Who are these Marvel Artists ?


May 13, 2004
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anyone can recognize them ?

thank you in advance Marvel Fans
John Buscema is the first one from an Avengers cover.
DevilHulk said:
thank you really impressive :eek:

Haha yes I'm a little impressed with myself that I've read comics for so long I can start to recognize artists from single panels.

I'm not sure about the issue, but that Wasp pic looks like it's probably from the mini Avengers : The World's Mightiest Heroes. Anyone back me up on this? The one about their first year that came out last year???
Phoney Bone said:
I'm not sure about the issue, but that Wasp pic looks like it's probably from the mini Avengers : The World's Mightiest Heroes. Anyone back me up on this? The one about their first year that came out last year???
yes, it is
Didn't NA draw some of the Kree-Skrull War?

Millar once called Hitch today's John Buscema.I think the comparison is spot on.
Adams drew some of the Kree/Skrull War didn't he?

Millar once called Hitch today's John Buscema.A comparison which is very spot on.
Although the title is infact: Earth's Mightiest Heroes, not World's...
I think it's from #2.

Is that first pic definitely by Buscema? I thought it was Neal Adams.
I'm fairly certain he did. I'm at work so I can't check, though.
Neil Adams came on board in issue #93 of the Avengers during the Kree/Skrull wars but left after only drawing 3 issues.
GNR4Life said:
Adams drew some of the Kree/Skrull War didn't he?

Millar once called Hitch today's John Buscema.A comparison which is very spot on.

Except Buscema had a work ethic. :o
Dwarf lord said:
Except Buscema had a work ethic. :o

I wouldn't say that Hitchy lacks work ethic.Sure he skims on deadlines,but from looking at the mind blowing art he produces in that amount of time,it's pretty evident that he is no slacker.
What does that matter? A deadline's a deadline. Basically, I don't think Hitch should be drawing a monthly comic if he's going to put that level of detail into it. If they wanted Ultimates to be filled with the spectacular images Hitch likes to fill it with, they should've either waited for Hitch to get all the issues done or just marketed the book as bi-monthly. I like Hitch, but if he needs that long to do his work and Marvel wants him to do his best, why not just give him the time and be upfront to the readers about it?
Exactly, because Ross is an artist that requires a lot of time. Dell'Otto got the same treatment for Secret War and, although that still didn't work out well, at least Marvel let people know that they recognized the quality of the art demanded more time and that they were giving that time to the artist. It makes them look a lot better than soliciting something as a monthly and then delaying it for months on end with nothing but a, "Gee, we're really sorry but the artist just isn't done yet."

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