its not all that important and when you think about it their right about everyone having one i mean look at how many i have:
standalone dvd in livingroom w/ fireplace
vcr/dvd combo in bigscreen living room
one bedroom
desktop computer
i have four and i dont even use all of them and neither does my family and if we get a ps2 that will be five in total. if this was 2000 then yes no wii w/ dvd would be a big issue look at the dreamcast i didnt have one and especially in japan that's what killed it.......but now dvd players cost 20-100 bucks and that includes the panasonics, toshibas, and if dvd's a big deal you cant pick up one on the cheap.......hell you can pick up one from the dollar store if you want one real badly......and for those of you guys who say your wii and dvd player is taking up room get one of those mini ones they are half the size of the regular ones and work just as good.