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What are your addictions?

Your addictions

  • Alcohol

  • Cigarettes

  • Gambling

  • Internet

  • Pornography

  • Caffeine

  • Heroin

  • Cocaine

  • Meth

  • Crack

  • Weed

  • Sugar

  • Eating

  • Isolation

  • Work

  • Exercise

  • Theft

  • Sex

  • *********ion

  • Prayer

  • Perfectionism

  • Sedatives

  • Stimulants

  • Sadism

  • Masochism

  • Self-Mutilation

  • Steroids

  • Television

  • Gaming

  • Voyeurism

  • Codependency

  • Risky behaviour

  • Other

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Feb 17, 2007
Reaction score
This will be a private poll, but feel free to discuss your addictions, why you got into them, and what you are doing about it.
I might as well face it... I'm addicted to love
Hype! is not an option.
Video games- I've been playing video games ever since I was 3 and started playing with my old man's 2600. I play video games on my days off from work including holidays and vacation, and when I come home from work. I've even used some sick days so I could finish a game.

Some of you are lying about pr0n. Go ahead and admit it.

Also, I'm very much an addict. Makes me kind of sad to realize. Way to go! Now I need to add a couple more to help me cope with these that I already have.
Porn and *********ion for me.
Guess they can of go hand in hand.
porn, caffeine, internet, tv I'd consider them more of a vice than an addiction. I don't obsess over them.
i beleive bubonic started this thread just so someone would admit they are an obsesive mastabator, and he'd get in a discussion about it with them a sub. for astroid man s ******* thread, wich bubonic enjoyed.
Internet and pron though I guess everyone's addicted to sex in some form. I say guess because I have no clue what other people do. It's hard to know since sex is still such a taboo these days. No one's grown up enough to talk openly about it, what's right what's wrong etc... although I guess some places are starting to realize it's the mature thing to do and stop being babies about it.
Internet and pron though I guess everyone's addicted to sex in some form. I say guess because I have no clue what other people do. It's hard to know since sex is still such a taboo these days. No one's grown up enough to talk openly about it, what's right what's wrong etc... although I guess some places are starting to realize it's the mature thing to do and stop being babies about it.
:huh: Everybody talks openly about sex all the time. What planet do you live on?
i beleive bubonic started this thread just so someone would admit they are an obsesive mastabator, and he'd get in a discussion about it with them a sub. for astroid man s ******* thread, wich bubonic enjoyed.

Pffft, go back to your meth, coke, crack and heroin. :o
Keep in mind I did mean actual addictions, things you feel you couldn't go without for a week, or even a day.
Internet and pron though I guess everyone's addicted to sex in some form. I say guess because I have no clue what other people do. It's hard to know since sex is still such a taboo these days. No one's grown up enough to talk openly about it, what's right what's wrong etc... although I guess some places are starting to realize it's the mature thing to do and stop being babies about it.

Except for asexual people. :huh: Or yanno, people with healthy sexual attitudes/drives.
Exactly, an addiction to sex is more then just really liking sex.
It's when sex becomes the only important thing, and you do what you can to get it regardless of the consequences or moral implications.

Think Quagmire.
:huh: Everybody talks openly about sex all the time. What planet do you live on?

The same planet that banned gay marriage in california. We're not that advanced yet in that area and that's just a reality we'll have to live with for a while I guess...
just cigarettes, sex and internet
weed and booze are just a couple of habits I enjoy and can do without
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