Mystery/Thriller Wake Up Dead Man (Knives Out 3)

Wait is he playing himself? Because they used his hot sauce in the last one
Ha, I forgot about that. It could go either way since there were a few celebrities making cameos as themselves in Glass Onion but I'm assuming it's a larger role if he's being announced this early.
Still would be hilarious if they brought back the hot sauce with his character.
Nice to see Renner recovered and getting more work.
next to Bond, Blanc is my fave character Daniel Craig has played you can tell he has SO much fun playing it!
Damn! Another excellent addition. So with tomorrow being Friday, I assume we are getting more?
I thought that she was being quietly shunned in Hollywood after writing a letter of support for Danny Masterson so for her to be cast in something this high profile is a surprise.
I thought that she was being quietly shunned in Hollywood after writing a letter of support for Danny Masterson so for her to be cast in something this high profile is a surprise.
Realistically, even the guys doing the sex abuse aren’t being fully 100% blackballed at this point, so it’s not that surprising to see someone who sent a “Hey, go easy on him” letter continue on unscathed.
Pretty sure she supported a convicted rapist. Maybe she’ll play the corpse.

Also, shocked at which people in this board even gave “thumbs up“ reactions to this casting announcement post. Really, Sithborg?

Where her and her husband's letters extra stupid compared to the others that wrote letters for Masterson, sure. But, everything I've seen about them indicates that they are not the most intelligent. I am not invested in holding anger at those in a very complicated emotional situation. I mean, there are plenty who are still vocal about support for Allen or Polanski. Hell, we would have to cancel 90% of to veteran British actors. Is it disappointing, sure. I'm not about to black list them, though.

Everyone has a different line, though.
Pretty sure she supported a convicted rapist. Maybe she’ll play the corpse.

Also, shocked at which people in this board even gave “thumbs up“ reactions to this casting announcement post. Really, Sithborg?

I didn’t know about that until now, wow!
Pretty sure she supported a convicted rapist. Maybe she’ll play the corpse.

Also, shocked at which people in this board even gave “thumbs up“ reactions to this casting announcement post. Really, Sithborg?
People are free to have their opinions so mind your own
Really bummed out that we probably won’t be getting a Blu-ray release for Glass Onion or this movie.
Some patience may be required. Hush is a Netflix film that they seem to have lost the rights to, and is now getting a physical release.
What a cast this is. Now the question is, with a cast this big how many of them are going to get shafted on screentime? :o
I want to know the setting or filming location.


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