Wga Strike: Make The Call!

Dew k. Mosi

Hype Award Winner
Mar 22, 2001
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Hello, everyone!

Here is something quick and powerful that each of us can do RIGHT NOW to help end the Writer's Strike. I hope you will do it, and pass it on. Thanks!

SC-JOHNSON - GLADE advertising executives and company lawyers are holding an emergency meeting Friday December 7th to debate pulling their network television spots due direct pressure from the thousands television fans who have called and expressed their EXTREME RELUCTANCE to buy their products until the writers of their favorite shows receive a fair contract.

If SC Johnson Glade pulls their ads and asks for their money back, their competitors will follow suit. And the sooner the advertisers demand their money back from the networks, the sooner this strike will end!

Let's make sure that SCJ GLADE feels the heat this week. Please distribute this email to your fans, friends, family, and anyone who watches network television, cares about writers, hates reruns, and despises corporate greed.

Call SC JOHNSON GLADE at 1-800-494-4855 (During business hours)

and say:

"My name is ________________. I am a consumer calling to tell you that
I support the TV writers in their ongoing dispute with the television networks. I regret to to inform you that I am no longer comfortable using, buying, or recommending SC Johnson Glade products due to your company's continued financial support of the networks by paying them for television ad time. Thank you."

The call is free and will only take two minutes of your time. We already know it is making a difference.

Once you've called, please forward this email to anyone and everyone you know who watches television or movies. The strike is hurting everyone. Writers. Actors. Crew Members. Everyone who lives and works in or near Hollywood. Help all of them have a Happy Holiday Season. The strike needs to end. Help us. Make the call.
Cool Cool.

I'd also like to point out that my avatar is from www.fans4writers.com

They have a Food4Thought fund, where you can make donations which will help the writers, among other things they list on their get involved section.

One of them is www.pencils2mediamoguls.com

The site gives the mailing address for the CEO's of CBS, GE (NBC/Universal), News Corporation (Fox), Time Warner (WB), Disney, and Viacom, and through the site they then send in bulk, pencils for the companies during the strike.

And they stress the importance of being polite when calling, writing a letter, sending an e-mail or mailing pencils. Unsharpened pencils.
I would call but I'm not really bothered either way, it's interesting to see how long it can go on :up:
Yeah, I want to see how long this lasts too.
watching on the side is always the easiest way to go, but if you can actually do something about it, and it's in your power to affect how things turn out, why not get up off your ass and DO SOMETHING?

I guess that's the downside of being raised on television
Just one question: what products does SC Johnson Glade advertise?
I don't support the writers strike :down
The writer's strike is a good thing though, as it allows other industries of film to have a better amount of coverage for a while.
I don't support the writers strike :down

Neither do I. You have an entire workforce striking so basically the top 5-10% of the group can get what amounts to a bigger bonus. They use the whole "benefit of the little man" schpiel to drum up support from the bleeding hearts, yet the real "little men" like the grips, lighting people, caterers, etc. are getting screwed here because they cant work.
Hulk, I've thought a lot about that too and it's unfortunate that so many people are affected by the choice of one group. On the other hand, if tptb weren't so damn greedy and would just be fair with the writers (the most important people in any creative process, imo) than this thing could be ended any time.
Neither do I. You have an entire workforce striking so basically the top 5-10% of the group can get what amounts to a bigger bonus. They use the whole "benefit of the little man" schpiel to drum up support from the bleeding hearts, yet the real "little men" like the grips, lighting people, caterers, etc. are getting screwed here because they cant work.
how hard is it to get a lightning crew job in Hollywood? or any technical type of job like that?
If Glade pulls their spots it seems like the other advertisers would consider it a great time to renegotiate the cost of their own.
can you smell that faint essence of anarchy?
You know I hope this strike can at least last a year...that would be awesome. Go WGA show them who is boss!!!
If Glade pulls their spots it seems like the other advertisers would consider it a great time to renegotiate the cost of their own.

Well, that's what'll make the studio cough up the cash, the advertisers pulling their advertising since that's how the studios get paid. Once ad companies see the ratings plummet with all this new reality crap, rates will drop and people will pull their ads and the studios will go back with their tails between their legs and give the writers what they want.
Well, that's what'll make the studio cough up the cash, the advertisers pulling their advertising since that's how the studios get paid. Once ad companies see the ratings plummet with all this new reality crap, rates will drop and people will pull their ads and the studios will go back with their tails between their legs and give the writers what they want.
if advertising rates drop, then that's good for the advertisers. this is basic supply and demand. rates drop, creating more demand.
i guess im just not that angry about television shows and movies as you guys are.... perhaps the problems in the government would be a bigger problem with you? no? i thought not....

why don't you just instead of calling johnson, you call your local senator and voice your concerns about the coming election? oh asking too much? i understand, keep up the good fight....
i guess im just not that angry about television shows and movies as you guys are.... perhaps the problems in the government would be a bigger problem with you? no? i thought not....

why don't you just instead of calling johnson, you call your local senator and voice your concerns about the coming election? oh asking too much? i understand, keep up the good fight....

People need tv just to make it thur the day...more important than having certain freedoms taken away:hehe:
they are willing to affect the economy over not having the proper amount of Lost on this season... does anyone else realize how crazy this is? honestly?
Meh, all the calls won't matter. As long as reality TV pulls in good enough rating to justify the commercials, companies will not pull ads and the studios won't budge.
if advertising rates drop, then that's good for the advertisers. this is basic supply and demand. rates drop, creating more demand.

It's really a doubleedged sword, when rates drop that means not as many people are watching your show, so your message isn't reaching as big of an audience and for a lot of those television commercials, reach is the biggest goal. It won't necessarily create more demand because no one wants to advertise on a show that no one's watching. Reruns have lower rates, but less demand because there aren't as many people watching reruns.

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