Comics What would happen if Superman gains Immunity to kryptonite?

Why would he gain magic powers and ninjitsu skills if he were imunen to Kryptonite? :confused:

Anyway, things probably wouldn't change much. Most of his major villains aren't Kryptonite based and they still tend to give him a good fight.
i hate his kryptonite weakness personally but it is part of his and our culture. i have heard ppl make references to kryptonite all the time like " milkshakes are my kryptonite" so i doubt it will happen anytime
Things would be more like the 90's when kryptonite was actually considered a rare thing to get ahold of, and therefore was barely ever seen in the comics. He has plenty of enemies who can go head to head with him without kryptonite.
Basically. Bloodsport can probably get his hands on non Kryptonite related tech that can hurt Superman, Parasite never used Kryptonite once in his life, Bizarro never needed it, neither did Zod, Riot can just make an army of himself ten thousand strong and dogpile on Supes, and even Metallo is string enough to trade blows with the Man of Steel without the aid of Kryptonite.
mano012sg said:
right...notice how much supes suffered against darkseid and doomsady before beating them. How would his mastery of say kryptonian & earth martial arts fare against them...not to mention batman's skills of escapism and ninjutsu.

What would learning the martial arts have to do with being imune to Iryptonite. Anyway, Superman would still fall short to Darkseid. Omega Effect > Ninjas.

mano012sg said:
I mean on earth, as superman there no need, unless he is say totally depowered, say under a red-filtered yellow sun (one of the animated series episodes). For outer-earth dealings ..heck he even needs a space craft to go into deep space! would he fight if he mastered martial arts of his adaopted and native homes?

He'd probably fight alot smarter. Although, I really don't see why learning martial arts would help much. When he first started out, he was an undiscaplened brawler, basically. But he's been in enough fights with people as strong as he is to learn how to be a better hand to hand combatant.

mano012sg said:
How would doomsday and darkseid fare or whoever else fare against his martial arts skills? that's what I mean, not that he doesn't win them in the end, but martial art skills for him, how would it serve him? his kryptonian arch villians are supposed to know combatative skills right? How would he beat them more effectively. Assuming he has those skills, who would be his toughest opponent?

I'd say Darkseid, Parasite, Bizarro, Metallo, Zod, Doomsday, Riot, Bloodsport, Livewire, and Brainiac would all still pose ample threats. Parasite absorbs energy, so whatever Clark throws at him makes him stronger. Darkseid, when written well, has the Omega Effect and thus pwns all n00bs. Bizarro and Doomsday are basically crazy brawlers. And any fighter will tell you that fighting a stupid person who will fight wildly and not care about their own safety is more dangerous than a disciplened fighter. Riot will just make ten thousand copies of himself anmd dogpile on Superman. Livewire, Bloodsport, and Brainiac all have long range atacks. And Zod's still a highly skilled hand to hand combatant in his own right.

Now, I must ask again: What the **** does ninjitsu have to do with being imune to Kryptonite?
mano012sg said:
ninjutsu has nothing to do with being immunue to kryptonite.
point is say:
1> Superman 's immune to kryptonite...He does his own experiments and Batman has done his experiements too. Yet in any case assume that with some leap of fate and superman gains immunity to kryptonite. Don't ask questions about how...coz that will be a topic for another thread if anyone opens one or has opened one. So krypotonite is scientific immunity based.

Fine. Things would basically stay the same. Most of his villains aren't Kryptonite based and still give him a good fight.

mano012sg said:
2. but martial arts can help him overcome magic.

No they won't.

mano012sg said:
just like batman's art help him to discern (to a certain point) illusion from reality because of his martial arts discipline -- i.e: mind over matter.

It helps him to a degree, but not entirely.

mano012sg said:
at superman's level I think it'll do him good to discern illusion from his reality and hence ovecome the influence of magic on him. this is the martial arts in the mind over matter part -- for magic.

That doesn't make any sense. Why would being able to see through illusions (which Ninjitsu doesn't make you able to do, by the way) make him imune to magic?

mano012sg said:
3. given supes is already immune to kryptonite and etc...he's basically superman but unaffected by krytonite. MAstered his mind so that he can "see" thru magic.

Martial arts skills would not enable him to be imune to magic.

mano012sg said:
** pls get the 3 different matters in the correct perspective Question. Don't blame you, i may not have been clear earlier, sorry.**

No, you weren't.

mano012sg said:
Hence given all these, if superman were to master all of batman's skills, for his own use in other-world/(ok)

What the hell is "Other World"?

mano012sg said:
where it really counts for him. Put that way, he's bascially the super-version of Batman and Xmen rolled into one. Real Bad-ass.

Waitwaitwait. Where the hell do the X-Men come into this?

mano012sg said:
The thread is then about:
If superman evolved to being a such a person,
What would his guiding principles?

They'd be the same.

mano012sg said:
What would his foes be like?

They would, for the most part, be the same, since very few of his enemies are Kryptonite based.

mano012sg said:
How would he assist batman and the others?
The way he usually does.

mano012sg said:
What adventures will give him a real challenge?

For the most part, the ones he has normally.

mano012sg said:
{Personally I've always wondered: if superman was so poweerful yet humbled, why logically does he have to be weak to his home planet? ok lets eliminate that.


mano012sg said:
A normal human being can overcome illusions and see through tricks.

To a limited extent. Illusions still fool Batman most of the time.

mano012sg said:
A superhuman hero would be able to handle more and learn to be unaffected, so let's take away the magic weakness.

No, let's not. Being able to see through illusions and being imune to magic are two completely different things.

mano012sg said:
so now what? What If we add X-men volume of power but boosted to (relevant)

What the hell do the X-Men have to do with this?

mano012sg said:
superman powers, proportionally improve all his other skills, being super...match the flash one for one or better in running, auqaman in swimming...etcc.....,

Why would Ninjitsu make him as fast as the Flash?

mano012sg said:
master the art of pre-emptive prep--inspired by bruce wayne--master much of batman's skills as well of combatative arts, escapiam a "i might need it someday".

What if superman mastered all the skills of a human hero but at his(supes) own best levels?

Then he'd be a more skilled hand to hand combatant and stratigest. That's about it. It wouldn't give him extra powers.

mano012sg said:
What levels woud it take to challegen him?

Probably the same he's at now.

mano012sg said:
what levels would his technology be at?

What technology? Superman doesn't use tech.

mano012sg said:
would he improve his xray vision so that it can filter through lead evetually?

Why would Ninjitsu skills enhance his X-Ray vision?

mano012sg said:
how to bring him down?}

The same way you do now. Call The Atomic Skull, Parasite, Metallo, and Bizarro, and then run and hide.

Dude, seriously, none of this makes any sense.
Hm. This thread makes no sense. :o :down
in DC One Million I think or in Kingdom Come, they mention Superman forming some resistance to Kryptonite poisoning over the years. I could see that as a natural Superman progress.

since Supes isnt as powerful as he used to be and they can write better things than just "oooh kryptonite pls help me!" storylines, the need for a major kryptonite weakness seems needless.
The Question said:
Fine. Things would basically stay the same. Most of his villains aren't Kryptonite based and still give him a good fight.

No they won't.

It helps him to a degree, but not entirely.

That doesn't make any sense. Why would being able to see through illusions (which Ninjitsu doesn't make you able to do, by the way) make him imune to magic?

Martial arts skills would not enable him to be imune to magic.

No, you weren't.

What the hell is "Other World"?

Waitwaitwait. Where the hell do the X-Men come into this?

They'd be the same.

They would, for the most part, be the same, since very few of his enemies are Kryptonite based.

The way he usually does.

For the most part, the ones he has normally.


To a limited extent. Illusions still fool Batman most of the time.

No, let's not. Being able to see through illusions and being imune to magic are two completely different things.

What the hell do the X-Men have to do with this?

Why would Ninjitsu make him as fast as the Flash?

Then he'd be a more skilled hand to hand combatant and stratigest. That's about it. It wouldn't give him extra powers.

Probably the same he's at now.

What technology? Superman doesn't use tech.

Why would Ninjitsu skills enhance his X-Ray vision?

The same way you do now. Call The Atomic Skull, Parasite, Metallo, and Bizarro, and then run and hide.

Dude, seriously, none of this makes any sense.

ninjutsu is not primairly. to increase his athletic prowness... don't connect the two. but its not ninjutsu, that's only the steath part and the escapism part. Iam talking the whole of martial arts. everything else that batman is supposed to have mastered or more.

I mean...look superman brawls with his kryponians by flying up and down and mainly boxing and wrestlling and his powers. His endurance is all that keeps him coming back. With martial arts it will be he would be steadier in the air and the fight would be polished like the Batman Beyond animated movie, of terry migginnis, or "The Batman" batman. Both were fantastic fight scenes. Superman could use kicks, blocks and all of those in a polished way rather than the way he brawls with raw strength now. I mean seriouly look at batman and superman...u can see that batman's skills are so polished.

Superman can afford to polish his skills to that level too. Then for the spectators watching him in the air fighting with polished measured martial arts moves (elbows, kicks, knees,chops, mid-air, aikido slams, mixed with boxing....etc..), it will be SOOOOOO COOOLLLL. that's what I mean. then probabaly the way he handles large objects thrown at him would also change? (instead of puching them through)

As for the X-men's example:
Xmen--well cyclops optic blast, for one
Jean Grey's telekinesis (since some of supes powers is supposed to be telekinesis based)

It is nice to know that the opponents will be the same. yes...but he will beat them easier. If He uses Batman's style of surprise attack and (limited) viciousness at his level of superness, how would Darkseid fare? the improvements in fighting technique/the flow of combat? explain.

if then who else would give him a powerful challenge? anyone more powerful? that's what I mean.

Its like he beats all these guys eventually out of (super) street-fighting skills and brawling experiences (with them) normally. Now he's upgraded with the major weakness taken out, a higher tolerance for another weakness and a whole whole host of skills that would effectively make him the "batman of krypton".

So Far supes was good. So was Batman. in terms of adventures. So supes new (improved adventures) would have to be really really much cooler than what it already is right? i hope.
stop bye'ing-buying more replay's and quote
should be closed
mano012sg said:
ninjutsu is not primairly. to increase his athletic prowness... don't connect the two. but its not ninjutsu, that's only the steath part and the escapism part. Iam talking the whole of martial arts. everything else that batman is supposed to have mastered or more.

I mean...look superman brawls with his kryponians by flying up and down and mainly boxing and wrestlling and his powers. His endurance is all that keeps him coming back. With martial arts it will be he would be steadier in the air and the fight would be polished like the Batman Beyond animated movie, of terry migginnis, or "The Batman" batman. Both were fantastic fight scenes. Superman could use kicks, blocks and all of those in a polished way rather than the way he brawls with raw strength now. I mean seriouly look at batman and superman...u can see that batman's skills are so polished.

Superman has learned how to fight through experianced. Learning martial arts really wouldn't help much.

mano012sg said:
Superman can afford to polish his skills to that level too. Then for the spectators watching him in the air fighting with polished measured martial arts moves (elbows, kicks, knees,chops, mid-air, aikido slams, mixed with boxing....etc..), it will be SOOOOOO COOOLLLL. that's what I mean. then probabaly the way he handles large objects thrown at him would also change? (instead of puching them through)

Why does he need fancy moves? As I've said, he's learned to be a good fighter by fighting other people who are as strong as him. Learning fancy martial arts wouldn't necessairily make him better.

mano012sg said:
As for the X-men's example:
Xmen--well cyclops optic blast, for one
Jean Grey's telekinesis (since some of supes powers is supposed to be telekinesis based)

Superman doesn't have telekinesis.

mano012sg said:
It is nice to know that the opponents will be the same. yes...but he will beat them easier. If He uses Batman's style of surprise attack and (limited) viciousness at his level of superness, how would Darkseid fare? the improvements in fighting technique/the flow of combat? explain.

Darkseid would still kick his ass.

mano012sg said:
if then who else would give him a powerful challenge? anyone more powerful? that's what I mean.

His villains would still give him a challange. He can't get near Parasite without getting weak, Metallo, Bizarro, and The Atomic Skull are just as strong as him, and other villains have different advantages in different areas.

mano012sg said:
Its like he beats all these guys eventually out of (super) street-fighting skills and brawling experiences (with them) normally. Now he's upgraded with the major weakness taken out, a higher tolerance for another weakness and a whole whole host of skills that would effectively make him the "batman of krypton".

First off: Learning martial arts would not make him imune to magic. At all. Second, street fighter is not inferior to polished martial arts. In fact, in alot of ways, it can be superior.

mano012sg said:
So Far supes was good. So was Batman. in terms of adventures. So supes new (improved adventures) would have to be really really much cooler than what it already is right? i hope.

His adventures wouldn't be much different. Most of his villains aren't kryptonite based, and most of them are tough enough to stand up to him, martial arts or no.
in kingdom come, luthor addresses it and says the stuff is useless and goes onto plan something else anyway.
Spike_x1 said:
Things would be more like the 90's when kryptonite was actually considered a rare thing to get ahold of, and therefore was barely ever seen in the comics. He has plenty of enemies who can go head to head with him without kryptonite.

Just one more thing that Byrne and Wolfman thought through and brought back into the mythos in a better way. The rarity of kryptonite made it difficult for the average antagonist to get a hold of and led to better story telling.

I hated the convenience of having it just laying around for anyone to just pick up and use against Supes. Terrible storytelling device.
I'm not sure which thread to put this in, so I'll try here.

My kid asked me this the other day, and I don't know the answer, so I promised I'd post it on SHH:

"If Parasite attacks Superman and absorbs his powers, does he also absorb his weakness to Kryptonite? If so, couldn't Superman then attack Parasite with Kryptonite?"


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