Will people actually get shot and killed?


May 8, 2000
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you know, in the 'toons they never went there, there was always somebody jumping out of planes/helicopters with parachutes, and the laser-fire never really wounded anybody...

so in this film will both teams use real bullets, can we expect some quasi-realistic war action?
I think it's safe to say we'll be seeing guns that fire red and blue lasers.
you know, in the 'toons they never went there, there was always somebody jumping out of planes/helicopters with parachutes, and the laser-fire never really wounded anybody...

so in this film will both teams use real bullets, can we expect some quasi-realistic war action?

They've already said that Storm Shadow kills a major character. So... I guess that's a 'yes.'
People will definitely be shot and killed. You need the older crowd to take this movie seriously.
Of course there was no killing in the cartoon. It's a bloody KIDS show. Anyway, the movie will obviously be different.
I think it's obvious people will die in the film, as for whether or not we see the death (as an explosion causing the death is more likely), I'm not sure.
I think we may see a few Mummy/POTC type kills with guns, but most of it will be fodder type kills.
Too bad. I would have enjoyed two hours of Cobra officers parachuting out of exploding Rattlers at the last minute, Crimson Guards getting incapacitated by having the ground near their feet getting shot at with little blue lasers, and for Roadblock and Gung Ho to hardly ever touch a weapon and instead charge into a crowd of armed Vipers and taking them all out with one super-punch.
^Precisely, just how it is in the real world.
From everything I have read they are using the comic as the basis for the movie. People most certainly got shot and killed in the comic so I would have to assume that they will in the movie.

I do not think we will be seeing saving Privet Ryan type of graphic scenes but I have no doubt, there will be casualties. I mean nobody gets pissed when people get wasted in Star Wars. I expect a ride the line PG13 for this movie if they have any hopes of box office success.
I want to see bullet casings falling to the ground like raindrops! Guns have always been an essential component of the GI Joe toys, so even though no-one really died in the cartoon, they'd better not shy away from having some crazy firefights in the movie. Gunpowder party, baby!

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