Which Book To Buy Next?


Jan 7, 2007
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Hey guys,

I have a pretty decent collection of TPB's so far, but now i'm at a loose end... What books shall I get next? So far, I have: (In my own chronological order!)

Year One, Mad Monk, Man Who Laughs, Venom, Long Halloween, Killing Joke, Death In The Family, Strange Apparitions, Arkham Asylum, Scottish Connection, Contagion, Cataclysm, City Of Crime, Hush 1+2, Under The Hood 1+2, Hush Returns, Face The Face, Dark Knight Returns and Dark Knight Strikes Again...

I probably don't have the money to do the Knightfall or No Man's Land collection, so, any suggestions?
I guess, just to complete the Mad Monk arc...
Hey guys,

I have a pretty decent collection of TPB's so far, but now i'm at a loose end... What books shall I get next? So far, I have: (In my own chronological order!)

Year One, Mad Monk, Man Who Laughs, Venom, Long Halloween, Killing Joke, Death In The Family, Strange Apparitions, Arkham Asylum, Scottish Connection, Contagion, Cataclysm, City Of Crime, Hush 1+2, Under The Hood 1+2, Hush Returns, Face The Face, Dark Knight Returns and Dark Knight Strikes Again...

I probably don't have the money to do the Knightfall or No Man's Land collection, so, any suggestions?

No Man's Land is really non-essential anyway, as is the third volume of Knightfall, Knightsend. It's basically one big fight scene.

I would recommend the following; The Greatest Batman Stories Ever Told 1 & 2, The Greatest Joker Stories Ever Told, The Batman Chronicles Volume 1, A Lonely Place of Dying, Red Rain, and Batman Vs Predator.
Batman & the Monster Men (came before Mad Monk, and is better IMO)
Dark Victory (sequel to Long Halloween)
Yeah i'm probably gonna go with Dark Victory i guess, follow up TLH arc...

I have the Batman Chronicles Vol. 2, but when I said about Knightfall and No Man's Land, I meant all five books sort of thing, but conversely, I have OCD over my comics so i'd HAVE to get all the books, I couldn't just get like book 3 and 5.

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