PALADIN was a terrific poster who was unfairly banned, in MY humble opinion.
But the lifetime ban finally came when he and Dew went at each other just that one too many times, and the rest is history.
I like both posters a LOT... and seeing as I was here when both of them joined the Hype, there was a LOT of things said between the two over the years that while never admitting it out loud, there was probably some animosity between the two that was just too hard to deal with.
And unfortunately, because the Hype is inunndated with cry-baby virgins who can't handle a "real" debate with an intelligent person, they would go crying to poor Dew about how this mean ol'PAL fella yelled at them and called them names, because they have an inabilty to back up their statements in a debate on a message board. So she was probably fed up with all the "Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhh, hold me Dew and ban that mean old man!" PM's and it didn't help that there was that existing animosoty between the two... which will be denied by Heather when she reads this later.
I'm sorry Heather, but as I stated... I call it as I see it and we both know there were some nasty "pre-mod" stuff said between the both of you. I like you both and I DO NOT play favorites and I'm not siding with anyone.
And finally, I have emailed PAL a few times since his banning, though it's been since '06 since we last chatted, but he was doing fine with life after the Hype.