Comics Wizard Universe recap of Spidey-The Web Page

Donald Thomas

The Black ArachKnight
Jun 1, 2002
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Wizard Universe’s regular swing through all things Spider-Man
By Sal Loria

Posted January 23, 2008 3:00 PM

(EDITOR’S NOTE: The Amazing Spider-Man is swinging into a whole new friendly neighborhood thanks to the back-to-back Spidey mega-events “One More Day” and “Brand New Day,” both of which are poised to change the Wall-Crawler’s world forever. So check into The Web Page with each new issue for recaps, insight, analysis, Easter eggs and more web-slinging goodness!)



• Bitten by a radioactive spider while on a school field trip, nerdy Peter Parker gained the proportionate strength and abilities of a spider. Following the death of his Uncle Ben, Peter took on the alter-ego of Spider-Man in hopes of helping others, because with great power comes great responsibility.
• Life threw curveballs aplenty at Peter, but he still found love with the beautiful Gwen Stacy—until a battle with the Green Goblin left her dead. Eventually, old wounds healed as he fell for, and eventually married, model/actress Mary Jane Watson. With his wife and his beloved Aunt May behind him and a membership in the New Avengers offering new support, things were looking up for Peter.
• Then came the Stamford disaster, in which an out of control battle between heroes and villains left hundreds of civilians dead and turned the Marvel Universe upside-down. Wanting to put a stop to these “unsanctioned” heroes, the government and Tony Stark/Iron Man instituted the Superhero Registration Act, forcing all heroes to receive official sanction from the government. Spider-Man chose to support the Act, and as a sign of good faith, he revealed his secret identity to the world.
• As a civil war among the heroes broke out, Peter began to rethink his stance, and realized just how much of a mistake he made by going public. Switching sides meant that Peter and his family were on the run—fugitives for making a stand against Iron Man and Registration.
• While the Parkers were on the lam, a sniper hired by long-time Spider-Man adversary the Kingpin shot Aunt May in an attempt on the Wall-Crawler’s life. Spider-Man tracked down the man who gave the order and trounced the imprisoned, vowing to return and to finish him should his Aunt May pass away. She remains in a coma, with extremely little chance for recovery…
• With rising hospital costs, Peter and MJ are aided by Jarvis, personal butler to Tony Stark and one-time romantic interest to Aunt May, as he covers all of the bills for May’s care. With the financial problem in order, Peter heads off in search of other alternatives in saving his aunt.
• Dr. Strange helps Peter split his consciousness into many parts, allowing him to ask the majority of the Marvel Universe’s power players to save his aunt — all of whom are unable. Attempting to stop the gunman by going back in time, all Peter manages to do is nearly get himself killed by the mystical Nightwalkers and relive the initial horror of his aunt getting shot all over again. Dejected, Peter leaves Strange’s sanctorum and comes across a mysterious little girl…
• After coming across alternate future versions of himself, Peter comes face to face with the real puppeteer — Mephisto. Uniting Peter and Mary Jane, Mephisto offers a chance to save Aunt May’s life, but in return, he wants their marriage. More specifically, he wants to erase the marriage from existence as if it never happened.
• 24 hours later, Peter and Mary Jane take Mephisto’s deal to spare Aunt May’s life, resulting in the erasing of their marriage from ever having happened. Mary Jane also makes a side deal with Mephisto in return for Peter to receive a true shot at happiness, at the expense of hers. The following day, a young Peter Parker awakens late for a surprise party for Harry Osborn, and rushes out the door while Aunt May tries to get him to eat something. Arriving at the party Peter is met with old friends, new acquaintances and a solemn Mary Jane who leaves without saying a word.
• Present day finds Peter looking for a job and apartment while crashing at his Aunt May’s. Some things never change as his group of friends – Betty Brant, Harry Osborne, his girlfriend Lily and her best friend Carlie – is still an integral part of his life. Being in sore need of money, Peter confronts J. Jonah Jameson about what he’s owed, but JJJ has other pressing issues on his mind, like stopping an attempted buy-out of the Daily Bugle. The argument between the two leads to JJJ collapsing of an apparent heart attack.
• Peter administers CPR to JJJ until the ambulance arrives, at which point Robbie Robertson asks Peter to go out and get new pictures of Spider-Man, the Daily Bugle desperately needs the circulation boost. Peter, through the use of a spider-tracer, eventually winds up at a meeting between two crime families — the Karnellis and the Maggias — but he’s too late as Mr. Negative kills the men with a poison targeting their bloodlines.


Dan Slott (W)/Steve McNiven (A)


• Spider-Man determines that Bruno Karnelli’s blood — which contains both the Karnelli and Maggia bloodlines — was used by Mr. Negative to create the gene-specific poison. The one survivor, who happens to be adopted, tells Spidey that the wives and kids are at the circus and that the killer could be on his way there.
• Outside, Harry Osborne — with Lily and Carlie in tow — sees Spider-Man leave, and is instantly upset about seeing the wall-crawler. Carlie, however, has her sights set on the bodies lying about that the police are handling. Part of the CSU, Carlie offers to help, but is turned away for being new. Meanwhile, Spider-Man’s just run out of web fluid since the Spider-Mugger still has one of his web-shooters, and jumps on a taxi instead, which takes him to the circus.
• Back at the Daily Bugle, Robbie Robertson is still trying to get the latest edition together when Dexter Bennett walks in like he owns the place. Thanks to Mrs. Jameson’s call to her lawyer, Bennett does in fact own the Daily Bugle now, and discusses what changes he plans to incorporate. A confused Robbie is then “ordered” to fetch a turkey club and a diet Pepsi, which, for the Bennett’s personal safety, he chooses to ignore.
• Arriving at the circus, Spider-Man dances with Negative’s henchmen for a bit until he locates the bomb containing more of the mafia-blood-infused poison. Sending the bomb to the other side of the large tent, Spidey ushers everyone out before the poison spreads too quickly. Outside, Mr. Negative has one of the mafia children held hostage, and all he asks in return for the child’s safety is a sample of Spider-Man’s blood.
• Spidey reluctantly gives him the sample, and Negative throws the child into the river, which Spider-Man dives in and rescues. The mafia wives are standing around, and they pledge a blood debt that is now owed to Spider-Man for preserving their bloodlines.
• At the Medical Examiner’s Office, Carlie begins prepping a John Doe that was fished out of the East River when she sees what looks to be a bug in the corpse’s mouth. Extracting it, she’s shocked to find that it’s a spider-tracer, and she wonders how this unidentified body is connected to Spider-Man.
• Later on, at the mission, Aunt May is talking to Peter on the phone and assures him that she can get home safely since Mr. Li has offered to take her himself. Unknown to both Parkers though, is that Mr. Li is actually Mr. Negative! Once off the phone, Peter’s spider-sense picks up another spider-tracer in the area, and investigates. He finds the dead body of the Spider-Mugger, but luckily, he also finds the spider-tracer and his stolen web-shooter. Now armed with a means of transportation, Spidey is about to leave when the cops arrive and see the web-head leaving the scene of a crime where murder has been committed.
• Escaping, all Spidey can do is chuckle when he thinks that, in only one day of being in costume again, the cops think he’s a killer, he’s got a new villain out for him, the mafia have pledged allegiance to him and he didn’t get any pictures for Robbie. What will tomorrow bring?


Looks like Harry’s still got it out for Spider-Man, as this scene tells us. The normally jovial Harry becomes downright miserable as a result, and readers can start looking forward to another Peter vs. Harry smackdown!


Sitting by her husband’s bedside while he recuperates from a heart attack, Marla Jameson jumps at the sound of Jonah’s voice. Happiness quickly turns to apprehension as he asks about the Daily Bugle, which she has now sold.


After saving a future mafia princess from the depths of the river, the surrounding mafia women pledge a blood debt to Spider-Man. Money, protection, etc are all at his fingertips now, but will he cash in the favor? Of course not…


It seems that “Parker Luck” isn’t exclusive to just Peter, as Aunt May’s future looks cloudier with the reveal that Mr. Negative and Mr. Li are one in the same

Spidey rules

After saving a future mafia princess from the depths of the river, the surrounding mafia women pledge a blood debt to Spider-Man. Money, protection, etc are all at his fingertips now, but will he cash in the favor? Of course not…

Why not?
He made a deal with the Devil, why would he not make a deal with the Mafia?
Once again common sense points out a glaring fault on Joey and Company's logic...
I think I'd rather call in a favor from the mob then the Devil, at least the old school style mobs tend to keep their word. Plus they can't suck your soul down to the seventh level of hell.
Peter wasn't on a field trip.


After saving a future mafia princess from the depths of the river, the surrounding mafia women pledge a blood debt to Spider-Man. Money, protection, etc are all at his fingertips now, but will he cash in the favor? Of course not…

Why not?
He made a deal with the Devil, why would he not make a deal with the Mafia?

He wouldn't... Unless Mary Jane told him too.

After saving a future mafia princess from the depths of the river, the surrounding mafia women pledge a blood debt to Spider-Man. Money, protection, etc are all at his fingertips now, but will he cash in the favor? Of course not…

Why not?
He made a deal with the Devil, why would he not make a deal with the Mafia?

JMS already saw to that!

Edit -

For those of you still counting, JMS as I recall made a story where Peter accepted money from the mob to hunt down the Gamma-Mobster guy who was comprised of dead mobsters and Hulk radiation.

This was before I really started to hate JMS and even that rubbed me wrong at the time. Spider-Man, for those who know the character, does NOT accept money for being Spider-Man. (See Amazing Fantasy 15 for why he doesn't.)

As yeah, I know, the money went to the Gwen Stacy library, JMS must have respect for that characters honor and such. (a few issues later annnnnd....)
JMS already saw to that!

Edit -

For those of you still counting, JMS as I recall made a story where Peter accepted money from the mob to hunt down the Gamma-Mobster guy who was comprised of dead mobsters and Hulk radiation.

This was before I really started to hate JMS and even that rubbed me wrong at the time. Spider-Man, for those who know the character, does NOT accept money for being Spider-Man. (See Amazing Fantasy 15 for why he doesn't.)
I actually liked that arc, I thought the relationship between Spidey and the Mob boss was interesting.
JMS already saw to that!

Edit -

For those of you still counting, JMS as I recall made a story where Peter accepted money from the mob to hunt down the Gamma-Mobster guy who was comprised of dead mobsters and Hulk radiation.

This was before I really started to hate JMS and even that rubbed me wrong at the time. Spider-Man, for those who know the character, does NOT accept money for being Spider-Man. (See Amazing Fantasy 15 for why he doesn't.)

As yeah, I know, the money went to the Gwen Stacy library, JMS must have respect for that characters honor and such. (a few issues later annnnnd....)

He turned the mobster in, remember?
They already did a 'Pete deals with mobsters things' It was Ben Reilly and Jimmy Sixx I believe his name was.

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