Which Doom variant should appear?


Krakoan native
Oct 31, 2006
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I know it’s chaotic and neither of them really had the same level of respect as Patrick Stewart as Charles but if they did get a doom variant, who should appear? Part of me wants to see what Julian McMahon can do working with someone with actual talent like Feige
I know it’s chaotic and neither of them really had the same level of respect as Patrick Stewart as Charles but if they did get a doom variant, who should appear? Part of me wants to see what Julian McMahon can do working with someone with actual talent like Feige
I don't really want either of them to appear. Is McMahon actually a good actor? I don't think I've ever seen him do anything that was actually memorable in a good way.
I feel like Kebbell could actually play a good traditional Doom if given the chance, but there are probably other actors even more suited for that.
Doom needs to be regal and ruthless. I don't feel like either of those actors was able to portray him accurately..

If any previously introduced character is crying out for a recast, it's Doom.
Toby Kebbell was not Doom. IDK WTF he was but that was not Doom.
Joseph Culp.

And yes I'm dead serious. Doom with retractable blades in his finger tips. Would be awesome.

You sir win the vote of the day....Joseph Culp still felt more like Doom than the other two..if given a bigger budget and tone back a few of his cheesy over the top moments, he would have made a very good Doom and one I could have been proud to call MY Doom....
how many people would even get that reference, tho
Compared to every other Doom, this Doombot
1. Has a nicer personality
2. Is an official member of the Avengers
3. Has better fashion sense.
Clearly he is the superior Doom and we deserve him.
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