Who Are Your favorite Movie Villains?


The Duke, A-Number 1
Jun 6, 2007
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As much as I like drama and artsy foreign films, I gotta go with Darth Vader. And I'm talking full-on David Prowse in a suit, voiced by James Earl Jones, force-choking admirals and commanders left and right in Empire Strikes Back Vader. None of that whiny farmboy Prequel stuff.

Other faves include William "Bill the Butcher" Cutting from Gangs of New York, Anton Chigurh from No Country For Old Men, Don Logan from Sexy Beast, and I think I'm going to have to include Heath's Joker from Dark Knight in there soon after I see it. Oh, and of course my namesake from Ichi the Killer. So, what's everyone else's faves?
Freddy Krueger is at the top of my list,followed by Venom. After that there's a bunch...Darth Vader/Anakin,Darth Sidious,Jason Voorhees,Bruce the shark from Jaws,Hannibal Lecter,Godzilla(as a "bad" guy) and Heath Ledger's Joker looks to join that list soon.
It's cliche`, but Vader will always be tops for me.

Other greats include-

Hannibal Lector
Hans Gruber
Michael Myers
Norman Bates
Castor Troy
Ivan Drago
Alec Trevelyn
The Terminator
Freddy Krueger
Hans Gruber
Sherriff of Nottingham (Alan Rickman)
Gary Oldman in 'Leon' (can't remember the character's name)
Cyrus 'The Virus' Grissom
Tommy Lee Jones in 'Under Siege'
The Scarecrow
Jason Voorhies
Paul Giamatti in 'Shoot 'Em Up'
General Zod
Biff (BTTF trilogy)
Mr. Blonde (Reservoir Dogs)
Catherine Trumel (Basic Instinct... atleast in the first one)
Simon Gruber (Die Hard 3)
Ivan Drago (Rocky IV)
The Terminator (...)
Jason Voorhees (Friday the 13th 2-4/6-10)
Bruce the Shark (JAWS)
The Joker (Batman 1989)
Patrick Bateman (American Psycho)
John Ryder (Hitcher)
Leatherface (TCM)
The Driver (Duel)
Hal-9000 (Space Odyssey, 2001)
Bill Lumbergh (Office Space)
Tommy Udo (Kiss of Death 1947)
Agent Smith (Matrix Trilogy
Tommy Devito (Goodfellas)
Freddy Krueger (NOES)
Michael Myers (Halloween)
& of course
Godzilla in the villain role. :up:
Biff (BTTF trilogy)
Mr. Blonde (Reservoir Dogs)
Catherine Trumel (Basic Instinct... atleast in the first one)
Simon Gruber (Die Hard 3)
Ivan Drago (Rocky IV)
The Terminator (...)
Jason Voorhees (Friday the 13th 2-4/6-10)
Bruce the Shark (JAWS)
The Joker (Batman 1989)
Patrick Bateman (American Psycho)
John Ryder (Hitcher)
Leatherface (TCM)
The Driver (Duel)
Hal-9000 (Space Odyssey, 2001)
Bill Lumbergh (Office Space)
Tommy Udo (Kiss of Death 1947)
Agent Smith (Matrix Trilogy
Tommy Devito (Goodfellas)
Freddy Krueger (NOES)
Michael Myers (Halloween)
& of course
Godzilla in the villain role. :up:

That's one I left out. Since he's the film's protagonist it's hard to classify him. :huh:
That's one I left out. Since he's the film's protagonist it's hard to classify him. :huh:
Same goes for Henry (Henry: Portrait of a Serial Killer) really. But I consider him a Movie Villain nevertheless.
It does not get any more vile, frightening, disgusting and plain out creepy as this man. He is pure evil, and I shudder at the thought of him.....



Jar Jar Binks. He was the most evil and vile creature ever put on film.

...and Rosie O'Donnel in anything.
Definitely William Cutting (Gangs of New York) and John Doe (Se7en).

Daniel Day-Lewis is an amazing actor and when he needs to be, he can become horrifyingly menacing in certain roles. I can't wait to see There Will Be Blood. :up:
Alien (Alien, Aliens)
Predator (Predator 1 and 2)
Mister T (Rocky 3)
Ivan Drago (Rocky 4)
T-1000 (Terminator 2)
Doctor Octopus (Spider-Man 2)
T-1000- Terminator 2
The Joker- Batman '89
Darth Vader- Star Wars OT
Darth Sidious- Star Wars PT
Predator- Predator
Magneto- X-Men Trilogy
Agent Smith- Matrix Trilogy
Hannibal Lector- Silence of the Lambs
Count Dracula- Horror of Dracula
Frankenstein- Boris Karloff version
Roy Batty- Blade Runner
Mola Ram- Temple of Doom
Doc Ock- Spider-Man 2
Voldemort- Harry Potter Series
Edgar Bug- Men In Black

Those are my favorite :up:
-Darth Vader
-Darth Sidious/The Emperor
-Michael Myers(Original Version)
-Green Goblin
-Doc Ock
-The Aliens(In Aliens)
-The Terminator(In the first movie)
-The T-1000
-Hannibal Lecter(Anthony Hopkins)
-Pennywise(Stephen King's IT)
-Jason Voorhees
With his unshaven face, his beady snake-like eyes, his pointy mustache, his utter sadism (shooting an old man in the face and loving it and killing an entire family are prime examples) he just is evil in the flesh. Undoubtedly men like this roamed the Wild West back in the days. And also undoubtedly, none of them was as badass, and menacing as the great, great, great Lee Van Cleef as Angeleyes in The Good, The Bad and the Ugly.

Darth Vader (of course)
The Predator
Aliens - from the Aliens movies
Micheal Myers
Freddy Kreuger
Jason Voorhees
Leatherface - TCM
Terminator - Terminator 1
T-1000 - T2
Ed-209 - Robocop
Clarance Boddicker - Robocop
Lord Humungous - Mad Max 2
With his unshaven face, his beady snake-like eyes, his pointy mustache, his utter sadism (shooting an old man in the face and loving it and killing an entire family are prime examples) he just is evil in the flesh. Undoubtedly men like this roamed the Wild West back in the days. And also undoubtedly, none of them was as badass, and menacing as the great, great, great Lee Van Cleef as Angeleyes in The Good, The Bad and the Ugly.


Great choice!

I've always loved the beginning how he's just smirking at the guy while eating his food before he kills him and his family.
Daniel Day-Lewis is an amazing actor and when he needs to be, he can become horrifyingly menacing in certain roles. I can't wait to see There Will Be Blood. :up:

You won't be disappointed, trust me. I would put Bill Cutting up there, but after seeing There Will Be Blood, Lewis's Daniel Plainview is an even better villain, despite being the protagonist of the film.


Alex (from A Clockwork Orange)
Patrick Bateman
Darth Vader
Anton Chigurh
Karl Hungus and the Nihilists (The Big Lebowski)
William Stryker and Magneto
Ra's al Ghul and The Scarecrow
Ben Wade and Charlie Prince (3:10 to Yuma)
Agent Smith
Hannibal Lector
Darkness (the devil in the film "Legend")
The General (Pan's Labyrinth)
Robert Angier (The Prestige)
Simon Skinner (Hot Fuzz)
Bad Ash (Army of Darkness)

Honorary Favorite Villain: Heath Ledger's Joker (agreed, even though I haven't seen the movie yet, I know that I'll love this performance)
Just a few that come to my mind when looking through my DVD's...

Darth Vader (Star Wars)
Driver (Steven Spielberg's Duel)
Frank Costello (The Departed)
Col. Nathan Jessep (A Few Good Men)
Dean Wormer (Animal House)
Doug Niedermeyer (Animal House)
Satan (Constantine)
Commodus (Gladiator)
Khan (Wrath of Khan)
Shredder (TMNT 1990)
Nazis (Raiders of the Lost Ark)
You won't be disappointed, trust me. I would put Bill Cutting up there, but after seeing There Will Be Blood, Lewis's Daniel Plainview is an even better villain, despite being the protagonist of the film.

That's what I hear. Unfortunately I live in a small desert town and we don't usually get great movies like that until after a month of wide release or so.
Just a few that come to my mind when looking through my DVD's...

Darth Vader (Star Wars)
Driver (Steven Spielberg's Duel)
Frank Costello (The Departed)
Col. Nathan Jessep (A Few Good Men)
Dean Wormer (Animal House)
Doug Niedermeyer (Animal House)
Satan (Constantine)
Commodus (Gladiator)
Khan (Wrath of Khan)
Shredder (TMNT 1990)
Nazis (Raiders of the Lost Ark)

Ooh, a biggie for me I left out. Also the first movie I really noticed how damn fine an actor Joaquin Phoenix can be.

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