A short time ago I came upon a figure called Super-Kick Spider-Man on's database of figures ranging in year from the early 2000s to now. This figure was part of a short lived line of figures called The Amazing Spider-Man which seemed to be tied in with a lot of miscellaneous merchandise that was Spider-Man related at the time. The figure itself didn't look like anything special, just another cheap Spider-Man figure with a dumb gimmick and limited possibility, but something good that caught my eye was the design of the costume. I hadn't seen anything like it and I was wondering if this was based on any previous incarnation of the costume in the comics. If this is an original design, I'm surprised that this wasn't used more often.
A short time ago I came upon a figure called Super-Kick Spider-Man on's database of figures ranging in year from the early 2000s to now. This figure was part of a short lived line of figures called The Amazing Spider-Man which seemed to be tied in with a lot of miscellaneous merchandise that was Spider-Man related at the time. The figure itself didn't look like anything special, just another cheap Spider-Man figure with a dumb gimmick and limited possibility, but something good that caught my eye was the design of the costume. I hadn't seen anything like it and I was wondering if this was based on any previous incarnation of the costume in the comics. If this is an original design, I'm surprised that this wasn't used more often.