what killed kong


Jul 27, 2001
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this is something myself and a friend discussed recently after re watching both the 33 and 05 versions. what do you think really killed him was it the fall or the planes.
In the original, the fall. In the remake, the planes. He seemed to die on the top in the remake. If I recall correctly, you see his pupils dialate as he dies while Ann looks at him one last time.
Peter Jackson killed Kong. Peter Jackson almost killed me because the movie was too long and boring! '33 version ftw...
Peter Jackson killed Kong. Peter Jackson almost killed me because the movie was too long and boring! '33 version ftw...

Oh man. I just came into this thread with almost the identical post planned.

Damn you Commando!:yay:
Falling from that height, with his weight, Kong should have practically dispersed upon impact into a hairy, bloody, sinewy pool of black goo. With the capability of special effects departments today, it would a sight to behold.

Shame on you, Peter Jackson. Skimping on t3h realizmz. :nono:
Jackson's remake was fantastic IMO.

I love the original more of course, but Jackson's was a fantastic tribute/remake.
Jackson's remake was fantastic IMO.

I love the original more of course, but Jackson's was a fantastic tribute/remake.

I think the rampaging sauropod scene is still going on.

I probably would have liked it had I been able to stay awake.
Oh man. I just came into this thread with almost the identical post planned.

Damn you Commando!:yay:

Oh, so you too prefer movies where the human "characters" are more fake than the action figures....:)

And in the 05 version...the only one that's anything more than an unintentional comedy, he died before the fall, which was more powerful since he died as he and Ann looked each other in the eyes, which she didn't have the strength to do in that hilarious exhibition at the end of the 1933 comedy sketch...I especially love Kong bumping the freaking building as he falls. Yeah, that really added to the emotion.:whatever:

"Shame on you, Peter Jackson. Skimping on t3h realizmz."

Yeah...because adventure FANTASY epics are so known for their realism...
Yeah...because adventure FANTASY epics are so known for their realism...
I see the nonsensical content of that statement, including the ridiculous leet-speak allusion to realism and a finger-wagging smiley, was not enough to convey SARCASM to you.

How could anybody take that seriously?
Some people just have longer/shorter attention spans than others..

I saw Kong 3 times in theaters and I never got restless/tired/bored.

I see the nonsensical content of that statement, including the ridiculous leet-speak allusion to realism and a finger-wagging smiley, was not enough to convey SARCASM to you.

How could anybody take that seriously?

Oh, I've seen people make statements that are that ridiculous and more, and insist that they genuinally meant it.
Beauty combined with the fall. Oh Kong, there was nothing we could have done to save him.


The quote makes sense now- right?
Oh, I've seen people make statements that are that ridiculous and more, and insist that they genuinally meant it.
These dangerous individuals of consequence must be hunted down and eliminated. We shall attack from the sky in vintage Depression-era biplanes and fell them just as the mighty Kong was. :bomb:
In the original, the fall. In the remake, the planes. He seemed to die on the top in the remake. If I recall correctly, you see his pupils dialate as he dies while Ann looks at him one last time.
Basically my thoughts as well. The big ape was going down anyways in the '33 original, but lost his grip before his expiration. And as you said, it was definately conveyed that Kong death was as a result of the planes continually attacking him.
I love both films very much, even though they approach the Kong character in different ways.
In '33, the death blow was delivered by the impact.
In '05, it looked as though he slipped into death on top of the building While staring at Ann.
"I warned him."

-Jack Nicholson
Oh, so you too prefer movies where the human "characters" are more fake than the action figures....:)

And in the 05 version...the only one that's anything more than an unintentional comedy, he died before the fall, which was more powerful since he died as he and Ann looked each other in the eyes, which she didn't have the strength to do in that hilarious exhibition at the end of the 1933 comedy sketch...I especially love Kong bumping the freaking building as he falls. Yeah, that really added to the emotion.:whatever:

"Shame on you, Peter Jackson. Skimping on t3h realizmz."

Yeah...because adventure FANTASY epics are so known for their realism...

In the original Kong was the monster, in the Jackson remake/tribute, Kong was the protagonist.
The monster in the 2005 version was the Army.

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