hey I was wondering if any one knows how to make webfluid .Please PM me if you know how.
thanks xman86
thanks xman86
Aloha,Originally posted by Chris Wallace
Y'all have got to be kidding me! You might as well ask how to make Adhesive X! Or adamantium. Or your own Mjolnir. It's FICTIONAL. If it existed or could actually be made, Raimi & Co. wouldn't have deemed it too implausible to use in the movie! Get real!
Aloha,Originally posted by DDRSkata
The problem with this whole instinctive knowledge gain situation is that spiders already have the chemicals inside them, so their body mixes them together, making them more analagous to organics. But if you want to apply the concepts to mechs, it seems kind of stupid that he'd know exactly which chemicals to buy and how to mix them, seeing as they're not in his body or anything.
Oh, you're a crafty one, you are. You must've been drinking some of that dihydrogen monoxide.dariu3z said:Century Gothic]xman86 you are right there is a formula for web fluid it is liquid cement,strong liquid glue and the last igrediant is c6h13no if some one knows what that chemical is their lucky and hwo doesnt know what is il keep them in suspense for 3 days
MST3KPIMP said:you'll be making plenty of it when at the right age.
dariu3z said:wow you wont believe it guys i just saw this show cold ripleys believe it or not
there was this guys hwo colects spider-webs and melts them they turn to this sticky yelow stuff that when he spilled it on a giant piece of paper they sticked it to a car and lifted it the paper didnt even rip.later he made plastick armor and spiled that stuff on the armor then two guys tried to beat him with baseball bats and nothing that guy didnt felt a thing it was so awsome i couldnt believe my eyes.but there is one bad thing to make a drop of that stuff you need 100 spider-webs.i all ready colected a web ball a size of a ping pong ball.i think il keep colecting it and one day make a rope out of it.
spyderman2k4 said:True true. While I didn't see that exact episode, I know what guy you are talking about (I believe he made a whole bear suite... like, an armor suite that would withstand a bear attack). Anyway, the one I saw, he put his "spider web liquid" onto four of those cotton discs (kinda looked like stridex pads, but they're just cotton). Then he had a car on a platform. On each corner of the platform was a chain, clamped to one of the cotton discs. Then a crain lifted fourh chains, which were clamped to the cotton pads (each pad essentiall made a "link" in each chain). Needlessly to say, the cotton pads were indestructable. It's a very cool thing, I'll see if I can find a video of it or something.
MST3KPIMP said:you'll be making plenty of it when at the right age.
MST3KPIMP said:you'll be making plenty of it when at the right age.