X3 is still better than both FF and ROTSS combined imo, they're in seperate leagues!
How can you say Dr. Doom and Sue's poor portrayal are minor?! They're two of the main characters in the movies!!
Sue was a minor character not only in the movies, but also in the comics. Dr. doom was crap, slightly better in the second but still, but the rest of the movie was good, the other three main characters, the plot, the special effects, directing, etc.
actually i didn't think rotss was too bad...alot better than spidey 3 and x3 but not by much though, they are all in the same boat.
Definitely, here's how I rate the movies:
A: Here's you spider-man 2, Iron man, Batman begins. Movies that are damn near perfect in most aspects of the film, something worthy of praise.
B: Fantastic 4 1 and 2, its a good film, I can rewatch it with enjoy meant. It's not great and lacking in a few areas but still over all good.
c: Daredevil, a movie that is bad, has little redeeming qualities. I can still watch it if it comes on, but not repeatedly
D: Hulk, very bad film, only one or two redeeming qualities. I can watch only a few scenes from the movie but that's it. I Hulk doesn't get an F because Ang Lee tried something new but failed horribly. I always give credit to people trying something new.
F: Spidey 3, worst of the worst. There are no redeeming qualities in this movie. I can't stand to even see the commercials. And the reason it's at the very bottom is because there is no reason it should have sucked so bad. Daredevil, Hulk, Ghost Rider tried something new and failed, it happens. But spidey had two incredible great films behind it, non of the actors, directors, nothing else changed. I would lump xmen 3 in here but they had a force production time by the studios and therefore a reason to suck.
I would say this is a fair assessment of comic book movies, with a very objective few from both a fan of comics, a fa of film making, and general movie audience.
Now here's the kicker non of these franchise are beyond saving. you can definitely continue the story, with a new creative direction, director, writer, actors, etc. All you have to do is ignore how much the previous one sucked, not contradict, just ignore. Jump ahead a few years, Don't mention what happened with harry and why Pete and MJ aren't set in Spidey 4, don't talk about elecktra in DD 2, don't explain past history with Doom in FF3. Just move forward with a NEW story.
If any of these movies move forward, whether with marvel or not, they do not need to retell the same tired story. Make something new and interesting.