Superman Returns Will Kal-El, AKA Superman don

Wesyeed said:
Well he is breaking their mmigration laws every time stops by. Maybe that's the least he could do to show respect?

Nah, he's got a valid passport...carries it in his belt :D
personally,if I were about to die on a plane crash,I wouldnt care if he was wearing a pink dress,just save me.
The Guard said:
You know what shows respect? A culture and a people that don't expect other cultures to be just like them or adopt their value system. I can't really buy into any culture that demands short-term visitors to conform to their ways.

Me neither. I despise that way of thinking.
This thread should be locked, deleted, and whatever hard drive it resides on burned and ejected into the deepest point in the ocean. Now about the OP....
echostation said:
different garb and hats for example in the montage action scenes out of respect for other cultures?

I think it's a relevant question because of the bad political representation that America has out in the world right now... Even in the Superman Look up in the sky documentary, everyone talks about how he's PURELY American, raised on AMERICAN values and that might not fly so well with other cultures ESPECIALLY in the action montage sequences which shows him go across the world saving different things

So it begs the question, when saving Arabs in the middle east if there's a natural disaster, Will Superman don an Islamic skull-cap? As a sign of good will and respect to the community of over a billion people?

If they show him go to India will he be in more Kurtha South Asian style garb especially like Pavithra Prabharkar (the Indian peter parker with an Indianized version of the spidey outfit)?

It's a matter of respect to other cultures and I think Superman should be doing these things in the film to show acceptance, tolerance and respect for other cultures and not a sense of I'm here to Spread Americanism through violence under my God-like power which is what current US policy really is at the moment...

I'm saying this movie should act as a counterweight AGAINST The current political trouble that faces the foreign climate against the US. It should show scenes of him with respect to other cultures, spreading American values THROUGH INTEGRATION AND ACCEPTANCE... donning and wearing certain cultural garbs would be a huge help in this case, especially the Islamic Skull Cap should he visit Iraqis or show scenes of damage to the Pyramids or something like this for example.
No. He should not don the garb of other nations when he is there saving them. I can see it now. Superman flies to stop a disaster.

"Oh, wait, before I save that train about to crash with another train in Istanbul, I should put on a turbin so as not to offend them."

Puts it in and gets there.

"Superman, your late. the trains crashed already. But thanks for wearing a turbin to honor us."

He was created in America as an American hero who saves people around the world.

GAHHHHHHH.. Someone close this thread.
you people have completely misinterpreted the point.. What I am saying is when he is receiving an AWARD in a different country or RECOGNITION or say a PHOTO OPPORTUNITY... NOT when he's actually directly saving or entering a country in that necessary midst of when it cannot be forthwithin for such necessary purposes? How delicious the symbolism is when the misinterpretations of necessary facets cannot be explicated within a certain realm of credibility.

Look at the end, as they show in the all the clips, he is NOT DONNING DIFFERENT GARBS of clothing when he's in different countries getting RECOGNIZED... We hopefully shall see in this in the actual MONTAGE of the action scenes in this huge action film. Like when he shakes hands with the Sheikh of the UAE... he could wear a Ghutra, or a skull-cap, in recognition and understanding and RESPECT THAT THIS AMERICAN ICON HAS FOR THE WORLD...

it sends a positive hopeful message counteracting the hegemonical stereotypical power mongering imperialistic attitude this current administration has... it will HELP and ASSIST in foreign policy.. as this is what Superman does best... HELP
Yeah, If I was Asian I would hope that my rescuer respects my culture enough to make dozens of outfits for other cultures, then waste time looking through them so he doesn't offend me or anyone else he saves. Nice of you to say that Americans use their GOD given power over other countries with violence. What violenece? Iraqis have nuclear weapons, and Afghanistan, or certain people from it, flew 3 airplanes into the World Trade Center and the Pentagon. Rememeber that day? If you didn't already know, we are the strongest nation, and we have the most to lose, so we should protect ourselves, and try to help other nations.
Where would he put all these garbs? There are hundreds if not thousands of cultures. He doesn't have a Batcave to put them all in.
simply in the fortress of solitude... there is ample space there

again you misinterpret it... i'm not saying DURING ACTION SCENES DID I... i said specifically if he's being awarded, much like in Superman III with that special form of Kryptonite that makes him evil. if they show a scene like that in a film, like in indonesia, then him wearing a skull cap accepting the award would be a highly respectful gesture towards that culture
Then you would get hundreds of nations and cultures mad because they all believe Superman is their culture, and they debate about it on the computer, to which there is no end. When would that ever happen?
FOS is pretty far when rescuing people, plus he has to go through all of them. Even that would take him a few seconds.
Superman does not have time to recieve any awards and if offered I think he should decline if only to show that it is not necessary to give awards everytime he saves someone from a different country.
echostation said:
So it begs the question, when saving Arabs in the middle east if there's a natural disaster, Will Superman don an Islamic skull-cap? As a sign of good will and respect to the community of over a billion people?

This is when I knew the world is doomed.
That makes no sense. Most of the attire you mentioned has religious basis for a non-believer to don these items would be religiously insulting in the first place.

Some people have been so brainwashed by the media to think fitting in is neccessary for tolerance - well I believe it's the opposite. Besides, do you realize that the majority of populations in the middle east, asia, etc. all wear Western style clothing these days. Even in cultures with stricter hair requirements, many religious people do not wear the headwear. Also - it's not neccessary for Superman to be any less American to be heroic.

Some Americans seem to be so intolerant and ignorant themselves to think that entire countries and cultures are represented by the ideals of a few radical "terrorists". Most people in other cultures are open, hospitable, and wear pants, t-shirts, sneakers, and short hair...and even enjoy watching Rambo (recalling a news story about popular movies in Jordan and Iran and Egypt).

Rambo is a HUGE hit in the middle east and he's an American soldier killing people in another country.
Batman the 6th....Venom420....Morgoth......If you guys continue with anymore racial, cultural, or religious will be gone.
echostation said:
different garb and hats for example in the montage action scenes out of respect for other cultures?

I think it's a relevant question because of the bad political representation that America has out in the world right now... Even in the Superman Look up in the sky documentary, everyone talks about how he's PURELY American, raised on AMERICAN values and that might not fly so well with other cultures ESPECIALLY in the action montage sequences which shows him go across the world saving different things

So it begs the question, when saving Arabs in the middle east if there's a natural disaster, Will Superman don an Islamic skull-cap? As a sign of good will and respect to the community of over a billion people?

If they show him go to India will he be in more Kurtha South Asian style garb especially like Pavithra Prabharkar (the Indian peter parker with an Indianized version of the spidey outfit)?

It's a matter of respect to other cultures and I think Superman should be doing these things in the film to show acceptance, tolerance and respect for other cultures and not a sense of I'm here to Spread Americanism through violence under my God-like power which is what current US policy really is at the moment...

I'm saying this movie should act as a counterweight AGAINST The current political trouble that faces the foreign climate against the US. It should show scenes of him with respect to other cultures, spreading American values THROUGH INTEGRATION AND ACCEPTANCE... donning and wearing certain cultural garbs would be a huge help in this case, especially the Islamic Skull Cap should he visit Iraqis or show scenes of damage to the Pyramids or something like this for example.

Echo once again shows why 2k posters are still the best :up:
Wow, noone even mentions the fact that Superman was created by a Canadian.
And a Jewish Canadian at that. Notice how he doesn't wear a yamakah (sp?). It's because he's not a religous figure and it would be as inappropriate for him to wear another religons trappings as it would be for them to put a crucifix around their necks to please him. Because really, who should be doing the honouring here? The savior or the savee?
Btw, C.Lee isn't the quote and original post in Matts signature also bashing a religon? I'm Catholic, raised on the teachings of Jesus, and don't really consider myself, my family, my minister, the nuns who taught me in school, the Pope, Martin Luther King, the aposyles, etc, etc to really be *****e bags.
Or can that be overlooked because Catholic bashing is fashionable?
Very true. Kind of like South Park. They bash every religion, even Jesus losing a boxing match to Satan. Yet, when they dis scientology, a religion funded and created by celeberities, who of course were all priests, ministers and studied religion b4 becoming celebrities, gets made fun of, the guy quits because they are intolerant to other religions. That Chef guy is ridiculous. Isn't it Cartman who always says something about Jewish people?
Gogo Bananas said:
Btw, C.Lee isn't the quote and original post in Matts signature also bashing a religon? I'm Catholic, raised on the teachings of Jesus, and don't really consider myself, my family, my minister, the nuns who taught me in school, the Pope, Martin Luther King, the aposyles, etc, etc to really be *****e bags.
Or can that be overlooked because Catholic bashing is fashionable?
No bashing is allowed...a pm has been sent to him about it.
with a new superman movie on the rise sethus... shall it be appropriate for Superman to have a more international approach?

I'm not bringing in the discussion of various garbs or clothes of other cultures, but I mean will they show him fighting a supervillain across the planet? ACROSS MANY COUNTRIES... They should do that, they should show this as it will increase American good will by showing Superman saving others in other countries as he fights a villain across the globe... much like the comicbook Invincible fights across countries...

methinks it is ponderous on hupti to be able to shempion this idea across the table to warner brosers as they will feel more secure in being able to spend money on an INTERNATIONAL ICON

After all, our President is bowing down to Saudi kings and making peace with Islam... Superman should do the same if fighting across countries with showing humility and respect by saving others and saving the pyramids if they show fight scenes there... like Superman II and Eiffel tower
I agree with what most people here have said. Superman was created in America, and was raised in America. He doesn't need to abandon his identity to save other, or to serve others. The very nature of Superman is that he stands for what America is supposed to stand for. People need to understand what things really mean. If Superman says he fights for "The American Way" it doesn't mean he fights for Oil or the furtherment of the USA, it means he fights for what "The American Way" is supposed to be, meaning life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, equal treatment for all citizens, so on, so forth....

I can understand anti-American sentiment, even as big a patriot as I am. But people don't need to be hurt by a character being so clearly an American icon, you'd have to be supremely narrow minded to be hurt by that. Things aren't so black and white; because he's an American icon and he fights for "The American Way" doesn't mean he's more loyal to the US than anybody, and it doesn't mean he will ignore others for America, and that doesn't mean if America does something wrong that he'll stand behind it. He fights for the American Way, even if America itself has lost sight of what that really is.

I agree with this. In Marvel Captain America is the same as Superman as far as this goes and writers have even shown that.

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