Worst Assassin Of All Time: Failed Attempt On Ahmed Dogan


Your Friend In Time
May 10, 2005
Reaction score

I'm not an expert on being an assassin, but this guy just embarrassed his entire profession.


WARNING: Although not graphic, I found this video incredibly unsettling.

Although I don't live there anymore I'm actually from Bulgaria so it was weird being able to understand all of the various screaming and shouting. I don't keep up with Bulgarian politics whatsoever, so I have no idea what would motivate this assassination attempt, but I'm sure many of you do.

Also, on a bit more lighthearted note. The first thought that ran into my head when I saw this was that the courtroom scene in The Dark Knight suddenly doesn't seem as unrealistic anymore.
That looks staged. Why did he hesitate to shoot? Why was the politician able to swat the gun away? Maybe he got cold feet at the last second.
That looks staged. Why did he hesitate to shoot? Why was the politician able to swat the gun away? Maybe he got cold feet at the last second.

Imagine him at an Assassin's Reunion?

"Remember when you went on stage to assassinate an old man and he kicked your ass and then a mob ascended on you?"

Also, your screen name is "bullets". Yes.
Imagine him at an Assassin's Reunion?

"Remember when you went on stage to assassinate an old man and he kicked your ass and then a mob ascended on you?"

Also, your screen name is "bullets". Yes.

Haha , that's definitely not me. The only way it could be worse for the assassin is if he tripped and dropped the gun by the speaker's feet.
That looks staged. Why did he hesitate to shoot? Why was the politician able to swat the gun away? Maybe he got cold feet at the last second.

Every report I've read so far says the gun misfired, and while that could be just speculation on their part, it appears that way in the video.
Well, kudos to him him for at least looking the part.
Every report I've read so far says the gun misfired, and while that could be just speculation on their part, it appears that way in the video.

That sounds reasonable , but this guy doesn't seem very capable.
Haha , that's definitely not me. The only way it could be worse for the assassin is if he tripped and dropped the gun by the speaker's feet.

Haha. yes.

:drops gun:

Assassin: Hello?

Every report I've read so far says the gun misfired, and while that could be just speculation on their part, it appears that way in the video.

Which is very possible, it just seems so odd.

By the way, I merged our threads, we both posted the same thing.
Which is very possible, it just seems so odd.

Indeed. If it's the case then I think it's safe to say that the award for luckiest bastard on the planet goes to Dogan. Also I suppose The Dark Knight was more ahead of its time than people realized :woot:

By the way, I merged our threads, we both posted the same thing.

I noticed and I appreciate it :up:
That looks staged. Why did he hesitate to shoot? Why was the politician able to swat the gun away? Maybe he got cold feet at the last second.

He didn't hesitate. The gun (a gas-pistol) misfired. It was dumb luck.
I have to say it was pretty funny when everyone started beating down on him, especially the old man with the cane.
Yeah, the old guy in the beige coat who goes in for one last kick at the end is funnier than anything I've seen in a movie for a while.

It's a terrble thing that almost happened. But a laugh's a laugh I suppose...
This guy doesn't even rate as an assassin, there's no plan to hide that it was him or even to escape involved here. I'm assuming he's some sort of political extremist who wanted to do it in the most flamboyant way possible.
This guy doesn't even rate as an assassin, there's no plan to hide that it was him or even to escape involved here. I'm assuming he's some sort of political extremist who wanted to do it in the most flamboyant way possible.
The term "assassin" isn't exclusive to professionals.
This guy doesn't even rate as an assassin, there's no plan to hide that it was him or even to escape involved here. I'm assuming he's some sort of political extremist who wanted to do it in the most flamboyant way possible.

An "assassin" has nothing to do with proper planning or being able to kill someone undetected. Perhaps you've played too much Hitman. Most assassins, like Sirhan Sirhan who killed RFK, are caught as soon as the act occurs. Even those who aren't caught or suspected right away don't remain free for long unless they escape that country's borders.
Yeah, the old guy in the beige coat who goes in for one last kick at the end is funnier than anything I've seen in a movie for a while.

It's a terrble thing that almost happened. But a laugh's a laugh I suppose...
I was gonna post the same thing.
Its weird like, if this had gone off like it was supposed to, it would have been a terrible tragedy to add to others in the world. But as is, dumb luck turned this into something hilarious.
Looks like someone needs to go back to the tutorial level on Hitman...

And did they seriously put a "YOLO" caption in the video???

The most incredible thing about this video, is the reaction. Seriously, what the ****?

That guy's gonna evade prison and live rich from all the compensation money he will be getting for being assaulted like that..
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wow that was a close call
Its tough seeing someone get beat like that though, even if he was an attempted murderer.
And the old guy at the end was hilarious. :D
The epic beatdown he got afterwards was funny.
I figured assassins would use poison or something like that.
Well Ukrainian President Victor Yushchenko got posioned in 2004. He survived. Here is his before and after poisoning pics.

The most incredible thing about this video, is the reaction. Seriously, what the ****?

That guy's gonna evade prison and live rich from all the compensation money he will be getting for being assaulted like that..

This is Bulgaria, not the US. The only compensation he'll be getting is a rope on his soap.
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