloodlines since 1826 — the Brits wager it will be Texas Gov. George W. Bush.

“The presidential candidate with the most royal genes and chromosomes has, up to now, always won the White House,” say the researchers at Burke’s Peerage.
They say Bush’s blue blood runs thicker than Vice President Al Gore’s. In fact it trumps the royal ties of every other president to date, including his father’s. It seems George W. has inherited his mother’s deep blue blood-line.

Buckingham Palace politely declined to comment on the recorded royal connections of either candidate.
“This sort of thing happens every time there’s an American Presidential Election,” scoffed one palace official.
But if the Burke’s Peerage prediction has its doubters, the company doesn’t hesitate to defend its crowning legacy.
“You can’t just write off 200 years of accurate predictions,” says Brooks-Baker pointing out Mike Dukakis learned about the “royal factor” the hard way. The 1988 Democratic nominee and son of Greek immigrants had no connections to any European thrones, and he lost in a landslide.
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Please give me an example to prove your point. And provide a supporting link also. Your subjective opinions will not suffice. I've proven that our American Presidents have a plethora of royal blood. If you know anything about the way the Royals breed, almost every marrige has to be approved, this is so they can keep the power consolidated amongst the royal families.
When it comes to picking the winner in the American presidential race, Britain’s leading chroniclers of royal ancestors say they’ve never been wrong — not once in almost 200 years.

Based on facts gleaned from the old scrolls and dusty archives of Burke’s Peerage — researchers of royal bloodlines since 1826 — the Brits wager it will be Texas Gov. George W. Bush.

“The presidential candidate with the most royal genes and chromosomes has, up to now, always won the White House,” say the researchers at Burke’s Peerage.
They say Bush’s blue blood runs thicker than Vice President Al Gore’s. In fact it trumps the royal ties of every other president to date, including his father’s. It seems George W. has inherited his mother’s deep blue blood-line.

Buckingham Palace politely declined to comment on the recorded royal connections of either candidate.
“This sort of thing happens every time there’s an American Presidential Election,” scoffed one palace official.
But if the Burke’s Peerage prediction has its doubters, the company doesn’t hesitate to defend its crowning legacy.
“You can’t just write off 200 years of accurate predictions,” says Brooks-Baker pointing out Mike Dukakis learned about the “royal factor” the hard way. The 1988 Democratic nominee and son of Greek immigrants had no connections to any European thrones, and he lost in a landslide.

Please give me an example to prove your point. And provide a supporting link also. Your subjective opinions will not suffice. I've proven that our American Presidents have a plethora of royal blood. If you know anything about the way the Royals breed, almost every marrige has to be approved, this is so they can keep the power consolidated amongst the royal families.

Greece is in Europe
Wow...Hype is one of the few places where you can sit back and watch two people who ultimately have no idea what they're talking about go at each other. :rolleyes:
when obama wins he'll say his father's father was king of the kree empire :rolleyes:
Wow...Hype is one of the few places where you can sit back and watch two people who ultimately have no idea what they're talking about go at each other. :rolleyes:

know it the only place you can find someone who is living in reality and some paranoid idiot go at eachother
Greece is in Europe

The article didn't say Greece wasn't In Europe. Your rebuttal makes no sense at all.

"The 1988 Democratic nominee and son of Greek immigrants had no connections to any European thrones, and he lost in a landslide"

the day they have a blood test and prove this i will believe it untill that day there is not a chance especially when you consider how many people lied about their heritage when they first came to america
the day they have a blood test and prove this i will believe it untill that day there is not a chance especially when you consider how many people lied about their heritage when they first came to america


The definitive genealogical guide to the major aristocratic, historical and royal families of the United Kingdom, Ireland and the United States of America.

There are over 1 million names in our more than 15,000 records of the gentry and peerage of the United Kingdom, historical families of Ireland, distinguished and presidential families of the United States, and the royal families of Europe, as well as other prominent individuals. Each pedigree has been meticulously researched by a team of professional genealogists to ensure the information is accurate, reliable and up-to-date.

The definitive genealogical guide to the major aristocratic, historical and royal families of the United Kingdom, Ireland and the United States of America.

There are over 1 million names in our more than 15,000 records of the gentry and peerage of the United Kingdom, historical families of Ireland, distinguished and presidential families of the United States, and the royal families of Europe, as well as other prominent individuals. Each pedigree has been meticulously researched by a team of professional genealogists to ensure the information is accurate, reliable and up-to-date.

show me actual scientific evidence in the form of a blood test rather than claims and I will concede
show me actual scientific evidence in the form of a blood test rather than claims and I will concede

That's what I thought. You lost this debate. You can't disprove my facts. These are well documented facts, that has been peened in countless publications. And by the sheer idiocy of your request, proves that you're to clueless and closed minded to debate anything. You haven't provided any evidence to counter my arguments, just your meaningless, unsupported, and worthless opinion. Next time you reply to me, please include some intelligence, not 17th century flat earth ignorance.
That's what I thought. You lost this debate. You can't disprove my facts. These are well documented facts, that has been peened in countless publications. And by the sheer idiocy of your request, proves that you're to clueless and closed minded to debate anything. You haven't provided any evidence to counter my arguments, just your meaningless, unsupported, and worthless opinion. Next time you reply to me, please include some intelligence, not 17th century flat earth ignorance.

how about this if you are not on weed seek psychiatric help because to even consider this insane idea you can not be normal and as i can not be bothered to deal with such an idiot you are now on my ignore list
how about this if you are not on weed seek psychiatric help because to even consider this insane idea you can not be normal and as i can not be bothered to deal with such an idiot you are now on my ignore list

Thank you, you beat me to it. I have zero tolerance for some ignorant troll refuting my published articles. The evidence I provided was from online! Your evidence was provided from your subjective opinion. Here's a list of reputable news agencies that supports the facts i'm presenting.

Born To Be President

Bush Has An Aristocratic Pedigree

And finally, this nugget on Bush and Kerry being blood brothers (also a Springsteen song title. Sorry, we just can't help ourselves). Bush and Kerry are ninth cousins twice removed, and according to, they share a famous common ancestor: none other than Vlad III Dracul, the macabre Transylvanian warlord from the 15th century who is more commonly known as Dracula, later immortalized in Bram Stoker's 1897 novel, "Dracula." They're also apparently related to the late Princess Diana.
Bush has closer ties to Dracula, going back 32 generations to the former ruler of Transylvania and what is now southern Romania. Kerry has to go back 34 generations in the family tree. As for the Diana connection, Kerry and Bush are both related to her and the House of Windsor. They are distant cousins of the famous princess: Kerry is a 12th cousin once removed; Bush is her 11th cousin twice removed.

That's what I thought. You lost this debate. You can't disprove my facts. These are well documented facts, that has been peened in countless publications. And by the sheer idiocy of your request, proves that you're to clueless and closed minded to debate anything. You haven't provided any evidence to counter my arguments, just your meaningless, unsupported, and worthless opinion. Next time you reply to me, please include some intelligence, not 17th century flat earth ignorance.
That are absolutely meaningless to anyone with the capacity for rational thought. All your proving is that most people have about six degrees or so, of separation between each other, something that's been known for quite some time. Take a moment and think about what "ninth cousins, twice removed" actually implies; a very distant relation. Genetically they are probably as closely related as most married couples. The fact that you can show our gene pool is so limited that humans can trace their ancestory back to a common source is nothing new. Add on the fact that both Kerry, Clinton, and Bush are white increases, exponentially, the chance that they share some ancestory, common ancestory with nobility in Europe. What your article convienently leaves out is all the ancestory they have that isn't European. In fact, every President, from Washington to Bush43, by default is going to have ancestoral ties to places in Africa and mesopotamia, simply because they are human, however, I don't see Illumanti articles claiming African and Islamic interests guide modern civilization.

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