Comics What could happen to Spider-Man after Civil War?


Dec 12, 2005
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Or what I like to call Crazy Spider-Man/Civil War theory Version 4.0.

There is a rumor going around, as some may know, that Spider-Man may reveal to the world that he’s Peter Parker in the upcoming Civil War. Newsarama has reported in an advanced look at the scripts for issues 1 and 2, that Spider-Man “does something shocking” sometime during those issues; advanced solicits are saying he makes a “life-altering decision;” it’s all but confirmed that he’s on Iron Man’s side, and since Tony Stark is pro-registration, meaning that Peter would have to reveal to somebody that he’s Spider-Man; and one of the questions in Wizard’s Civil War spoiler quiz states “Which hero publicly reveals his identity to the world?” with Spider-Man as one of the choices.

So let’s say Spider-Man does reveal he’s Peter Parker to the world: what would happen next?

Well, after the shocked and amazed reactions by all his supporting cast and villains, I can imagine the following chain of events:

*Mary Jane is furious with Peter for having not consulted with her about making such a decision, and the unwanted media attention she recieves doesn't help, especially when asked questions like “Mrs. Parker, how long have you known?” “What impact do you think this will have on your career?” and “What’s it like having sex with a human spider?” Peter of course tries to justify this by saying the federal government will offer better protection for them than he would by himself, but he’s on thin ice with her now.

*J. Jonah Jameson pretty much disavows Peter Parker, all but calling him a con-artist, and hypocritically says “Hey, if he wanted the publicity, all he had to do was ask and come to me.” We’d also find whether Joe Robertson has known and for how long. Likewise, Peter no longer has his teaching job because the school is afraid his presence would bring unwanted attention and possible legal action, which Peter responds with “To hell with them anyway. I’m getting far more money being Spider-Man now than I ever did as Peter Parker.”

*The Green Goblin, furious over Peter revealing his identity, and thus removing the one hold he had over him, decides to exact his revenge on Spidey. In the ensuing battle with the Goblin, Aunt May becomes hospitalized due to injuries, and the authorities manage to incarcerate Norman Osborn again. Of course, Spidey blames himself for what has happened.

*Spidey becomes more and more disillusioned with Tony Stark and the rest of the pro-registration side’s methods. The final straw comes when Captain America is arrested. Spider-Man manages to break Cap out of prison, and by doing so, he becomes a fugitive. Feeling that he’s now effectively severed all ties, Spidey mentally commands his suit to change to resemble his classic red and blues (yes, he doesn’t look like “Iron Spidey” anymore, but he’s still wearing the suit, which means it still has all it’s functions like body armor, underarm web gliders, and spider-leg/waldos.)

*Realizing he’s a wanted man, Peter says good-bye to MJ (who is now in a safe house a la witness protection) and tells her to tell Aunt May what has happened, and hits the road (maybe the next ASM arc from JMS will be called “Road Trip”). Basically, Peter adopts the Ben Reilly identity--just in time with the anniversary of the end of the Clone Saga--and basically he becomes “The Fugitive” of the Marvel Universe, drifting from various working class jobs in different towns and helping folks as Spider-Man. And since his costume can mimic whatever clothing he wants, he now can disguise himself to avoid capture from the authorities. (Of course, he’ll also be involved in the Beyond mini series, but the comics won’t tie in with that.)

*Tony Stark essentially recruits Flash Thompson--or possibly John Jameson--to become the "new" Spider-Man by giving him a spare Iron-Spidey suit that also increases the wearer's strength, agility, and has built-in web shooters (although he’ll have a different moniker other than Spider-Man). This of course, not only makes him take Spidey’s place on the New Avengers, but sets up the eventual Peter Parker/Spider-Man vs. the "new" Spider-Man, in which somehow Peter Parker will convince everybody that he wasn’t really Spider-Man (thanks to the magic of the Marvel retcon). Naturally, this happens around the release of the third Spider-Man film.[/URL]

Ridiculous? Yeah, maybe. Then again, whoever thought we see Spidey having stingers that pop out a la Wolverine, or a red and gold costume, or teamed up with the Avengers? Stranger things have happened. So, what do you think could happen if Spidey’s revealed his identity, and what could happen to him after Civil War is over?
....I think you should be writing for Marvel, because that my friend kicks ass.

Mostly the part about him being Ben.
He'll probably end up shootin' organic webs out his butt.
Plausible,not that I'd like it.
Compared to the crap that JMS has given us... this thing rocks! even if it has an exposed Pete... I know someone is going to hate it cause MJ's alive...
could be cool if handled right but they would screw it up. however it would be cool if at the end ben reilly shows up as spiderman while pete holds a news conference announcing it wasn't true then we have ben back:D
While your storyline is plausible in the current environment and seems like it could very well be the way things play out, no offense, it sucks. Not what you've written or how you've written it, but that it's a possibility at all. Every post after yours should have been calling you a crackpot or saying that it was totally impossible, but instead we are all thinking about how this is probably what will happen in some fashion.

As to your question, since Civil War is just starting, it's hard to speculate what will happen afterward. I think you're probably pretty much on the right track, though I am pretty sure that MJ's death will likely also be a catalyst for Peter revealing his ID, since May will probably end up being with Jarvis safe in the Avengers HQ. So Pete will feel like, with all of his ties cut already, he may as well reveal his identity. Whether he comes to regret that decision or not who's to say. I know that I will.
stillanerd said:
Or what I like to call Crazy Spider-Man/Civil War theory Version 4.0.

There is a rumor going around, as some may know, that Spider-Man may reveal to the world that he’s Peter Parker in the upcoming Civil War. Newsarama has reported in an advanced look at the scripts for issues 1 and 2, that Spider-Man “does something shocking” sometime during those issues; advanced solicits are saying he makes a “life-altering decision;” it’s all but confirmed that he’s on Iron Man’s side, and since Tony Stark is pro-registration, meaning that Peter would have to reveal to somebody that he’s Spider-Man; and one of the questions in Wizard’s Civil War spoiler quiz states “Which hero publicly reveals his identity to the world?” with Spider-Man as one of the choices.

So let’s say Spider-Man does reveal he’s Peter Parker to the world: what would happen next?

Well, after the shocked and amazed reactions by all his supporting cast and villains, I can imagine the following chain of events:

*Mary Jane is furious with Peter for having not consulted with her about making such a decision, and the unwanted media attention she recieves doesn't help, especially when asked questions like “Mrs. Parker, how long have you known?” “What impact do you think this will have on your career?” and “What’s it like having sex with a human spider?” Peter of course tries to justify this by saying the federal government will offer better protection for them than he would by himself, but he’s on thin ice with her now.

*J. Jonah Jameson pretty much disavows Peter Parker, all but calling him a con-artist, and hypocritically says “Hey, if he wanted the publicity, all he had to do was ask and come to me.” We’d also find whether Joe Robertson has known and for how long. Likewise, Peter no longer has his teaching job because the school is afraid his presence would bring unwanted attention and possible legal action, which Peter responds with “To hell with them anyway. I’m getting far more money being Spider-Man now than I ever did as Peter Parker.”

*The Green Goblin, furious over Peter revealing his identity, and thus removing the one hold he had over him, decides to exact his revenge on Spidey. In the ensuing battle with the Goblin, Aunt May becomes hospitalized due to injuries, and the authorities manage to incarcerate Norman Osborn again. Of course, Spidey blames himself for what has happened.

*Spidey becomes more and more disillusioned with Tony Stark and the rest of the pro-registration side’s methods. The final straw comes when Captain America is arrested. Spider-Man manages to break Cap out of prison, and by doing so, he becomes a fugitive. Feeling that he’s now effectively severed all ties, Spidey mentally commands his suit to change to resemble his classic red and blues (yes, he doesn’t look like “Iron Spidey” anymore, but he’s still wearing the suit, which means it still has all it’s functions like body armor, underarm web gliders, and spider-leg/waldos.)

*Realizing he’s a wanted man, Peter says good-bye to MJ (who is now in a safe house a la witness protection) and tells her to tell Aunt May what has happened, and hits the road (maybe the next ASM arc from JMS will be called “Road Trip”). Basically, Peter adopts the Ben Reilly identity--just in time with the anniversary of the end of the Clone Saga--and basically he becomes “The Fugitive” of the Marvel Universe, drifting from various working class jobs in different towns and helping folks as Spider-Man. And since his costume can mimic whatever clothing he wants, he now can disguise himself to avoid capture from the authorities. (Of course, he’ll also be involved in the Beyond mini series, but the comics won’t tie in with that.)

*Tony Stark essentially recruits Flash Thompson--or possibly John Jameson--to become the "new" Spider-Man by giving him a spare Iron-Spidey suit that also increases the wearer's strength, agility, and has built-in web shooters (although he’ll have a different moniker other than Spider-Man). This of course, not only makes him take Spidey’s place on the New Avengers, but sets up the eventual Peter Parker/Spider-Man vs. the "new" Spider-Man, in which somehow Peter Parker will convince everybody that he wasn’t really Spider-Man (thanks to the magic of the Marvel retcon). Naturally, this happens around the release of the third Spider-Man film.[/URL]

Ridiculous? Yeah, maybe. Then again, whoever thought we see Spidey having stingers that pop out a la Wolverine, or a red and gold costume, or teamed up with the Avengers? Stranger things have happened. So, what do you think could happen if Spidey’s revealed his identity, and what could happen to him after Civil War is over?
a slightly different moniker as in SCARLET SPIDER?
Stillanerd you've got too much time on your hands!

Seriously, you've got some good ideas there. A feasible way to get out of the mess the Spidey-verse is in at the minute.
Stilanerd I really like that. All but that last bit about possibly Flash getting the suit. With him being the current ******* that he is, I couldn't think of an even bigger insult to Spidey/Peter and well fans as well. Just my feeling. If he wasn't "old Flash" at the moment then maybe that could work.

Isn't Eddie Brock still alive or they made his death vague?

Having MJ get upset and recived unwanted media attention would be good. Though since she likes being in the spotlight I wonder if she'd really mind. Though the negative focus would be interesting. Which has always made me wonder, since she didn't seem to have much trouble from what I understand it seperating from Peter and going to Cali to have fun, make money, etc while leaving him alone, if she really knows how it feels to be on the serious negative end of the media the way Peter has been for such a long time now. Would make this interest to see if she really has what it takes to stick by him or if it gets to much and she runs way from the situation as a result. Isn't that what happen last time the two split?
MaxCarnage said:
While your storyline is plausible in the current environment and seems like it could very well be the way things play out, no offense, it sucks. Not what you've written or how you've written it, but that it's a possibility at all. Every post after yours should have been calling you a crackpot or saying that it was totally impossible, but instead we are all thinking about how this is probably what will happen in some fashion.

No offense taken (besides, I thought I already was a crackpot :D)

As to your question, since Civil War is just starting, it's hard to speculate what will happen afterward. I think you're probably pretty much on the right track, though I am pretty sure that MJ's death will likely also be a catalyst for Peter revealing his ID, since May will probably end up being with Jarvis safe in the Avengers HQ. So Pete will feel like, with all of his ties cut already, he may as well reveal his identity. Whether he comes to regret that decision or not who's to say. I know that I will.

Well, the other possibility I thought was that MJ, not Aunt May, gets injured and hospitalized during the attack by the Green Goblin, and that we're not sure whether or not MJ will live or die (she survives, of course, but Peter, due to being a fugitive, is gone by that point).

Effect said:
Stilanerd I really like that. All but that last bit about possibly Flash getting the suit. With him being the current ******* that he is, I couldn't think of an even bigger insult to Spidey/Peter and well fans as well. Just my feeling. If he wasn't "old Flash" at the moment then maybe that could work.
Good point. Which is why I think John Jameson would be an exceptable alternative.

Isn't Eddie Brock still alive or they made his death vague?
Good question.

Having MJ get upset and recived unwanted media attention would be good. Though since she likes being in the spotlight I wonder if she'd really mind. Though the negative focus would be interesting. Which has always made me wonder, since she didn't seem to have much trouble from what I understand it seperating from Peter and going to Cali to have fun, make money, etc while leaving him alone, if she really knows how it feels to be on the serious negative end of the media the way Peter has been for such a long time now. Would make this interest to see if she really has what it takes to stick by him or if it gets to much and she runs way from the situation as a result. Isn't that what happen last time the two split?

Peter and MJ split last time because she felt that Peter was taking her for granted and didn't play an important role with regards to his life as Spider-Man. Also, it's been my impression that MJ, like most people who seek the spotlight, likes to receive positive attention rather than negative attention.
What would make it even better is if MJ revelaed that the Black Cat told her she secretely had a daughter with Pete that she gave up for adoption.
Umm, according the Amazing Spider-Man #529 and 530, Tony Stark is not "Pro-Registration". Peter and Tony go to Washington to argue the point of the registration act.
SpideyStu2 said:
Umm, according the Amazing Spider-Man #529 and 530, Tony Stark is not "Pro-Registration". Peter and Tony go to Washington to argue the point of the registration act.

However, prior to this, he was saying, in New Avengers: Illuminati Special (and also Fantastic Four #536) that the heroes should publicy come out IN FAVOR of registration:


As for this seeming contradiction, I believe he's attempting to stop registration from taking place by attempting to beat the politicians at their own game by arguing against it as Tony while publicly supporting it as Iron Man, meaning if he gains trust with the public, then the act looses public support as well. Of course, the explosion at Stamford that leads to Civil War ends up him resorting to plan B, which is to support registration--which thanks to Newsarama, we know that's the side he will lead.
Stillanerd, very plausible stuff considering what's happening. Well thought out and written, you are better than anybody writing Spider-Man right now. Wait that might not mean much but still you know what I mean, good job.
Well, according to Marvel the Civil War is gonna shake up the Spider-verse like never before. I mean, I've been hearing that about every single 616 Spider-man issue lately. All signs seem to be pointing at Spider-man's ID becoming public. I really hope that doesn't happen.
LarryLegend said:
Stillanerd, very plausible stuff considering what's happening. Well thought out and written, you are better than anybody writing Spider-Man right now. Wait that might not mean much but still you know what I mean, good job.

I agree, good stuff.
stillanerd said:
*Mary Jane is furious with Peter for having not consulted with her about making such a decision, and the unwanted media attention she recieves doesn't help, especially when asked questions like “Mrs. Parker, how long have you known?” “What impact do you think this will have on your career?” and “What’s it like having sex with a human spider?” Peter of course tries to justify this by saying the federal government will offer better protection for them than he would by himself, but he’s on thin ice with her now.

*J. Jonah Jameson pretty much disavows Peter Parker, all but calling him a con-artist, and hypocritically says “Hey, if he wanted the publicity, all he had to do was ask and come to me.” We’d also find whether Joe Robertson has known and for how long. Likewise, Peter no longer has his teaching job because the school is afraid his presence would bring unwanted attention and possible legal action, which Peter responds with “To hell with them anyway. I’m getting far more money being Spider-Man now than I ever did as Peter Parker.”

*The Green Goblin, furious over Peter revealing his identity, and thus removing the one hold he had over him, decides to exact his revenge on Spidey. In the ensuing battle with the Goblin, Aunt May becomes hospitalized due to injuries, and the authorities manage to incarcerate Norman Osborn again. Of course, Spidey blames himself for what has happened.

*Spidey becomes more and more disillusioned with Tony Stark and the rest of the pro-registration side’s methods. The final straw comes when Captain America is arrested. Spider-Man manages to break Cap out of prison, and by doing so, he becomes a fugitive. Feeling that he’s now effectively severed all ties, Spidey mentally commands his suit to change to resemble his classic red and blues (yes, he doesn’t look like “Iron Spidey” anymore, but he’s still wearing the suit, which means it still has all it’s functions like body armor, underarm web gliders, and spider-leg/waldos.)

*Realizing he’s a wanted man, Peter says good-bye to MJ (who is now in a safe house a la witness protection) and tells her to tell Aunt May what has happened, and hits the road (maybe the next ASM arc from JMS will be called “Road Trip”). Basically, Peter adopts the Ben Reilly identity--just in time with the anniversary of the end of the Clone Saga--and basically he becomes “The Fugitive” of the Marvel Universe, drifting from various working class jobs in different towns and helping folks as Spider-Man. And since his costume can mimic whatever clothing he wants, he now can disguise himself to avoid capture from the authorities. (Of course, he’ll also be involved in the Beyond mini series, but the comics won’t tie in with that.)

*Tony Stark essentially recruits Flash Thompson--or possibly John Jameson--to become the "new" Spider-Man by giving him a spare Iron-Spidey suit that also increases the wearer's strength, agility, and has built-in web shooters (although he’ll have a different moniker other than Spider-Man). This of course, not only makes him take Spidey’s place on the New Avengers, but sets up the eventual Peter Parker/Spider-Man vs. the "new" Spider-Man, in which somehow Peter Parker will convince everybody that he wasn’t really Spider-Man (thanks to the magic of the Marvel retcon). Naturally, this happens around the release of the third Spider-Man film.[/URL]

Overall, pretty interesting ideas...some pretty out there...but the first one about Mary Jane I completely, and TOTALLY disagree with.

Come on. From one Spider-Man fan to another...would Peter Parker publically reveal himself without consulting Mary Jane and Aunt May first? I THINK NOT!! If Pete did come to the decision to unmask himself that's the first thing he'd do is discuss it with MJ and Aunt May, tell them the concerns and things they could be facing, etc.

I highly doubt that he wouldn't tell her that. Especially what has happened recently, with him almost dying and all. And all the past history they've gone through as a couple...Peter would DEFINITELY tell her.

I like Green Goblin getting pissed. Because that would be true. Osborn would be livid if he found out Pete went public on his own.

As for Flash Thompson or John Jameson as a second Spidey? Meh. Hasn't John Jameson been through enough? He gets made into a superhero by some mysterious spore. He's already the Man-Wolf. I think John Jameson has had his share of character developments. And Flash...well, it'd be neat at first but it's something that I wouldn't want to see lasting.

I'm probably very much in the minority, as usual. I'm really excited to see what happens. If it IS the mask that comes off it's a story possibility that I've been wanting to see for a very long time. How JJJ reacts. How Flash reacts. How the general public reacts to Spider-Man, the menace, the hero, being a regular guy...former photographer and teacher. Has a wife and sweet Aunt, yet goes out and risks his life to save the people. It'll be interesting to see how Joe Public reacts to it all. How Spidey's villains will react, not just Green Goblin. What about the small time villains who didn't know Spidey's identity. How will they feel? Will some of them give up the obsession against Spidey knowing he's just a regular guy like them? Who knows. It's all very interesting to me.

But if it's Mary Jane getting offed. I WILL be in these Spidey forums shouting a big, "I told you so". :o
SpideyInATree said:
Overall, pretty interesting ideas...some pretty out there...but the first one about Mary Jane I completely, and TOTALLY disagree with.

Come on. From one Spider-Man fan to another...would Peter Parker publically reveal himself without consulting Mary Jane and Aunt May first? I THINK NOT!! If Pete did come to the decision to unmask himself that's the first thing he'd do is discuss it with MJ and Aunt May, tell them the concerns and things they could be facing, etc.

I highly doubt that he wouldn't tell her that. Especially what has happened recently, with him almost dying and all. And all the past history they've gone through as a couple...Peter would DEFINITELY tell her.

You now, that's a very good point SIAT. Very likely, Peter probably would tell MJ and Aunt May before hand--and it would make for a nice debate between them. Still, given that he kept the secret about his being Spider-Man from the ones he loved for so many years, and seeing how she kept secrets from him about Gwen's kids (which was REALLY out of character for her) he might have a little reluctance about telling her what he was going to do before hand. Still, props to you. :)

As for Flash Thompson or John Jameson as a second Spidey? Meh. Hasn't John Jameson been through enough? He gets made into a superhero by some mysterious spore. He's already the Man-Wolf. I think John Jameson has had his share of character developments. And Flash...well, it'd be neat at first but it's something that I wouldn't want to see lasting.

Of course not. If such a thing were to happen, it would last until Spidey somehow got his ID back.

I'm probably very much in the minority, as usual. I'm really excited to see what happens. If it IS the mask that comes off it's a story possibility that I've been wanting to see for a very long time. How JJJ reacts. How Flash reacts. How the general public reacts to Spider-Man, the menace, the hero, being a regular guy...former photographer and teacher. Has a wife and sweet Aunt, yet goes out and risks his life to save the people. It'll be interesting to see how Joe Public reacts to it all. How Spidey's villains will react, not just Green Goblin. What about the small time villains who didn't know Spidey's identity. How will they feel? Will some of them give up the obsession against Spidey knowing he's just a regular guy like them? Who knows. It's all very interesting to me.

But if it's Mary Jane getting offed. I WILL be in these Spidey forums shouting a big, "I told you so". :o

Well, the problem with Peter unmasking himself before the entire world is, while it would be great to see all the reactions from the other characters, the problem would be how to fix it. After all, Spider-Man HAS TO HAVE a secret identity in order for the character to work. That's why the few times he HAS BEEN UNMASKED it always lasted for a short time and he ended up maintaining his secret identity in the end. I would not rather see it happen, but if it does, then hopefully somebody at Marvel has a plan...maybe.

As for MJ, I know you hate the marriage but killing her off (which was done before) would be a mistake. Then again, I probably can't convince you of that anyways. :)
stillanerd said:
As for MJ, I know you hate the marriage but killing her off (which was done before) would be a mistake.
But a man can dream, can't he? :(

I know I'm butting in a bit here, but I agree. I hate the character to hell and back, but killing MJ would be a mistake. At least doing so as "motivation" for Peter.
Cullen said:
But a man can dream, can't he? :(

I know I'm butting in a bit here, but I agree. I hate the character to hell and back, but killing MJ would be a mistake. At least doing so as "motivation" for Peter.

You hate MJ? I mean I'm a Gwen man myself but I would say I hate MJ.
LarryLegend said:
You hate MJ? I mean I'm a Gwen man myself but I would say I hate MJ.
Oh God yes. Have for years. There was this little mind game she played with Peter (flirting with Flash as I recall it) that really made me mad. Bear in mind this was far in the way-back when I was a kid. But Childhood Hatred, like Childhood Love, is a hard thing to break.

While the marriage was quite the blow to me, I kept reading the comics after it. Sometimes she would be... okay, but for the most part she seemed (to me at any rate, and at the time) a wanna-be Gwen. More and more the 616MJ reads like the stereotypical Wife/Mother to me, the kind you see in far too many movies and t.v. shows. The Wendy to Peter's Peter Pan, if you will.

(MovieMJ and UltimateMJ are okay by me, incidentally.)

I'm sure someone can point out a flaw in my thinking, and that's fine with me. I'd rather like a prominent character than wish she was stepped on by Godzilla (twice.) But it has been somewhere around twenty years of dislike....
Cullen said:
Oh God yes. Have for years. There was this little mind game she played with Peter (flirting with Flash as I recall it) that really made me mad. Bear in mind this was far in the way-back when I was a kid. But Childhood Hatred, like Childhood Love, is a hard thing to break.

While the marriage was quite the blow to me, I kept reading the comics after it. Sometimes she would be... okay, but for the most part she seemed (to me at any rate, and at the time) a wanna-be Gwen. More and more the 616MJ reads like the stereotypical Wife/Mother to me, the kind you see in far too many movies and t.v. shows. The Wendy to Peter's Peter Pan, if you will.

(MovieMJ and UltimateMJ are okay by me, incidentally.)

I'm sure someone can point out a flaw in my thinking, and that's fine with me. I'd rather like a prominent character than wish she was stepped on by Godzilla (twice.) But it has been somewhere around twenty years of dislike....

I think part of your frustration comes from the fact that after she was married, the writers wrote MJ out of character to be either "Mrs. Spider-Man" or a nagging housewife (sort of like what happened in the case of Superman's marriage to Lois Lane). Even worse was when they made her a successful supermodel/soap actress, and thus removing the idea that Peter was supposed to be a character who had to make ends meet and never seemed to get rich.

Peter and MJ relationship works if they have opposite personalities; he always feels he has to do something, while she just wants to relax and have some fun. That's one of the problems I had with the "Brainy Janey" version of MJ over in Ultimate--it made her and Peter too much alike, so it's no wonder why some fans of that comic like his relationship with Kitty Pryde over her (the only time Bendis seemed to get MJ right was Ultimate Spider-Man #13). Movie MJ, while definately "Gwenish," still has a bit of that happy-go-lucky aspect to her, and I think Sean McKeever's MJ (although saccrine as that comic is) seems to be how Ultimate MJ should've been written.

JMS, to his credit, actually writes a very decent Peter/MJ relationship. However, if other writers need an example a more recent example of how to write a proper MJ, they have to look no further than Spider-Man:Blue...or they can always read some back issues. :)

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